With your hands on your hips~

Feb 21, 2008 23:10

Title: Honey, Prime, I shrunk the Kids Officers!
Chapter: 11 - Let's do the Time Dino Warp Again!
Rating: PG 13 - Humor.
Pairings: Prowl x Jazz, Ironhide x Ratchet, Hound x Mirage, Inferno x Red Alert, Sunstreaker x Bluestreak. Implied Grimlock x Swoop.
Summary: When one of Wheeljack's experiments blows up, the consequences take their toll on the Ark's crew.
Notes: Let's do the time warp again! Take a big guess about who is starring in this chapter!

Thanks to nkfloofiepoof for beta reading this for me.

Wheeljack groaned heavily, trying to work through the babble of Grimlock and Slag and trying to filter out the ongoing discussion between the colossal Autobots. Whose idea was it to let them come over when they still had sparklings running around?

The engineer had had a streak of great progress to return the officers back to their adult states, finally figuring out how the Autobots had been turned into sparklings. However, his progress was stalling on the 'return them to adults' front, and Grimlock and company's return from a training session on their island only made things worse.

Grimlock would never openly admit it, but he had a penchant for hanging around Wheeljack whom he considered the closest to a parental figure. At least he wasn't calling him a 'mommy' or 'daddy'... yet.

Trailbreaker was doing his best to keep up with his bodyguard duties in the presence of the Dinobots. Grimlock and Slag were a little too possessive of Wheeljack's attention when they were in his lab. Though, looking at it in a positive light, their presence also kept Sunstreaker far, far away from the engineer.

"Me Slag need drink!" Slag pushed past the Dinobot commander and squeezed Trailbreaker against Wheeljack as he made his way out of the engineer's lab. Under different circumstances, Trailbreaker would berate the other Autobot for his carelessness, but he knew better than to argue with a Dinobot. That didn't make the position he was left in any less mortifying.

"Sorry, Wheeljack." The black mech pushed himself away from the engineer.

"Don't mention it." Wheeljack chuckled and pushed his bodyguard out of the way again when Grimlock decided Slag's idea wasn't a bad one and followed suit.

"You know," Trailbreaker mused. "Maybe you should install some blinkers on their afts."

It took a few moments for the words to sink in before the current occupants of the lab burst out laughing, the image of directional lights flashing on the respective posteriors of each Dinobot displayed clearly in their processors.


Blaster winced visibly when the Dino-brigade came stomping, quite literally, into the recreation room. He nudged Eject to gather the sparklings together, deciding he didn't want any of them anywhere near potential spots where the Dinobots could step on them either willingly or by accident.

Before Eject could even reach Red Alert and Prowl, Grimlock approached and grabbed the baby Datsun by his tiny police lights, bringing him up to level with his face. "Him Prowl got smaller." With the finesse that characterized him, the Dinobot commander turned the sparkling around with a light twist of his massive wrist to look the sparkling over before he brought him back face to face. "Hah! It look you not big and bossy no more!"

Far be it for the baby Datsun to be scared or afraid of the towering mech -- though the same couldn't be said of Red Alert who was hiding behind Blaster now; Prowl instead glared at him with his best, cutest annoyed expression. The sparkling wasn't one bit happy about being forcefully removed from his playground.

"Er, Grimlock, you should put him down." Blaster winced again and covered the audio receptors of Perceptor and Red Alert while Rewind and Eject did the same with Sideswipe and Mirage as precaution. Even the Autobots had grown to fear Prowl's tantrums, even if he had yet to cry out as loud and painfully since their run with the Decepticons.

"Why? Him Prowl is little mech now. Little mechs can't harm big mech like me Grimlock."

Anyone familiar with Prowl's door wing language, namely Jazz, Bluestreak, or Smokescreen, would have warned Grimlock when the sparkling's wings straightened and moved up, forming an almost V shape with the appendages. Jazz learned that, when Prowl's wings raised that way as a sparkling, it was a warning for whoever was upsetting him or threatening him.

Of course, Grimlock had absolutely no mastery in the fine art of 'door wing lingo'. Prowl's frown deepened, deciding he didn't like the tone the Dinobot was using to talk to him and, with his warning disregarded, tossed the colored block he was holding at the time he was picked up.

The modified data pad hit Grimlock's visor and bounced off him unceremoniously, and the recreation room fell into an awkward silence for almost a whole minute before Grimlock's booming voice filled the room with laughter. "Him Prowl may be little, but him has temper!"

"You have no idea," Blaster grunted, praying to Primus the T-Rex would put the sparkling down before Prowl decided to show him just how much of a temper he had.

The Dinobot brought the sparkling close until his little nose was brushing against the T-Rex's mask. "Him got guts now, too."

The baby tactician was getting tired of hanging from his police lights, it was uncomfortable, and it hurt, and he wanted down right now. He slapped the Dinobot's face mask to show his disgust with his current situation, wanting to be put down so he could resume his playing. But all he got from Grimlock was a second round of amused, condescending laugher. Oh, the Dinobot was just asking for it.

Blaster powered his optics down and braced himself and the sparklings in his lap and waited for what he knew as about to come. On cue, the sparkling Prowl began to cry very, very loudly right in Grimlock's face.

All things considered, the Datsun didn't cry nearly as hard as he did with the Decepticons, but the sounds were no less unpleasant, especially to Grimlock who arched his back to put as much distance between his audios and the wailing sparkling. His equilibrium faltered for a moment, and soon enough, the Dinobot landed painfully on his back with Prowl still hanging from his lights.

"That hurt!" the Dinobot growled angrily at the baby Datsun. "Me Grimlock can crush you Prowl with one hand, you know?"

"Woah, woah! Hold it right there, Mechzilla!" Jazz darted into the room and made a run for his stuck-as-sparkling mate, prying him from the other mech's massive hand. "What the slag's goin' on here?" The saboteur looked from Prowl to Grimlock and then back to Prowl.

The baby Datsun's pouty frown seemed to scream 'he started it!', and Jazz couldn't help but melt at how cute Prowl was when he was pouting. "Well?" Jazz glared back at the fallen Dinobot.

"Him Grimlock picked him Prowl up and didn't want to put down," Swoop supplied and moved to help his commander up. "Maybe now him Grimlock will listen next time him Blaster asks to put him Prowl down."

Grimlock grumbled and cursed lowly but accepted Swoop's help to stand back up, allowing a soft growl to rumble in his throat when the Pteranodon rubbed the joints of the 'wings' formed by his chest in T-Rex form. "Him Prowl not as harmless as me Grimlock thought."

"Trust me, Grimlock. If there's someone that's not harmless as a sparklin', that someone's Prowl," Jazz chuckled softly and nuzzled said sparkling's head gently, rubbing his sore police lights and producing that characteristic fluttering of his door wings.

"Is everything alright?" Bluestreak peeked into the room. "I heard Prowl crying, and I thought we were under attack again."

"Nah, everything's cool, Blue." Blaster waved his hand dismissively and chuckled when Sideswipe made a squealing sound and reached out for the gunner. Not one to deny his lover's twin a little attention, Bluestreak grinned and headed for the playpen, picking the red Lamborghini and ticking him under his chin. "Hey there, miss me?"

Jazz watched with fond amusement and couldn't help but chuckle softly. "Ya're gettin' good at this parentin' business, Blue."

"Y-You think?" the gunner felt the plating of his cheeks growing hotter but smiled and continued to tickle Sideswipe who voiced his appreciation of the affections through happy clicks and squirming little body.

"Yep." Jazz nodded and snorted softly when he felt a familiar little hand grabbing his nearest finger to nibble on it. "Ya know, Prowler, you 'n' me are goin' to have to have a talk 'bout this nibblin' habit o' yours."

Prowl merely looked up to Jazz for a moment before he resumed his suckling and nibbling of his favorite saboteur's finger.

trailbreaker, sideswipe, shrunk the officers, prowl, red alert, swoop, jazz, wheeljack, blaster, grimlock, perceptor, bluestreak, cassettes

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