Movie themes do weird things to meeh

Feb 21, 2008 15:21

Title: A look can be deceiving. A touch can be lethal.
Chapter: 01
Rating: PG-13 - Pre-Earth.
Pairings: Eventual Prowl x Jazz. Implied Inferno x Red Alert, more to come later.
Characters: Ratchet, Wheeljack, Optimus Prime, Red Alert, Mirage, Bumblebee, Smokescreen, Jazz & Silverstreak.
Summary: The Special Operations squad of Optimus Prime's elite unit have some of the most interesting jobs. The head of the squad, Jazz, is going to learn the hard way 'Looks can be deceiving' and sometimes even 'the best' could use some help.
Notes: I blame Smokescreen's quote for this bunny and this song too!. It keeps reminding me of James Bond/Spy type things and well... Mirage isn't the only one that can function as spy among the Autobot ranks.

Thanks to okami_myrrhibis for beta reading this for me.

"It is not what you're thinking, stop giggling like an idiot." Ratchet grumbled and shot a nasty glare to his trainee, First Aid, while Wheeljack was doing a presentation regarding some of the newest 'toys' for their agents.

The medical staff was always required to attend the presentations of the design and engineering team to both ensure the equipment complied with all the health and security protocols and to instruct their agents in the appropriate use. Autobots only used lethal force as a last resort, and their agents required training to ensure the weaponry and equipment they used wouldn't permanently damage a target unless necessary.

"Sorry! It just looks... Well you know."

"No, First Aid. I do not know. Now, shut up and let Wheeljack continue." Ratchet had very little patience for his young trainees, especialy First Aid. He thanked the fates Swoop was far more mature, or a lot less perverted.

Wheeljack cleared his exhaust and continued with his presentation, explaining the way the equipment worked, what it did, and how to use it.

"Who is going to take on this mission?" Mirage asked while he reviewed his notes.

Red Alert, currently doubling as their military strategist in co-joint effort with Smokescreen, moved to the podium and motioned for Wheeljack to sit back. "There will be three simultaneous operations to three strategical points in the Decepticon hold within Tarn." The security director waited for Optimus Prime to nod before continuing.

"We're targeting the facilities located here, and here." Red Alert marked the targets in the map before he looked at Mirage. "Mirage, you'll infiltrate the drone plant and recover all available information about the resources they're using and the schematics for the latest batch of drones. Jazz," the security director turned his attention to the visored mech sitting next to Mirage. "Your target is this small base, the laboratories inside are developing stronger long-range weaponry; infiltrate and do what you do best."

"Sabotage." Jazz allowed himself a smug grin. "Any important information ya want me to keep in mind or should I get creative 'bout this?"

"These are the structural weak points. We want to ensure the laboratories and archives are taken down causing as few casualties as possible." Smokescreen zoomed the blueprints of the target and marked the key points where the saboteur would have to act. "You'll have to go through the barracks to approach the labs. Proceed with caution."

"Ya know me, Smokie. Caution's my second name." The expert saboteur's grin grew wider.

If Smokescreen could roll his optics, he would have done so right then. "Meet with Wheeljack once we're done with this meeting to receive the appropriate explosives and additional information."

"Last but not least. There are reports about Decepticon recruiters lingering around the outskirts of Iacon. Bumblebee, mingle with the crowds and identify these recruiters, and report back to us immediately. Ironhide's unit will remain in stand by for your report." Red Alert gave a last glance to the Special Operations team. "Any questions?"

The three top agents of Special Ops shook their heads, each one reviewing their notes and whispering to each other.

"This concludes today's meeting. Please report to Wheeljack and Ratchet for additional instructions. You'll depart in six cycles. Good luck." Red Alert sighed and stepped down from the podium, the extra work load was beginning to take its toll on him despite Smokescreen's help.

"Poor Red Alert, the stress is going to get him soon." Bumblebee couldn't help but sympathize with the Security Director.

"The 'Cons hit a nerve when they nailed Interceptor." Jazz heaved a sigh; their former military tactician had been brutally assassinated by Shockwave's forces in Tarn twenty orns ago, forcing their diversionary strategist and security director to take on the responsibilities of their deceased comrade.

"Smokescreen said Elita One agreed to send their own tactician over since he was deemed more necessary here, but there's no saying when is he going to arrive." Mirage was more than a little eager for the new tactician to arrive. Although he shared his quarters with Jazz, he was the one whose recharge berth was next to the wall of Red Alert's and Inferno's quarters, and the stress of the past few orns had merited 'special' attention from Inferno in order to keep his mate going. Mirage had no idea until that point about how vocal a stressed Red Alert could be during interfacing, and he hadn't been eager to find out either.

"Okay, guys. Time ta pay a lil' visit t' Wheeljack's lab an' get some recharge; we've got a busy schedule ahead of us." Jazz patted his friends' shoulders and walked up to Wheeljack and Ratchet for further instructions as the following orn promised to be taxing.


Decepticons were too predictable. At least that was what Jazz thought. He just couldn't believe they would fall for the same strategy he had used several times in the past. Allow himself to be captured, break free, blow the place up and return to the Autobot base. Piece of energon cake.

The saboteur smiled to himself when the moment he had waited for came -- the change of guard for the brig. He looked the new guard over, holding back a whistle of appreciation. It wasn't often Decepticons would appoint good looking mechs to guard the cells. It sure made it easier to flirt his way out of the cells. "Hey, there. I don't think I've seen ya 'round here before."

The new guard raised an optic ridge and looked over his shoulder at the captive Autobot. "We're not allowed to speak with the prisoners."

At that, Jazz couldn't help but smile inwardly; the guard was as young as the saboteur himself and seemed to be fairly new to the raging conflict. The saboteur figured the Decepticons would appoint their newest recruits to what they considered unimportant duties. A foolish move for sure.

"Oh c'mon, I'm an ill, disarmed mech, what danger could lil' me pose for a big mech like you?" Jazz pointed to the small pad in the wall next to the energy barrier that kept him confined. "Ya can see right there just how harmless I am. Humor a dyin' mech with a little chat?"

The guard raised an optic ridge and turned to look at the slightly smaller mech across the barrier. "Looks can be deceiving."

Ah, this one was smart. Jazz enjoyed the challenge and gave his sweetest smile to the young guard. The maroon mech was probably half a vorn older than himself -- the Saboteur was among the youngest members of the Autobot force, thrown into the conflict at a very young age like his friends Mirage, Bumblebee, Bluestreak and the Twins.

"I assure ya this energy barrier will do a good job at keepin' me away from your weak spots." Jazz smiled a little but quickly backed off and began to cough loudly, gripping his mid section with a very pained expression. The young guard watched him impassively, but decided to give a look at the data pad containing information about the prisoner, apparently an Autobot sympathizer. The quick scan performed by the resident medic revealed an advanced level of energon poisoning, rendering the prisoner to a very weakened state.

The coughing growing louder, accompanied by the sounds of a fluid dripping to the floor forced the guard to look away from the pad and to the ill mech. Foul scented Energon was dripping from the black fingers of the visored mech, which had been covering his mouth just a few moments before. The wheezing sound of air cycling through the vents and intakes of the Autobot sympathizer signaled the end of the outburst. Little did he know it was all a perfectly staged distraction to lower his defenses.

With a heavy sigh the young maroon mech powered down the barrier and stepped into the containment cell quickly, reactivating the barrier once more. Jazz wiped the corners of his mouth tiredly and stumbled against the wall where he slid to a sitting position, optics locked on the inexpressive face of the guard.

"Pitiful." Despite the intended insult the tone was neutral. The guard knelt by the sick visored mech and subspaced a small cube of energon and offered it to the black and white. Jazz's hand was unsteady as he reached to accept the cube but his jailer decided he was too weak to hold the cube on his own and put it to the saboteur's lips.

Jazz couldn't help but be a little surprised, it wasn't often Decepticons or their sympathizers had shown this much kindness or thoughtfulness for an Autobot. Jazz sipped the offered energon carefully. While the energon poisoning readings were nothing but a trick aided by one of Wheeljack's inventions, the half processed energon he had to throw up did leave a horrible aftertaste; the sweet taste of regular energon was certainly appreciated.

After a few sips the guard moved away and subspaced the remnants of the cube, looking down to the ill mech.

"That was kind of ya." Jazz's voice was still a little strained; the stunt, as effective as it was, always left his vocal processor strained.

The maroon guard shrugged but said nothing, watching the prisoner with red optics that showed no emotion, no loathing, no distaste, no anger. Jazz had to admit they were almost frighteningly calm, and oddly soothing. "Name's Meister," the saboteur supplied his 'code name' to attempt to strike a conversation and lower the other mech's defenses. "What's yours?"

"Silverstreak." The reply was quick and held no hesitation, unlike other jailers Jazz had dealt with in the past. It was then that the saboteur took a better look at the guard, taking notice of the single slender silver stripe that ran along the middle of his chest plate which made the purple Decepticon insignia stand out. His face plates and helmet were oddly familiar; he reminded him a bit too much of Smokescreen and his little brother, Bluestreak. He guessed the guard hailed from Praxus as well.

The saboteur began to speak, talking about different random subjects, ocassionally stopping to cough here and there to keep up his act. Silverstreak merely humored him by listening to him and sometimes supplying a comment or two. Jazz kept his chatter away from the subject of war or factions to distract his jailer's thoughts. When he thought he had prolonged the act long enough, Jazz began to cough violently again. It surprised him to see Silverstreak actually approaching him once more with that sweet cube of fresh energon, and gladly accepted it before he punched the Decepticon's middle and pinned him down to place a disrupter on his chest, forcing him offline.

"Sorry, 'Streak. It was nice chattin' with ya, but I've got stuff to do." The saboteur took the key of the cell concealed on Silverstreak’s arm and powered down the barrier before giving a last glance to the apparently unconscious guard. "You were right. A look can be deceivin', but a touch can be lethal." With a little smile the saboteur ran away to proceed with his mission.

Once the saboteur was far enough, Silverstreak chuckled and removed the disrupter from his chest, sitting up and looking on the direction the Autobot had left. "Deceiving indeed, Jazz."


If you don't know who Silverstreak really is, I must have made a really bad job describing him. More to come! *goes back to multitasking between more Prime, I shrunk the officers and vericus' pikshur*

bumblebee, ratchet, prowl, deceiving and lethal, red alert, inferno, fan fiction, jazz, mirage, wheeljack

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