A belated Valentine's Kittypr0n

Feb 16, 2008 18:32

Title: Flowers, Energon, Catnip and Rock 'n' Roll.
Rating: NC-17 Plug n Play
Pairings: Steeljaw x Ravage. Implied Rumble x Rewind, Eject x Frenzy.
Characters: Steeljaw, Ravage, mention of Soundwave, Rumble, Frenzy, Blaster, Rewind and Eject.
Summary: Steeljaw drags ravage into celebrating Valentine's Day.
Notes: A very belated Valentine's Day fic-bit for a certain someone that is always saying the Cassettes need more love, and who I am to say no? I'm not exactly good at writing plug n play, so my apologies for the lame pr0nz.

Thanks to nkfloofiepooffor beta reading this for me.

Valentine's Day, or Single Awareness Day, as some humans called this date, was one of the best examples Ravage could think of illogical, nonsensical human behavior.

They cherished love and exalted it so much, yet they saw fit to celebrate it just once a year? Rumble insisted the festivity obeyed a more commercial purpose while Frenzy insisted the day was but a excuse to revel in that feeling.

Whatever it was, Ravage had been dragged into it by Steeljaw. It wasn't a surprise to him, really; the rival cassette was heavily influenced by whatever influenced Blaster, and he wouldn't put it past the Autobots' Communications Officer to fall right into the tentacles of the hydra called Valentine's Day. He fell for St. Patrick's after all.

So, there he was, sitting in their usual meeting spot behind a large rock formation in the hills that marked the middle of the road between the Ark and the Nemesis. The place had been witness to several encounters, heated battles of wills between the feline cassettes that evolved almost without notice into more pleasant and cherished encounters.

The Decepticon cassette still wasn't sure why it happened, but he wasn't going to fight it. Whatever desires or affection brought them together was set aside during the call of duty. Ravage held back at nothing to do what was expected of him, and Steeljaw had no qualms to hurt his lover in battle in order to meet the expectations of his own faction. But when the fire of battle extinguished, when the war faded into the background, and their injuries had been mended, the lovers would meet in this spot to nurse each other's hurt pride and reaffirm their relationship.

So, Ravage waited patiently for the arrival of his lover -- he knew it was harder for Steeljaw to sneak out of the Autobot base. Among the Decepticons, Ravage had only one to answer to, and Soundwave was well aware of his liaisons. There was nothing he or his siblings could hide from their creator -- what their creator-creation bond wouldn't reveal, Soundwave's special talents could discover easily.

Soundwave had shown no distaste or dislike about it, and really, knowing Frenzy and Rumble were involved in the same way he was, he supposed Soundwave was beyond getting angry by now. Ravage dared to theorize their liaisons were even encouraged, but he would never flat out ask that. Whatever the case, as long as their escapades were cleared with their creator, the Cassetticons were free to wander wherever they wanted for as long as they wanted.

Steeljaw, however, had a few more obstacles to clear. Ravage suspected Blaster knew very well what Rewind, Eject, and Steeljaw did when they wandered away from the Ark and either allowed it or encouraged it, but other Autobots would either find it suspicious or would be concerned about their safety with such continuous trips.

Engrossed in his thoughts, the black cassette almost missed the rustling sounds that signaled the approach of the golden lion. With a soft hiss, he reprimanded Steeljaw for being late, but the golden cassette just purred back at him, holding something carefully in between the powerful jaws he derived his name from.

The scent was fresh and strong and almost intoxicating. Ravage could recognize the bittersweet fragrance of the energon goodies contained in the box Steeljaw held in his mouth. The very kind that could send Ravage into a blissful sense of overcharge.

Steeljaw sat next to Ravage and deposited the box on the ground in the small space in between their bodies and pushed it towards Ravage unceremoniously with a golden paw. The Decepticon cassette snorted softly in amusement. Now Steeljaw was bringing him the Cybertronian equivalent of chocolates? Next time he'd bring him flowers and mushy love songs.

But Ravage had already identified the flavor of the goodies and knew they were his favorites. A luxury even before the war, he had the barest recollection of how good the treats tasted in his mouth. He would be a fool if he rejected such offering. The Decepticon cassette wondered how Steeljaw found out about his preferences and deducted either Rumble or Frenzy 'spilled the beans' during one of their encounters with Rewind and Eject. Knowing the twins as well as he did, he was almost certain it had been Frenzy.

Steeljaw watched his companion with no little amusement. Something about Ravage staring longingly to the goodies in the box made him want to burst in good natured laughter had he been capable of it.

The Autobot cassette pushed the box a little closer to Ravage with his nose, inviting him to indulge himself. Needing no further encouragement the black cassette ripped the thin layer that covered the box and maneuvered to capture one of the squared goodies with his mouth, savoring the taste with a visible shudder-- it had been so long since the last time he had anything like this. The balance of the bittersweet taste was a work of art, and Ravage couldn't help but wonder which Autobot concocted the treat and what his reaction would be if he was to find out the treats were for a Decepticon.

Steeljaw merely watched the black cassette take a second treat, then a third and a fourth before he stopped and deigned himself to look up to his lover. The Autobot cassette could tell by the glow of Ravage's optics that he was a little overcharged by now. Like catnip for Earth kitties.

Ravage pushed the box of goodies aside with a paw, removing the obstacle between him and the golden cassette, and pressed his nose against Steeljaw's, purring at him. With a soft growl rumbling in his throat, Steeljaw nuzzled Ravage's head, an act of bonding not so different from those performed by the native feline species.

For a while, nuzzling and touching their noses was all they did until Ravage grew tired of dancing around the subject and turned around, his backside facing Steeljaw. The Autobot cassette knew very well what Ravage wanted and waited for the black feline to lay down. When he heard the familiar click of the Decepticon's interface panel's cover sliding away, the golden cassette moved to position himself atop of Ravage. His own port was conveniently on his chest, while Ravage's was on his back, allowing them to connect perfectly in that position.

Ravage let out a soft growl of annoyance, and Steeljaw couldn't help but purr and nudge his nose against his lover's neck. Ravage wasn't the most patient when it came to interfacing, and his patience seemed to reduce even more if he was overcharged.

After the second, louder growl from Ravage, Steeljaw decided to stop fooling around and leveled his port with Ravage's, pressing down to plug into the Decepticon cassette and begin the exchange of pulses and information between them.

Intoxicated as he was, Ravage's pulses were unsteady but powerful, and his reactions to Steeljaw's received even louder sounds of approval than usual. Their exchanges were usually slow and exploring building up towards their overload slowly, but this time, Ravage's intoxicated systems were almost desperate, and the black cassette urged his mate to speed up and send stronger pulses and packets of data, his own feedback hitting the Autobot cassette firmly and prompting stronger feedback from Steeljaw.

It didn't take long for both to reach their overload with a loud howl from Steeljaw announcing his climax to the wilderness that surrounded them.

Steeljaw removed his plug from Ravage's jack and flopped next to him tiredly, purring to the rival cassette. Ravage mused for a moment that perhaps adopting Valentine's day wasn't a bad idea, especially if it promised exchanges like these... as long as Steeljaw didn't bring him flowers and Rock & Roll.

crack, steeljaw, nc-17, ravage, cassettes, fan fiction

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