Bunnies! The bunnies!

Feb 12, 2008 23:38

Title: Honey, Prime, I shrunk the Kids Officers!
Chapter: 10 - Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me Save Me!
Rating: PG-13 Humor.
Pairings: Prowl x Jazz, Ironhide x Ratchet, Hound x Mirage, Inferno x Red Alert, Sunstreaker x Bluestreak. Implied Thundercracker x Skywarp.
Summary: When one of Wheeljack's experiments blows up, the consequences take their toll on the Ark's crew.
Notes: The Autobots finally make it to the scene and they're not entirely sure they get what's going on at the Nemesis. And this, by the way is not the end yet!

Not beta'ed, so feel free to correct me!

"I still vote we send them back to the Autobots!" Skywarp was growing tired of his current position in Thundercracker's arms, not because he didn't like being in his arms, but the position was beginning to stiffen his joints, and he was sore enough as it was.

"Why haven't they run out of energy yet?!" Starscream cried, crossing his arms over his head to block the tires of the little racing car that had left marks of his presence all over the seeker's frame.

"They have been here for a little over an Earth hour. They aren't going to get tired or depleted of energon reserves any time soon," Thundercracker replied in a rather matter-of-fact way.

Before Starscream could retort, a loud explosion echoed through the Nemesis. "We've got company!"

"About slagging time!" Skywarp groaned and nudged Thundercracker to change his position a little while. "I can't believe I'm even saying this."

"You and me both." The blue seeker heaved a sigh and intelligently stepped aside, using Megatron's throne as a shield for what he knew was incoming.

Barely a few seconds later, the doors of the command center were forcibly opened and what appeared to be the entire Autobot army on Earth flooded the room.

"Hand over the sparklings, Megatron." Optimus Prime aimed his rifle as precaution before he took notice of the actual situation. "What in the Matrix...?"

Perceptor was the first sparkling to realize the Autobots were there and was quick to reach out for anyone who could pick him up from his current perch atop Megatron's helmet. Hound couldn't hold it back either and covered his mouth to stifle his laughter, watching little Mirage apparently keeping the Starscream under control.

Sunstreaker wasted no time to push past Prime, scanning the room before he dove to retrieve his sparkling twin from Soundwave's arms, the gun mounted in his arm pressed hard against the head of the communications officer while he clutched the tiny body of his brother against his stronger frame. Only Sideswipe's soft clicks and little black hands patting his chest for his attention kept the enraged Lamborghini from blowing off Soundwave's head.

Sideswipe clicked softly once more, trying to contain the rage of his twin which the sparkling could feel in his own spark. Realizing their unique bond was sending all his anger and murderous rage to the sparkling's own spark, the golden Lamborghini took a deep breath and pulled away from Soundwave, focusing on trying to comfort and reassure his twin through their bond. "S'ok, 'Sides. We'll be back home in no time."

"Where is Prowl?" Jazz asked in a dangerously calm and cool voice. He had no problem indulging himself with some Decepticon beating if any of them had harmed his baby Datsun.

"Sparkling: under main console." Nobody could see it, but Soundwave was glad Sideswipe seemed grateful for his attentions.

Jazz wasted no time and rushed to the main console of the Nemesis, trying to figure out how Prowl could be underneath. "Prowl? Are ya in there, baby?"

After a few seconds and some sounds of rustling, a little head almost literally popped from under the console. Jazz couldn't help but grin affectionately and reached to help the sparkling out from his hiding place. "What were ya doin' down there, Prowler?" He wasn't expecting an answer, but he couldn't help but ask.

When Hound called Mirage over, the baby Ligier rushed to him, clicking and bouncing on his tires happily. Starscream took that chance to lunge for the nearest sparkling, Prowl, and aimed his null-ray to the sparkling's head. "Drop your weapons, Autobots!"

"Don't you dare!" The Autobot saboteur raised his own rifle, aiming squarely for the Airspace commander's head. "Set him down. Now."

"I said: drop your weapons. I won't ask again!" The Seeker pressed the barrel of his weapon harder against the sparkling's head to make his point clear.

Thundercracker knew what was coming and barely had the chance to close his connection to their com-link before Prowl decided he wasn't going to stand the bullying from the Decepticon and began to cry exceptionally loudly.

Jazz turned off his own audio receptors and dove forward when Starscream released the sparkling to clutch his own audios, catching the baby Datsun before he hit the ground, and he rolled to Starscream's feet, knocking him over. The other Autobots weren't immune to the sparkling's cries but seemed to be affected to a lesser degree than the Decepticons who were holding their heads and contorting in pain.

Assuming the sparkling was done with his wailing, the Porsche onlined his receptors once more and stood up, setting a foot on the glass of Starscream's cockpit and his photon rifle aimed to his head. "Touch him again, an' I promise ya deactivation will look like a pleasant prospect compared t'what I'll do t'ya."

Starscream could barely register the words through the static of the com-link. When Jazz bent closer to his face while he delivered his threat, Starscream could merely nod before a little white hand slapped his nose. The dumbfounded Seeker just shot a surprised but indignant glare to the baby Datsun who was giving him his best annoyed glare. If he wasn't in horrible pain at the time, Starscream would have made a snarky comment about Prowl's cuteness.

Starscream-induced crisis averted, the saboteur chuckled softly and pulled away from the fallen Decepticon, nuzzling his baby Datsun gently. "When I said ya could make Megatron beg for mercy with those cries o' yours, I didn't mean it seriously, Prowler."

The sparkling tactician tilted his head in confusion but fluttered his little door wings contently, happy to be in the familiar arms he associated with affection, love and, well-being. "I think the sparklin's gave the 'Cons a run for their money, as humans would say."

"It would appear that way." Inferno wasn't sure what to make out of Ravage almost literally crawling to him to deliver the very happy Red Alert sparkling. "Uh, thanks, I guess." The fire engine picked up Red Alert carefully and watched the black cassette trot a few steps towards Megatron's seat and go limp right there, energy spent.

"Someone just take -him- away from me. Now." Megatron's voice sounded tired and grumpy. He was in pain, he was tired, and Perceptor was back to nibbling on him with those annoying kissing sounds all over his head. "Just take your infernal sparklings away. Go away, and let's pretend this never happened."

Under different circumstances, he would first fry the baby Cybertronians in a cauldron filled to the brim with bubbling hot oil before just handing them back to the Autobots. Right now, the cauldron of bubbling hot oil sounded more appealing than standing the Autobot sparklings another minute.

Optimus Prime managed to hold back a chuckle and reached to remove Perceptor from Megatron's head and turned to his troops carefully, knowing better than to lower his guard in Decepticon territory. "We've got all the sparklings, and it seems Megatron and his forces have other priorities to attend to. Autobots, let's go back home."

Megatron watched the Autobots retreat and rubbed the bridge of his nose. The mother, father, and grandmother of headaches were currently dancing the Macarena in his main processors. "Where the slag is Hook?!"

Thundercracker heaved and sigh and set Skywarp down carefully. [,] He made his way to Megatron and helped him up, leading the Decepticon leader to the medical bay of the Nemesis. "Thundercracker to Hook, do you copy?"

"Hook here. I told Soundwave I'd be there in two more cycles."

"Can it, Hook. We have a severe medical emergency in here. Unless you want to tell Megatron why he has to wait four more Earth hours to receive medical attention?" Thundercracker snorted humorlessly at the litany that followed. What was it with medics and their grumpy behavior?


The Autobots weren't completely certain what to make of the whole ordeal that had just transpired with the Decepticons. They weren't even sure whether to feel enraged for what had happened or feel sorry for the Decepticons.

"Wheeljack, is there any progress about the situation of the sparklings?" Prime asked while the engineer worked on Mirage to force his transformation back to robot mode.

"I have a few clues, but I don't think I can turn them back to normal, yet." Wheeljack scratched his head for a moment before he manipulated Mirage's transformation cog, prompting the transformation of the racing car back into the blue and white sparkling. "At least, I think we won't have to worry about the Decepticons for a while."

All the Autobots present laughed softly, just happy to have their sparklings back and safe.

hound, skywarp, optimus prime, prowl, red alert, jazz, mirage, megatron, soundwave, sideswipe, sunstreaker, shrunk the officers, thundercracker, inferno, perceptor, starscream

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