And now we get to the part where I mess with the Rodion police

Jul 03, 2012 18:08

Title: Blood Relations of Heaven and Earth - Aria (03/??)
Verse: G1 with a mix of I/DW very AU
Rating: PG 13
Words: 1479
Warnings: Sparklings, AU up the wazoo. Eventual Slash. Sparkeaters, Vampiric mechs, Ghouls and anything supernatural you can think of applied to robutts.
Summary: We don't choose the family we are born into, our parents or siblings, but we can choose our own destiny.
Notes:I'm getting ambitious and I'm going to be doing this fic alongside with everything else!

Not beta read yet.

Another night accursed with an acid storm. Another night that saw Smokescreen standing by the window of Prowl's nursery, the windows were locked firmly to avoid any accidents with the growing sparkling and its equally growing inquisitive nature.

Smokescreen looked over his shoulder at his recharging son, replaying the words spoken by his bonded earlier on the cycle. Prowl had manifested, without much room for doubt, the unique traits of the clan. They would only increase as Prowl developed and he knew eventually Prowl would need to be told about what made their family so particular, and why he was called 'little hunter'.

Smokescreen approached Prowl's crib and fixed the blankets over his son's shoulders and took a seat on a sofa close to the crib where Prowl still recharged. He felt the need to stay close to his son that night, guarding him although he knew his home was protected by the sacred rites and no unusual being would be able to reach his family as long as they remained within their property. The protocols of a sire, though, could never be satisfied with anything less than his protective presence. Prowl recharged peacefully, unaffected by the vision he witnessed that cycle.

Smokescreen took a moment to relax against the plush seat and thought about his family and the burden they carried on behalf of all the mechs of Cybertron. A burden passed down from his own sire to him as the original reason of his creation.

Long time ago, their clan was large and prospered, most members of the clan became hunters, trained from youth and their skills honed to protect their kin from the accursed. The clan became so large it was split into two branches, the main branch consisted of those who chose to become hunters and those who produced new powered members of the clan, as their special abilities were passed down from sire to creation or from carriers with exceptionally strong clan codes to become the dominant traits of the new spark.

Sires bonded into the clan and their unpowered creations, along with those who chose not to become hunters became the minor branch of the clan. While the main branch was well versed on politics, trade and many different arts and skills to contribute to the family's wealth, most of them spent most of their time attending to their duty as hunters. Therefore, the minor branch took over maintaining the family's wealth and states and their own forms reflected the different functions.

Those in the main branch were of stronger but agile build for the most part, with occasional leader class types who'd tower over their siblings and cousins. The secondary branch would have thinner and weaker mechs, more streamlined or better suited for the different jobs to keep their home productive, except for mechs bonded into the family with larger frames, and their builds were rarely inherited by their offspring.

For vorns, there was little change to this order of things, but eventually, the youngest members of the clan began to renounce their duty as hunters, soon leaving the family, changing their associations and eventually degraded the family's codes until their descendants all but lost their powers and links to their clan completely.

In a matter of vorns the main branch had all but extinguished, the weaker members of their family, the secondary branch, took up the mantle but they weren't nearly as effective hunters as the lost codes of the main branch. Hunters of the secondary branch became fewer and lived short lives, and by then the mixture of fear and expectation from the common mech began to endanger their opportunities to preserve what little was left of the code.

Few mechs wished to bond into the family, and even fewer desired to carry or sire children to be thrust into a shorter life span, loneliness and struggle of the hunters' lives. The amount of hunters reduced from dozens at the dawn of their own legend to one hunter per generation during the last three generations. Smokescreen thought about the hunter before him, his own sire, Springarm.

Springarm and Wheelarch were the first spark twins created in their clan in several generations, lauded as a gift from Primus and expected by their kin to carry the mantle of their clan. Springarm chose to become a hunter, but Wheelarch felt he was not suited to become one, choosing instead to aid his brother in other ways.

Wheelarch learned the arts of sorcery and spark forge, crafting tools and weapons for Springarm in hopes this would help to extend his brother's life. Springarm became a well known and exceptional hunter, as respected as he was feared and thus a very lonely mech. While Wheelarch found a companion and lover of his own, Springarm's reputation kept potential mates at bay.

With Wheelarch's mate unable to create new sparks, his brother knew once again that the fate of their clan's code, however weak, rested on his proverbial shoulders. Medics warned the process was dangerous, and could shorten his lifespan even more --to create a spark using only his own and forcing a split of a small portion, which, properly nurtured, would develop into a spark with identity of its own. Springarm understood the risks but his devotion to continuing their line of code was strong enough to be worth a shorter life span.

Springarm knew he would not be able to carry the spark he'd also sire, as his duties of hunter placed him in continuously dangerous situations and strain, which would damage the unborn. He considered to seek out a femme or mech in need, promise currency and good cares and a home in exchange to carry the spark and nurture it until it was time to place it on its own frame with no obligations towards him or the new spark after it had been attached and enough currency to get a kickstart to improve life.

Wheelarch refused to accept anyone carrying his nephew's spark. After all the sacrifices his brother had gone through for their clan, he refused to allow any outsiders to carry the spark with no investment on the unborn's wellbeing. Wheelarch insisted he would carry for his twin's one child and had no idea how his decision would change forever the fate of the new spark.

After the tiny ball of light was all but pushed away from its sire, the little being latched to Wheelarch's spark, being nurtured by the powerful corona of that bright spark. The twin brothers had no idea on each of them resided the two halves of the pure hunter code of their ancestors, hidden away in the depths of code long combined with foreign codes.

The little spark hungrily absorbed everything it could from its sire and surrogate carrier's codes, rejecting foreign influences and evolving solely on the fully praxian hunter codes. When the time came for the spark to power a frame, Wheelarch and Springarm were regaled the sight of a sparkling type that had not been seen in many generations, for their little crying bundle of parts had all the characteristics and body frame of the original hunters of their clan. Unintentionally, they had resurrected the pure hunter code within the child Springarm had given up most of his life for.

Smokescreen remembered his upbringing, Wheelarch and Springarm made no attempts to hide away his creation had been one of necessity and they were both honest with him since he was old enough to understand the implications of his birth. Nonetheless, they endeavored to fill his youth of love and affection, raised by Springarm, Wheelarch and his mate, understanding that although born out of necessity he was also loved and cherished.
He developed in the same home where he now resided with his own mate and child, trained from young age the use of his skills and powers, along with the education to care and expand their family's wealth. Springarm was a loving and kind mentor and teacher, whereas Wheelarch was strict and demanding but both protective and caring of him at all times.

Wheelarch sparkforged a weapon which soon became legend itself. A whip which Springarm favored as his personal weapon, forged out of the plates of a feared spark eater using his and his brother's sparks along with that of Dai Atlas to create a holy weapon. Any accursed beings touched by the whip would instantly sustain heavy damage, melting plating, slicing through the intangible.

It was the same wepon Smokescreen was trained to use and inherited from his sire when Springarm's spark grew too weak to continue the path of hunters. The loss of Springarm hit the remaining family heavily, Wheelarch became much more sober and cynical and left the family's home to live almost a hermit life with his bonded. Smokescreen feared for the closeness he once had with his surrogate carrier and uncle, but even in his own harsh way and self imposed seclusion, Wheelarch remained loyal to the family's duty and to Smokescreen.

Before he left, he performed his last act of spark forge, binding Smokescreen's spark to Springarm's whip, making him the legitimate master of the sacred weapon. "See me again, when the blue and red turns black and white." Wheelarch said to him before his departure, although Smokescreen never understood what his surrogate carrier meant. Until now.

Smokescreen looked at his son again and studied his son with great consideration. Prowl was so similar to his father, a pure praxian hunter frame, enhanced not diminished, with Chromia's own traits. Where Smokescreen had been blue and red like his sire, Prowl was black and white...had his uncle predicted Prowl's creation? He wasn't sure but was certain of one thing and that was Prowl would take some wobbly steps outside of the protection of his home to meet his ancestor.

wheelarch, smokescreen, blood relations, prowl, prowlxjazz, springarm, au, chromia

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