Title: Toccata (In Black and White) - Tower of Dolls (03/31)
Day: 03
Prompt: "Toys for tots"
Verse: Erm...I'm not really sure. G1 I suppose? XD
Rating: PG-13
Words: 1312
Other Characters: Humans abound in this. No, seriously.
Warnings: Humans. Lots and lots of humans.
Summary: Two boys save for weeks to share their good fortune with those less fortunate than them.
Notes: For the Delightful December challenge @
prowlxjazz. Happy holidays to all in the pxj community! This piece is not beta read so feel free to correct me. I was trying something a bit different with this one, I think
purajo will get what's going on right off the bat xD; one of the names is written in spanish for a reason. ;)
Two children slept peacefully on their bed, snuggled against each other under their warm covers. Winter was striking in full force and it was hard for anyone to go outside with this weather and both had been deeply disappointed when their father would not allow them to go out with him to make a donation to the Toys for Tots collect due to the weather. Their father promised he’d deliver their donation in their name and both had hugged him before he departed to make the donation for them.
Shawn and Sheridan had waited for a few hours to see their father would return and confirm he’d given the toys they saved up for weeks be delivered to the charity, as the two young boys had been taught since they could remember of the importance of helping those in their time of need. The twin bothers were well aware they both would not have all they now possessed and the comforts they had if not for the kindness of a lonely couple that desired children they could not have. Orphaned at a few months of age, the twin brothers that were to be separated if parents could not be found were given a home and love by Patrick and Jazmín Richter a young couple that took on the challenge of raising both twins.
Their father had not returned before their mother ushered them to bed, and not even their big pouts had convinced her to let them wait a little longer. They wanted to make sure the toys had been delivered, after all they had saved for weeks to share their good fortune with other children that did not live comfortably like they did. Jazmín and Patrick taught them about the Toys for Tot’s charity that had begun as an humanitarian effort by the USA marine corps to bring some joy to the children whose parents could not afford to give them presents during the holidays.
Every year in the early weeks of December, Patrick and Jazmín would take Shawn and Sheridan to a toy store and picked a few toys that were to be given to the Toys for Tots local collect. Since Patrick was friends with the local coordinator of the event in their community, they usually took the toys to the designated headquarters to help out in any way they could. This year had been different in that both Shawn and Sheridan decided they wanted to donate a toy bought with their own money and they spent weeks saving part of their allowance to purchase the toys.
Patrick had to work late that day, so it had been Jazmín who took them to buy the toys, and when Patrick returned it was him who would take the boys to make the donation, had it not been because the weather had been particularly unsafe for the twin boys.
While his adoptive sons slept, Patrick was standing in line, waiting for his turn to donate the toys his children bought along with a few he’d added to their contribution. He looked around, glad that his children were not out in the unforgiving cold and thankful his wife had stubbornly insisted in wrapping a scarf around his neck. He saw a young girl holding something wrapped up in bubble wrap in her arms while wearing a saddened expression, looking down at the package in her arms and the bin where the toys were to be deposited. There was a longing in her whole posture and Patrick couldn’t help but wonder what she was doing standing around like that in such cold and snowy night.
Being the practical man he was, he quenched his curiosity as he left his place and came to the girl, offering a small smile. “Are you well? You seem...preoccupied.”
The girl looked at him and the bag in his hand full of new toys to donate. “I want to help.” She said softly, almost timidly. “But I have no more money to spare...and they won’t take what I can give because these are not new.” She unwrapped the package, revealing die cast toys that were no doubt ungodly cold to the touch. They were certainly not new, looking like they had been well loved even if cared for.
Patrick looked down to the two used toys, noticing the white paint of the two relatively large car toys had dulled and yellowed out over the years.
“They were my dad’s.” She explained as she looked down at the toys with sadness.
Patrick looked around to see if there was a toy store still open nearby and smiled when he found one was still open. “Come, then.” He said and gently tugged the girl’s arm. She followed him with a soft gasp. “Pick something you want to give.”
“I can’t do this.” She shook her head. “I mean, I really want to donate but...it wouldn’t be from me.”
Patrick looked down at the toys she still cradled and held his hand out for them. “Let’s trade then. I’ll take these in exchange for the new ones. It’ll still be your contribution that way.” At her hesitant look he explained further. “My children lived in an orphanage before my wife and I could adopt them...I am sure they’ll give these the love they deserve.”
The girl looked down at the two black and white toys and nodded, smiling at Patrick as she set the toys down in his hands. “Thank you.” She bowed her head in thanks, heading down the aisle to pick toys she could donate.
When Patrick returned it was a little past midnight, Jazmín was snuggled on the couch with a warm blanket wrapped around her while she watched old Christmas films on tv. When she heard the arrival of her husband she stood up, keeping the blanket around herself and taking a warm mug of cocoa to him. “Took your time.”
“I’m sorry, the line was quite long, the weather slowed everything.” Patrick dusted some snow off his coat and hung it up, accepting the mug with a smile and a peck to his wife’s lips. “It was an interesting experience, though...I seem to have acquired a couple more orphans in need of someone to love them like their previous owner did.”
“Oh? An’ who could they be?” Jazmín smiled as her husband pulled a couple of toys wrapped in bubble wrap out of his coat’s pocket. “Oh, I know these.” Jazmín grinned and took one of the cold die cast toys in her hands, quickly shifting parts of it until the racing car became a robot, showing it to her husband with a triumphant grin.
Patrick shook his head and carefully began to try to shift the police car like his wife did, though he couldn’t transform the toy as quickly as Jazmín did, he succeeded in revealing the other black and white robot as he explained how he came to acquire the pair. “Think Shawn and Sheridan will like them?”
Jazmín smiled and picked the toys, brushing a finger along the red crest of one that had lost a little of the metallic paint. “I think they’ll love them.” She traced her nail along the silver painted visor of the other toy.
Later that night, Patrick and Jazmín set the two toys on their children’s nightstand. Jazmín fixed the covers around the twin boys and then grinned as she reached to move the toys closer until the right door of the police car touched the right door of the racing car.
Watching the boys sleep for a moment, the woman left the room to head to her own where her husband waited for her. The two old toys faced in the direction of the sleeping boys as if they were keeping guard on their new owners while snow fell down, pooling against their windowsill.