Challenge Day 22 (I apologize to your flists before hand)

Sep 22, 2010 06:45

Title: It's More than a Feeling - Me and You. And You and Me. (22/30)
Day: Sept 22
Prompt: "When two become one."
Verse: Bayverse very very AU
Rating: PG
Words: 1062
Other Characters: OC Trax, OC Volt.
Warnings: Sparklings! AU up the wazoo.
Summary: Trax felt fortunate to be allowed to witness these moments.
Notes: For the Sexy September challenge @ prowlxjazz. Happy Anniversary to all in the pxj community, here's to many more to come. This piece is not beta read so feel free to correct me. Someone promised me pain if I didn't include a Sparkless ficlet into the challenge be my interpretation of the prompt.

Lord Trax smiled at Volt as the old servant led him through the Crystal Gardens where he would meet with his grandchild and his family. A few deca-cycles had passed since his last visit to them, when Prowl’s and Jazz’s first child was born and introduced to the citizens of Praxus.

He was eager to see the sparkling again and see how much the infant had developed already. “It’s alright, Volt. I can find my way from here on, I know you have plenty of work to attend to.”

“As you wish, Lord Trax.” Volt smiled and bowed before he left the mech to find his way through the gardens.

Trax watched the old servant go for a moment then turned around to find Jazz, Prowl and their infant. He didn’t take long to find them, though, the sound of Jazz’s voice could be heard clearly through the gardens as he spoke, a string of loud and excited chirps and warbles followed Jazz’s words. Trax couldn’t help the smile that spread over his lip components, feeling his eagerness to see his great grandchild growing by the klik.

Soon he spotted Jazz sitting on a large thermal blanket under the shade of a pergola with a bundle of red, gray and silver parts tweetering happily next to him, leaning against Jazz’s lap. Trax looked around but he couldn’t see Prowl anywhere, wondering where the other mech could be.

“Hey little Blue.” Jazz grinned down to his child, wiggling his claws around the sparkling’s head watching the infant follow the digits around with his optics and his head, the floppy panels on his back twitched and wiggled a little, but they were still too big and the joints were not strong enough to hold them up or move them around like his sire’s. Bluestreak chirped and reached with his little claws, trying to catch Jazz’s fingers as he leaned over his daddy’s lap, trying to gain some terrain to reach them.

“Careful, baby.” Jazz smiled down at held the sparkling with his free arm to make sure the sparkling wouldn’t fall on his face. Bluestreak just wiggled and chirped, blissfully uncaring of anything that wasn’t those wiggly fingers he wanted to chew on. “Ahh, ya just want t’eat me up, huh? Jus’ like ya father.”

Trax stopped some distance away, watching them interact. Not long ago he would have thought he’d never experience this ever again, being denied the chance to see Jazz grow up and offer him a happy sparklinghood like Beat and now Bluestreak were enjoying. He was quite thankful for the opportunity Prowl and Jazz gave him to be part of their family and of Bluestreak’s life.

“That cannot be helped, I’m afraid.” Prowl’s voice came from behind a large cluster of dark purple crystals, holding a toy in his hands that Trax assumed belonged to the sparkling. “You’re too good not to want to eat you up, Jazz.” Prowl smiled playfully.

It was a sight that Trax admittedly would have never imagined him capable of going by what he’d seen of the mech in their first meetings. It was this relaxed and content expression that allowed him to appreciate just how much Jazz had changed Prowl’s life and at the same time allowed him to realize what a perfect combination of his progenitors Bluestreak was. His facial plating was pale like Prowl’s but he could see Jazz’s features more prominently on the infant’s face. There were parts of Jazz’s frame interspersed between parts of Prowl’s design, the little flat panels that hung off the sparkling’s back were unlike Prowl’s -for he had seen what they looked like in his family portrait-- and rather resembled some of the paneling on Jazz’s back, as if the panels had grown duplicates and peeled off to have life of their own.

Bluestreak was like the mix of both mechs into one little body, the two merged sparks that became one entity had given form and substance to a being that truly fused their own beings. Bluestreak was still too young for his true personality to fully shine, but he could already tell the child might take after Jazz’s more easy going and stubborn personality.

Prowl sat next to Jazz, immediately earning Bluestreak’s full attention, his hands reaching for his father, fingers flexing in demand to be picked up. Prowl picked his son gently, mindful of his wing panels as he brought the infant to his chest, humoring the sparkling with an impromptu exchange of chirps and tweets as if they were having a conversation. Part of Trax asked him to come forward and join the happy family, another asked him to wait and observe.

He decided to listen to that other part and remained where he was, watching the Lord of Praxus interacting with his child. His choice was rewarded with the chance to see Prowl hand the toy to his baby and then lower Bluestreak down to the thermal blanket on his front. The mech’s hands carefully maneuvered Bluestreak’s floppy panels aside, spreading them out and then strong hands began to apply gentle pressure along the plates of his upper back, massaging around the joints where the panels joined with the infant’s back.

Bluestreak cooed and let out a soft sound not unlike a soft purr at the sensation, squeezing his toy in glee. Jazz watched his mate as Prowl continued to massage the sparkling’s back, watching carefully and learning the appropriate way to tend to the sparkling’s wing panels. “Think his will ever be as big as yours?”

“Probably not as big as mine, but they’ll definitely be very noticeable.” Prowl laughed softly when Bluestreak squealed happily and gnawed on his soft toy happily as Prowl began to move the panels around delicately to strengthen the joints. “You like that, don’t you?” Bluestreak squealed and cooed happily in response.

Trax sighed softly, feeling fortunate he was being treated to a view of the private life of the young family, and even more so for being allowed to be a part of it.

“Gonna join us anytime soon, or ya gonna stay there watchin’ us?” Jazz grinned over his shoulder to Trax, and the old mech chuckled, taking the invitation for what it was and made his way to the pair and their son to begin to take part on the infant’s upbringing.

pxj challenges: september 10, 2007verse, sparkless, prowlxjazz, au, oc, bluestreak

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