Challenge Day 19

Sep 19, 2010 05:45

Title: It's More than a Feeling - Leaving my Heart on the Dance Floor. (19/30)
Day: Sept 19
Prompt: "Fishnets"
Verse: G1 AU
Rating: PG-13
Words: 1840
Other Characters: Femme!Blaster, random male mechs.
Warnings: Genderbending. Crack and moar crack. Possible earworms.
Summary: Tonight I'm not takin' no calls, 'cause I'll be dancin'.
Notes: For the Sexy September challenge @ prowlxjazz. Happy Anniversary to all in the pxj community, here's to many more to come. This piece is not beta read so feel free to correct me. Uhhh...getting creative with this prompt is always difficult, lol. This is the follow up to the "What I am to you?" prompt. It's cracktastic.

Jazz watched the pair from her self proclaimed perch against the bar. It seemed the longer that femme and her companion talked the more irritated one or the other was becoming. She wondered exactly what kind of relationship they had, were they just acquaintances? Old friends? Perhaps involved in another way? Jazz certainly hoped not because she really wanted to invite her to the dance floor.

Jazz wasn’t sure why she felt so particularly interested on that femme. Sure, she was quite beautiful but she wasn’t necessarily more attractive than other femmes Jazz ever met, and she never felt so immediately taken with either of them, therefor it had to be something else and Jazz wanted to find out what.

Unfortunately for her, one of the regular customers arrived, the quiet one that seemed to be undecided between trying to pursue her or Blaster. As he usually did he headed to sit next to her, ordering his usual drink and greeting her. Jazz returned the greeting without much excitement on her part, feeling somewhat irritated with his presence now, probably because he would try to claim a dance with her and at that moment all Jazz really wanted was to sequester that femme from the clutches of her current company and take her to the dance floor.

“I don’t understand why are you being so unreasonable!” The mech sitting across the table with Prowl continued with his protests, it had been a few breems of that already and Prowl’s amusement was subsiding and the annoyance and irritation were beginning to take precedence.

“I am not being unreasonable. I have stated the reasons why I cannot acquire that file for you. You’ll have to go through the usual protocols to request it.” Prowl reached for her drink, draining the remnants of it. She considered a second drink, which was unusual for her even when it was something this soft. “And don’t even try to sweet talk me. I am not going to help you this time and it is final.”


“No buts.” Prowl stood up and decided to give in and get that second drink before convincing her companion to settle the matters and head back home for the night. On her way there she realized the femme that had been looking at her was currently preoccupied with a mech talking to her. Prowl placed her order and waited, side glancing to the visored femme. It was then she noticed something unusual about her appearance, her legs sported a design she had never seen before, a cross hatching of sorts running over her nicely shaped thighs, like a net of sorts.

Prowl watched the femme talking with her companion for a few moments as she waited and once her drink was served she couldn’t help but look back at those nicely shaped thighs and that captivating design on her legs. Her observation didn’t go unnoticed, however, as Jazz did catch a glimpse of that other femme looking back at her, though wasn’t sure what part of her she was looking at. Her visitor was particularly insistent today about taking to the dance floor, but Jazz just had no mood for the mech or any other patron of the bar. All she wanted was to reach out for that beautiful winged femme.

Prowl for her part found herself growing increasingly distracted and less and less interested in humoring her companion, who didn’t seem capable of changing tracks figuratively because was still trying unsuccessfully to convince her to obtain the file for him. As the time dragged on and the breems became a joor or two, both femmes were losing their patience with the mechs trying to gain their favor albeit in different ways.

Finally, Jazz had enough when more mechs approached her, asking for a dance despite her current companion’s glares. Her friend Blaster was already in full swing, working the DJ station and playing some music that had a few femmes and mechs dancing. Usually the floor remained a little cleared, waiting for her to take to it and ‘show them how it’s done’.

Jazz decided if she was going to dance, it would be in her terms, and who knew, maybe it would help her to get the attention of that pretty femme. She stood up and sauntered to the DJ cabin. “Hey Blaster, care t’hook me with a tune?”

“You got it, Jazz. What you want?” The tall femme asked while she leaned a hip against the console.

Jazz smiled deviously. “Got finished that song we’ve been workin’ on fer a few deca-cycles?”

“The track is ready, we haven’t run tests singing to it, though.”

“No time like th’present.” Jazz smiled and almost skipped her way out of the DJ cabin, heading for the dance floor, swaying her hips to the beat of the melody currently playing. She tapped a compartment on the side of her helm, revealing a small microphone that was already calibrated for the establishment’s sound system.

Several mechs and femmes tried to approach her to dance with her, but she held her hands out, wagging the index fingers and shaking her head. Disappointed the mechs and femmes gave her some room as the song ended and a new one they hadn’t heard before began to play.

“Hello, Hello baby you called, I can’t hear a thing.” Jazz began to sing, taking a few slow, purposeful steps to that mech by the bar. “I have got no service in the club, you see, see.”

The attention that was suddenly focused entirely on the dancing floor and Jazz’s performance was not lost to prowl, who had stopped paying attention to her companion to see what was going on. When that femme took to the floor and began to sing Prowl held a hand up to silence the mech across her on the table.

“Wha-Wha-What did you say? Oh, you're breaking up on me.” Jazz smiled rather seductively at the mech, flipping a finger against his chest before she turned around and headed straight to the table Prowl was sitting on. “Sorry, I cannot hear you. I’m kinda busy.”

Jazz leaned over the table, looking straight into Prowl’s optics. “K-Kinda busy. K-kinda busy.” She smiled at Prowl and straightened, holding her hand out for the other femme. “Sorry, I cannot hear you. I’m kinda busy.”

“What the-“ The mech sitting with Prowl looked at Jazz as if she was the most offending sight he’d ever come across.

Prowl, though, took the proffered hand and followed the other femme to the dancing floor, looking over her shoulder and smirking at her companion who gaped at the unexpectedly bold action. Prowl was usually a quiet and sober femme that wasn’t particularly showy or prone to this kind of actions, but that didn’t mean she didn’t have a more devious side when she wanted to.

As Jazz led Prowl to the dance floor, she saw her undecided wanna-be suitor try to stand and reclaim Jazz for the dance but she held her hand up, gesturing the mech to sit back. “Just a second, it's my favorite song they're gonna play.” Jazz began to sway slowly at first, holding Prowl’s hand and leading her in the dance to help her catch up with the rhythm. Then, she smiled mischievously at the mech that had returned to his stool. “And I cannot text you with a drink in my hand, eh?”

Prowl smiled, utterly amused by the situation but proving to be up to the circumstances as she swayed alongside this visored femme, looking back at her companion every now and then, her amusement growing at his gaping expression.

“You should've made some plans with me, you knew that I was free.” Jazz took the dance a step forward, the steps becoming bolder and more sensuous as she smirked at the mech watching her with an equally gaping expression. Jazz wrapped her arms around the other femme, pulling her flush against her. Prowl found herself surprisingly willing to follow along, his own devious smile addressed at her companion. Jazz couldn’t help but feel very satisfied by the befuddled expressions of the two mechs that had kept them company. “And now you won't stop calling me; I'm kinda busy.”

Their moves grew bolder, aggressive at some points and Jazz was delighted to find this femme was not a bad dancer, able to follow her despite not knowing the routine Jazz was pretty much improvising. “Stop callin', stop callin', I don't wanna think anymore! I left my head and my heart on the dance floor.”

They moved together, spining and side stepping, their hips swiveling to the beat as they danced with each other, making emphasis precisely in that fact in particular -they were dancing with each other and they were preoccupied with their dancing now that the two mechs keeping them company had been almost completely forgotten.

By the time Jazz’s song had drawn to an end Prowl was exilariated, an unusual feeling for her, as she rarely felt this way over something like a dance, much less dancing so boldly in public. They didn’t part right away when the melody ended, though, Jazz’s arms were still wrapped around her waist, just as Prowl’s were around her own. “S’a shame I got t’work in a breem. I’d love t’take ya home an’ give ya an encore.” She murmured playfully.

“Do you give personal performances to every femme you meet?” Prowl smiled with amusement.

“Not really, yer a first.”

“Well, aren’t I honored.” Prowl chuckled and gently pushed away. “Truth be told, though, I can’t say I’d mind. And that’s a first for me, too.”

“Don’t think I’ll see a lovely faceplate like yours again around here any time soon, will I?” Jazz reluctantly let go of her. The two mechs long forgotten, each one nursing a drink of their own and stewing over the fact they had been effectively ignored in favor of sweeter things.

Prowl smiled a little. “Not my kind of joint, I’m afraid.”

“Quite a shame, but I understand.” Jazz sighed softly. “Ya seem like a well groomed femme, after all.”

Prowl raised an optic brow and tilted her head, tapping a finger under Jazz’s chin. “Perhaps we can meet at another time. I’m Prowl.”

“Jazz. An’ that would be wonderful.”

Prowl pulled further apart, beginning to walk away, for all the fun they had, it was time for her to head back home. “Perhaps we will meet again.”

“Yeah, maybe.” Jazz waved at the femme, feeling unusually disappointed. “See ya around”

Prowl nodded and walked away, not bothering to stop by her companion who didn’t even bother to get up to follow her, mourning for his lack of success in obtained his project’s files the fast and easy way.

Jazz watched her go, suddenly not feeling up to perform that night. As Prowl’s form stepped through the threshold of the bar’s doors, Jazz murmured to herself. “I left my head and my heart on the dance floor...”

pxj challenges: september 10, crack, prowlxjazz, au, genderbending

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