Challenge day 11 Yes, I'm late. >: My power company needs to stop sabotaging me

Sep 11, 2010 04:35

Title: It's More than a Feeling - Who dares to love Forever? (11/30)
Day: Sept 11
Prompt: "Loving someone deeply gives you strength; being loved deeply by someone gives you courage"
Verse: Bayverse
Rating: PG 13
Words: 1048
Other Characters: Unnamed mech.
Warnings: A bit of angst on this one.
Summary: Who waits forever, anyway?
Notes: For the Sexy September challenge @ prowlxjazz. Happy Anniversary to all in the pxj community, here's to many more to come. This piece is not beta-read so feel free to correct me. Belated again, my electric power has been gone for long periods of time lately so I could not properly submit this until now. Be prepared by a 'spam' by yours truly while I catch up.

The stars used to hold a different meaning for him in the past. In fact, what stars meant to him changed through different periods of his life. When he was brought online through the All Spark, stars were for him just what the scientific definition was, distant suns far away from their dark home of Cybertron, powering or inhibiting the existence of life in what planets orbited around it.

He had been wished upon by one mech that refused to spend an eternity alone without someone that could be a companion. At first, the mech had wished for a partner, a mate to share its incredibly long life with, but the Allspark granted no mate, giving him someone to mentor, a descendant, a son. And from this mech Prowl learned everything he needed to know about life, about their species, about the mysteries of the universe. As a newly sparked his curiosity had been matched only by the warmth that his spark felt whenever he was in proximity to the mech that was responsible for his existence. The Allspark might have created him but he would not have come to be without the wish of that mech. That was how Prowl first knew what it was to love.

He was timid at first when he asked this feeling to be explained to him, unsure of what boundaries he was not supposed to cross in his juvenile curiosity. The first time the mech hugged his relatively small protoform to a hulking, heavily armored frame. The pulse of a spark behind all that armor that resonated in a perfect synchrony with his own was the first time he felt what being loved was like.

“What is my name?” He’d asked once, realizing that too much time had gone by for his tastes and he was only ever spoken to as ‘my son’.

“Your name, child, is for you to find on your own.”

“How will I find my own name?”

“Your spark will tell you when the right name comes about.”

“That doesn’t make much sense.” A frown, almost too cute on that gray face of his.

“Life doesn’t always make sense, my child.”

He didn’t find his name until some time ago, when the big mech sent him off to the world. But he did not want to leave, that world outside was just too big, too scary for him to face alone. He who had never been alone.

“Be strong and be courageous, for you are loved now and will be loved then.”

“I don’t want to go...I need you.”

“No, Prowl...I cannot keep you here from the world. There’s much still you have to see, much you have to learn that I cannot teach you. Lessons about life that only life itself can administer.”

“Come with me. Please.”

“No, my child. This is a step you must take by yourself, I cannot follow and you cannot stay any longer if you’re to grow and mature.”

Two pleading optics looked up into four with fear written all over. “I don’t want to be alone.”

“You won’t be alone.” The embrace of the hulking mech was the last time he felt that love enveloping his spark before he murmured a goodbye, and a promise to return someday. The mech that instilled his birth knew it was not to be.

Then, stars changed into something else. They became fascinating objects that he’d gaze to at night, sitting next to another newer soul that was also looking for its place in this big, scary world. Somehow they found each other, and they were never alone again. They were not without love any more, lending each other company, strength and courage to face each day as it came.

But the world changed, their lives changed, and their home was in tatters. They were both afraid but neither voiced their fear, instead leaned on one another to get themselves through each day, through each battle and then through the last few hours they would spend together.

“I don’t want t’go.” A silver frame pressed close to a black and white, a spark far too young despite being older than many planets in the universe, resonated in perfect synchrony with the one hidden behind the red chest plates.

“Be strong,” lips whispered against a silver fin adorning a helm. “And be courageous.” The words were so soft yet in the silence of the dark room they were almost deafening. “For you are loved now...”

“An’ will be loved then...” Jazz finished, resting his forehead against his partner’s.

“I’ll find you again.” Prowl promised.

“What if...?” Jazz couldn’t bring himself to finish that line of thought.

“I’ll find you.” Prowl repeated. “If not here...”

Jazz nodded, understanding, pressing his chest against Prowl’s, allowing their sparks a moment of closeness before they would be pulled apart for who knew how long.

Then the stars became a new system where maybe their giving life force could be found. A new chance to bring the chaos to order, and perhaps...where he could finally find the spark that loved his own and that his loved in return. Too long had passed since he last felt the harmony in his spark when that other was close, and each time he gazed at the stars, he wondered if the time for his loneliness to be over was finally at hand.

But now, the stars now held no meaning for him, he’d found the one sun he had to travel to, and he knew this was the last sun he’d ever see. He gazed up through a silver visor that was not his to wear, but that he sported to each new battle anyway. He made it his, he wore it as a badge of honor. He stopped fearing battles a long time ago, he never feared death for them it was not an end, just a different beginning. All he feared was to live forever without the love that got him through so much.

“Who wants to live forever, anyway?” He murmured to himself, there was no one to hear him, though, all had run to the decisive battle already. He unfolded his swords and shoulder mounted cannons leaping up after his comrades. “Not I.”

pxj challenges: september 10, 2007verse, prowlxjazz

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