Starting the week with some Art

Jun 07, 2010 01:13

Title: The Art of Deception. (08/??)
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: A bit of violence, minor implications of sex, drugs, self flagelation. Eventual slash.
Characters: Prowl, Jazz.
Setting: G1 AU. Borrows shamelessly from IDW and DW elements as necessary.
Summary: He had been unwanted but he willed himself to survive and old tricks are hard to leave behind.
Notes: This is an AU bunny that I had been keeping under the bunny pile, I don't think it'll be nearly as long as Paint Streaks and Sparkless, but you know how these bunnies tend to be. Several concepts seen through the duration of this fic are inspired by or belong to snugsbunny and used with permission. Yes, there's a couple of mechs I borrowed from other series' but hey, if WFC can have Slipstream...

Many thanks to mmouse15 for kindly beta reading this for me.

When the shop owner called Prowl over to see the designs he had worked for the mechlet’s paint job, Jazz had no idea what kind of style Prowl was going to go with. Since he had cited he drew inspiration from him Jazz supposed Prowl’s new detailing would look rather similar to his own.

When Prowl stepped out of the booth where he was repainted Jazz couldn’t hold back a whistling sound of admiration. His expectations ended up being nothing like the final product at all. Where Prowl was covered from helm to toe in nothing but white paint, sparing the red metal of his chevron, now Prowl’s frame was comprised of only a small amount of white, enough to bring attention to an otherwise discrete, primarily black and dark grey frame.

The helm and part of his chest and most of his wings were the only parts that remained white, along with a few accents in stark contrast to Jazz’s own scheme where white dominated the black in just the perfect amount to look stylish but also elegant and discrete. It was almost as Prowl’s scheme was the perfect match to his own and he couldn’t help but feel glad for that.

“Lookin’ good.” Jazz grinned at the other mechlet, Prowl dipped his head in thanks and turned to thank the shop owner. After paying for the mech’s services Prowl was ready to head back to the academy’s grounds but Jazz had other ideas.

“The classes of the period won’t start until two cycles. It’ll do ya some good t’get to know the city a little, and I can even let ya download my map of the city to get ‘round.” Jazz offered with a small smile as they left the detail shop.

“You’re being awfully helpful towards someone that is almost a complete stranger to you.” Prowl looked at Jazz with a slightly guarded expression but there was the hint of a smile on his lips.

Jazz shrugged non-plussed. “You’re my school mate now. I’d help ya out on that principle alone. It don’t hurt that I actually like ya.”

Prowl nodded once, offering a little apologetic smile in return. “Of course, I understand. I apologize if my words struck you as rude, you will have to understand we grow to be a little wary of the offers others make to us around in Kaon.”

“Yeah, I getcha. Don’t worry about it.” Jazz smiled and waved the apology off. “C’mon, let’s get some energon shakes, I know jus’ the best place to get some. They’re on me.”

Prowl tilted his head curiously at Jazz’s friendliness but nodded and followed after him. He was usually wary of any kind of offers like this and the friendly attitude of mechs in Kaon due to the underlying intentions that every offer addressed at him ever had. Yet he knew enough about the world outside of Kaon to understand there was true honesty and friendliness in mechs from other parts that weren’t out to get something from him in return, although he was happy that he got that feeling from Jazz.

It didn’t make him any less guarded, however. He didn’t get as far as he was by lowering his defenses around just anyone, especially with that devious processor of his.

“This place makes the best shakes ya gonna find in all o’ Cybertron.” Jazz said happily while he drank some of his own.

“That’s quite a bold statement, don’t you think?” Prowl smiled and sipped his own shake, admitting to himself that it was quite good in fact.

“Bold it might be, but I’ve been to a lotta places an’ let me tell ya, nothin’ I’ve tried so far compares to this.” Jazz waved a hand in a dismissive gesture. “Closest has t’be the shakes m’creator makes, an’ maybe those ya can get in Praxus’ central plaza.”

Prowl’s optics narrowed a little. “You have been to Praxus?”

“Been t’many places, actually. My other creator has taken us t’several places in Cybertron, we’ve even been to Altihex a couple o’ times.” Jazz looked back at Prowl, sucking on the straw-like extension of his shake. “You’re Praxian, right?”

Prowl had to fight back the knee-jerk reaction he always go whenever someone called him a Praxian. “I was created there, but I wasn’t raised in Praxus.”

“Oh? So ya never been t’Praxus before?”

“No.” Prowl looked at Jazz who seemed to be debating between asking Prowl about his past and deciding not to pry. He solved it the best possible way for both, at least for the time being. “It’s not something I like to talk about.”

“I understand.” Jazz nodded and returned to his shake.

Of course Prowl could easily fabricate a background story about himself that was convenient and plausible enough and not entirely deviated from the reality, but he didn’t feel like coming up with one just yet and he really didn’t want to feed Jazz more lies than were necessary. The mechlet was being kind to him and he was definitely content in his presence, there was no need to ruin a good time bringing up things that soured his own mood any time he thought about them.

“So, it’s been fun to travel all around Cybertron?” He asked, trying to change the topic to something lighter and more enjoyable to discuss.

“Oh yeah, it is.”

Prowl and Jazz spent a couple of hours sitting together on the little table of the establishment while Jazz talked animatedly about many things in his life, the travels with his family and the many things he had seen in places Prowl had never dreamed of ever visiting, like Altihex.

Eventually the time to head back to the academy came and both walked back to the institution’s grounds, still deep in amicable conversation. They passed by one of the officers that stopped them for a moment and scanned Prowl for his student ID and nodded in satisfaction.

“Much better. Come to my office tomorrow and I’ll have your profile and ID pictures properly updated.” The officer patted both mechs on the shoulders and continued his way down.

“Well at least ya got t’seal of approval.” Jazz chuckled as the burly officer walked away.

“I believe I had the seal of approval the moment I stepped out of the booth.” Prowl smirked a little at Jazz, the curve of his lips becoming more pronounced when Jazz laughed in good nature about his comment.

“Apparently so.” Jazz tugged Prowl’s arm and they both headed toward the rooming facilities. “So, what classes ya gonna be takin’ first?”

“For my first period in the academy I’ll be taking logistics and statistics, advanced mathematics I, ethics I and historic studies in philosophy.”

“No physical classes this period?”

Prowl pulled his data pad out of subspace and reviewed his schedule again. “I do, in fact.”

“Oh? Whatcha takin’? I’m gonna be in introduction t’metallikato.” Jazz grinned. “With that new teacher, Drift, that I was told is apparently one of the best students of master Yoketron back in Kalis.”

Prowl quirked an optic brow. “Introduction to self defense with, uhm...Lockdown?”

“Ooooh Primus, yer done.” Jazz grinned.

“Would you please elaborate?” Prowl wasn’t feeling particularly comforted by the slightly mischievous nature of that grin.

Jazz shook his helm and patted Prowl’s shoulder. “Lockdown’s known fer breakin’ his students figuratively and literally. If ya can’t survive th’first cycle with him, you ain’t good enough for the rest of the course.” He grinned again. “’Course, if you do survive the first class ya won’t have issue puttin’ up with the rest o’ the course.”

“That’s quite comforting.” Prowl deadpanned and subspaced his pad.

“Count yerself lucky ya didn’t have t’take the course with Ironhide.”

Prowl quirked an optic brow again. “And why would that be more unlucky than having a possible psychopath for teacher?”

Jazz’s grin was downright wicked by this point. “Cliffjumper’s in all his classes.”


Chuckling to themselves the pair headed into the student facilities, discussing the pros and cons of the classes they were due to take.

prowlxjazz, au, art of deception

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