Starting the week with some sparkless

Feb 14, 2010 23:50

Title: Sparkless. (36 Pt1/??)
Rating: R
Warnings: A bit of violence, angst, possible slashy goodness. Implied character death.
Characters: Jazz, Prowl, Volt, Trax.
Setting: Movieverse AU.
Summary: In trying to live up to the name of his sire he gave his all, until he lost his own spark. Those who once loved him now called him "sparkless".
Notes: This is an AU bunny that belongs to snugsbunny, it's all her fault, I just happen to be the one writting it. Several concepts seen through the duration of this fic are hers and used with permission. This is a very AU fic so please take with a grain of salt.

Many thanks to mmouse15 for kindly beta reading this for me. Yes, another chapter split in parts because this is extra long, and with smut coming soon. The wrap was snugsbunny's fault.

Several Deca-cycles went by, the examination had gone well enough but Perceptor would not have his results ready for some time, and still required to examine Prowl and Jazz with relative regularity.

The first thing he could affirm right away, though, was that Lord Prowl’s and Lord Jazz’s sparks were, in fact, bonded. By the time Perceptor began his tests and studies, a normal bond was expected to have developed strongly enough to allow the mates a capacity to share sensation and emotion, and in some cases a weak form communication through their thoughts.

To prevent cheating or false results during this part of the testing, Perceptor had both, Prowl and Jazz locked individually in rooms specially designed to block comm-link frequencies, and where Prowl or Jazz were asked questions about the other. All questions had been answered flawlessly by both mechs, indicating that both Prowl and Jazz were very attuned to their bond and they were capable of sensing each other’s sensations and emotions.

Further examination revealed that Prowl and Jazz did share similar spark harmonics and frequencies, indicating that their sparks were effectively halves of a merged entity.

As far as Jazz was concerned, the studies had been successful and gave him what he wanted, scientific proof that he and Prowl were bonded. They wouldn’t know more about how Prowl’s spark survived the loss of his former mate or the weak form their bond had taken until much later. Whether Prowl’s spark was different -Jazz refused to call it aberrant or abnormal; or was just a conjunction of very unique conditions, they didn’t know, but neither cared much anymore. They were bonded, they were together, and they had a life ahead of them, and their focus was on living it together.


Jazz looked at his reflection with a critical glance, making sure his silver plating was impeccable and spotless. His plates had been meticulously polished, fine waxes and oils had been used, and he had indulged in rinsing with an aromatic cleanser, all with the single purpose of looking as radiant if not more so than he had on his bonding ceremony.

It was the cycle of his and Prowl's first anniversary, and the occasion was met in all spheres with much expectation. It wasn't only because Prowl would be celebrating an anniversary, something he couldn't even do with his first bondmate, but was also the opening of a new wing to the Crystal Gardens -even the Lord Prime was among the guests.

For Jazz it was an important moment, a confirmation that he was really Prowl's bondmate before everyone, even before the most doubtful circles of the elite. His grandfather was among the guests of honor and he longed to see the old mech again after his extended absence taking care of family business. The cycle they bonded had been a wonderful day, with excellent weather in the one time of each meta cycle when acid rain was more common. This cycle had been no exception, even though six cycles prior had had acid rain in varying amounts. To Jazz it meant Primus was smiling at them and approved greatly of their union, giving them a reprieve to enjoy their special day.

By mutual agreement, he and Prowl decided they wouldn't see each other at all that cycle until the party was set to begin and they'd greet their guests together. It had been hard to not see his bondmate at all that cycle; Prowl had slipped from their berth before Jazz woke up, and had kept himself hidden from Jazz. They never spent an entire day apart by choice, and through their bonding their mutual longing reverberated with the strength of their love. Whispers of an intangible caress spelling sweet 'I love yous' between each other helped them to make good on their agreement, both yearning for each other and willing the cycle to go by faster.

A soft knock on the door had Jazz turning his attention away from his scrutiny of his plating, moving gracefully to open as a smile and a soft gasp left his vocalizer, greeted by the sight of his grandfather holding a package in his hands. "Grandpapa!" Jazz wrapped his arms around the mech, uncaring at the moment if the mech's paint scuffed his own due to the force of the hug. "I'm glad ya could make it!"

"You look radiant," Trax smiled gently at his grandson, returning the effusive embrace, though more mindful of his paint job. Jazz's smile widened a little, taking on a slightly shy quality at the older mech's compliment. "Please come in!" He tugged the mech's arm, dragging him to the lounge area of the magnificent rooms he shared with his bondmate.

Trax complied, taking a seat and accepting the small cup of energon Jazz offered him. "All right, but only for a moment. Your bonded asked a favor from me."

"A favor?" Jazz asked curiously, his optics darting immediately towards the package now lying by Trax's side. Trax nodded and set the cup down on the small table, picking the package and handing it to Jazz. "Lord Prowl asked me to pick this for you at a shop on my route to tend to my business and asked me to deliver it."

Jazz accepted the package and undid the wrapping carefully, gasping softly as a long piece of fabric was revealed. His fingertips brushed along the material, feeling an unusual softness for what he knew to be a wrap. A sapphire-blue crystal pin rested atop, interlinking the carved shield of arms of his family with that of the Lord of Praxus. "It's beautiful."

"I only picked it up. You'll have to thank Lord Prowl personally." Trax smiled and stood up, tugging Jazz's hands gently to make the young mech stand. The old mech picked the pin and wrap carefully unfolding the sheer material. "Let me help you with it." Jazz turned around and stood still, allowing his grandfather to envelope him with the diaphanous material, securing the ends with the finely crafted pin.

Jazz stood there for a moment, glancing down at the material hanging a little loosely from his shoulders, but held so firmly in place by the pin. The wrap was as such a pale, translucent white yet the threads shimmered with a reflective quality, making the material seem almost transparent, gathering the light the most on certain folds and threads, sparkling as beautifully as the blue crystal of the pin. Trax smiled fondly, watching his grandson admiring the fine material his bonded had commissioned for him, clearly as marveled with the sight of the material as Trax was of the divine sight of his grandchild.

The old noblemech refrained from commenting how beautiful Jazz was and how much he reminded him of Beat. He knew Jazz would never come to feel affection for the carrier that abandoned him as a sparkling, but the mech couldn't help but see the similarities between them, although they were more in appearance than in personality. Jazz carried himself with elegance not unlike his mother, despite growing up in the orphanage practically all his life, and that only enhanced his attractiveness, drawing attention to him in the same classy way Beat could.

Yet Jazz was everything Beat was not, he was outspoken, determined, and although both were very confident, Jazz's self image and importance derived from his own sense of worth, while Beat drew heavily on the approval of third parties. It had been hard for Jazz at first to adapt to the upper class, torn between trying to fit in hopes he wouldn't embarrass Trax, and his reliance on himself, his independence and strong sense of right and wrong.

It had been through Lord Prowl that Jazz found his place among the nobility, finding someone that did not judge his 'performance' as a member of elite, but teaching him little things that secured his position while enjoying himself and feeling confident about his actions. Their bonding, Trax realized, had been a breaking point for both of them, where they broke away all taboos, uncaring for anyone's opinion but their own. Doing what they felt in their sparks was the right thing to do. Now, in the first anniversary, they confirmed and solidified that their choice was the right one, and that the elite had no power over them, they commanded the elite instead.

There had been voices raised amongst the elite, fervently outspoken noblemechs that frowned upon Jazz bonding to a Lord despite his status of illegitimate, and those that cried in outrage at the aberration of Lord Prowl's indecency, not only refusing to follow his first bondmate to the grave, but taking on another mech to taint with his monstrous spark if he even had one. Many of Praxus' noblemechs had attempted through underhanded methods to see to Lord Prowl's removal of the throne of the lands, yet their prejudices were not enough to sway the fair judgment of the Lord Prime, whom not only approved but blessed the union.

Now, those very same mechs that cried and tried to pull strings over the noble Jazz and the Lord of Praxus, to force them to bend to their will, had all but become subservient, bowing to Jazz with respect hard earned, and a Lord Prowl that had grown into one of the greatest rulers Cybertron would ever see, his current reign eclipsed by far that of the sparkless ruler and the child monarch he had been. Praxus was growing even more glorious than it had been, and the utter love the Lord and his consort exuded when seen together became a force for conversion of those that once thought the Lord to be a monster without spark.

After allowing the scientist Perceptor to study his spark once and for all, many deca-cycles later the studies yielded no explanation for his survival other than an act of Primus himself, for Prowl's and Jazz's sparks were perfectly merged, equal parts of each other intermixed in the separate orbs of their unique spark. No one could ever tell why Prowl had survived, but the only consensus anyone could reach was that Jazz was the mech intended to complete the Lord.

Trax shook his head and pulled himself from his musings. "I'll say it again, you look radiant." he smiled at his grandson, pressing a tender kiss to a silver helm fin, offering the mech his hand. "Your bondmate awaits you. Shall we go?"

Jazz nodded and accepted his grandfather's hand, allowing the older mech to lead him out of his and Prowl's rooms as they traversed the halls towards the entrance of their home, where they would greet their guests and lead them towards the Crystal Gardens and the new wing. Jazz smiled at Volt as the old mech ran back and forth between the staff room and the kitchen, barking orders at the staff as he carried goodies and beverages in elegant trays.

Jazz couldn't help a nervous tremble on his parted lips as he caught the first glance of his bondmate's form, waiting for him. He could almost relate it to the feeling of their bonding ceremony, the moment where he approached the mech who'd become his other half. Jazz could barely feel the moment Trax let go of his hand and he took the remaining steps to his bondmate by inertia, stopping mere inches from the strong form of his beloved Lord.

Prowl's optics widened just the barest amount, his once icy blue optics now glowed brightly, full of life, warmth and love. "I have no words." Prowl breathed softly, his clawed hands taking hold of Jazz's, bringing them to his lips to place soft kisses on each one.

Jazz's smile widened, his optics dimming a bit as he dipped his head a little. He couldn't help that streak of shyness when it came to Prowl, despite his confidence and his knowledge he was a good looking mech, to have Prowl admire or comment on his attractiveness always brought forth an unusual modesty. "You look wonderful, too," Jazz murmured softly, taking in the gleam of Prowl's plating, the white portions as perfect as fine porcelain, and the black so lustrous it reflected the little twinkles of light bouncing from Jazz's body and his wrap. The long dark cloak he wore lined with fine silver enhanced the smooth crimson of his chest plates.

Prowl laughed softly. "Thank you." he stroked his bondmate's cheek before tipping Jazz's head up just enough to angle his face perfectly for a soft kiss. "We should go ahead, our guests await us."

Jazz sighed softly in contentment and nodded his agreement, accepting the hand his bonded offered him; Jazz turned to address a smile at his grandfather before the servants opened the doors and they marched forward. They were met with applause and different expressions of congratulations, something Jazz had mixed feelings about. The elite now cheered them when a meta cycle ago they opposed their union, but was also something he saw as proof of the rightness of their bonding if even their opposition now joined them in their celebration.

The Lord Prime was flanked by his bodyguards, but he moved forward to meet them, congratulating them for their anniversary and wishing them a prosperous and plentiful life together, hoping for this to be just the first of many anniversaries to follow. Prowl and Jazz led their guests towards and through the grand gardens all previously arranged and decorated for the celebration.

They stopped at the new gates that separated the known Gardens from the new wing that had been finished just cycles prior. Prowl let go of his bonded, turning to face their guests, standing proud and commanding like the ruler he was. "This is a night of celebration for several reasons. Today my mate and I celebrate the first anniversary since our sparks became one, and today we also celebrate the opening of a new wing to these gardens." he paused for a moment looking at Jazz with a smile before addressing the gathered mechs again. "Vorns ago, the first ruler of Praxus as the powerful city it is now, my sire, gifted these gardens to the mech he loved more than anything, my carrier. These gardens represent the undying love between them and have become a symbol of Praxus' prosperity and greatness. It has been my honor and duty to preserve their beauty not only for what they represent for Praxus, but as the one child product of that love."

Prowl took Jazz's hands, cupping them between his own as he smiled at him before turning his attention back to their guests. "Not long ago these Crystal Gardens had their first mutation, producing a completely new and unique strain of crystals never seen before in Cybertron." Prowl gestured towards the gates for the new wing, pride showing clearly on his handsome faceplates. "I decided these new clusters deserved their own place, apart from all other crystals so their beauty could be justly admired. These new clusters are completely clear and colorless, devoid of any stains of other shades of colors."

Prowl stepped away towards the access panel, he typed an access code quickly, making sure to hide his hand and the access panel from view with his wings. "Upon laying optics on these crystals for the first time, I was reminded immediately of a very special mech that governs over my spark." Prowl moved aside gesturing the silver mech to approach and rest his hand on the panel to have his palm scanned. "It's my humble honor to gift this wing of the gardens to you, my beloved Jazz, as a small token of my love and gratitude for bestowing upon me the gift of your love."

Jazz couldn't help the gasp escaping his lips as he forced his body to move towards his mate, wrapping his arms around Prowl, uncaring of whether or not such demonstration of affection was appropriate before their guests. He had no words to express just how the revelation made him feel, hiding his face on Prowl's strong chest for a moment as he regained his bearings. He felt Prowl's arms enveloping him and a familiar cheek nuzzle against his helm. "Are you all right?" was whispered against his audio, and Jazz nodded. "I'm jus' overwhelmed right now, it's all," Jazz replied through some static lacing his voice.

Prowl held his mate gently, ignoring the whispers of their guests, the cooing of mechs finding their display tender or cute. He didn't care about anything but his beloved at that moment, and didn't take long before Jazz regained his bearings and murmured a 'thank you' barely loud enough for the guests closer to them to hear it. Jazz pressed a chaste kiss to Prowl's lips then reached to press his hand against the panel, his palm scanned gave room to a beeping sound granting them access and the gates unlocked.

Prowl took his bondmate's hand and guided Jazz into the new wing, their guests following after. For a second time in a few breems Jazz found himself at loss of words as the beautiful new gardens came into full view. The clusters were just as Prowl had described, completely clear without a single trace of the milky white that permeated other clear or semi clear colorless crystals. Under the night the crystals only reflected the barest amount of light coming from nearby buildings and the glow of the special liquid minerals that nourished the crystals, giving them an almost ethereal appearance.

The Lord of Praxus smiled at his bondmate, moving towards the largest cluster residing right in the middle of the new grounds and with a soft tapping on the base of the cluster's pot a set of lights came to life, bringing about what could only be described as a festival of rainbows, as each crystal reflected the lights passing through and producing a spectrum effect, the sparkles of colors glittering in the specially designed setting, earning gasps of awe from the guests.

The Lord of Praxus summoned Volt, the old mech quickly having the servants going around the gardens offering drinks and goodies as a group of performers took to a small stage. "Happy Anniversary, Jazz," Prowl murmured as he tipped his mate's face to his, pressing a chaste yet lingering kiss on his beloved's sweet lips. "Thank you for not giving up on me, my love."

Jazz tilted his head, smiling brightly at his bonded as he wrapped his arms around Prowl's waist, resting his head against the strong chest. "I just couldn't give ya up like that. I love you too much for that." he pressed a kiss to Prowl's chin. "Thank you for acceptin' me, Prowl."

Prowl held Jazz closer as the mechs around began to enjoy themselves, admiring the beautiful new clusters, sampling the exquisite energon wine and sweet treats, others swaying to the beat of the gentle music the performers played. "Dance with me?"

Jazz nodded softly, watching Prowl nod at the leader of the performing group, the lights dimmed just a little, accenting once more the nearly ethereal glow of the clear crystals as Jazz allowed his bondmate to lead him around the grounds of the garden's new wing. They danced the formal piece, the same they had danced to during the party where Jazz was formally presented to the nobility, and the very same they danced to the day of their bonding ceremony.

The soft melody reached a crescendo and they separated, the dance turning just that little more dramatic and powerful before they joined hands once again, twirling and dancing around, completely oblivious and uncaring about the crowd that was no doubt watching them.

They slowed to a stop, Prowl holding Jazz's lithe body against his strong frame, admiring the way the silver plating caught the light, the twinkling of the wrap, and the way the lights framed his beloved's beautiful face. As the melody drew to an end, Prowl brought Jazz's hand to his lips kissing the back of it softly, smiling to himself as he finally registered clapping and cheering from some mechs around them. "I love you."

"And I love you." The silver mech wrapped his arms around his bondmate, pulling his head down gently to kiss him fully on the lips.

2007verse, sparkless, prowlxjazz, au

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