Starting the week with some Sparkless, and we're winding to the end

Feb 07, 2010 23:50

Title: Sparkless. (35/??)
Rating: R
Warnings: A bit of violence, angst, possible slashy goodness. Implied character death.
Characters: Jazz, Prowl.
Setting: Movieverse AU.
Summary: In trying to live up to the name of his sire he gave his all, until he lost his own spark. Those who once loved him now called him "sparkless".
Notes: This is an AU bunny that belongs to snugsbunny, it's all her fault, I just happen to be the one writting it. Several concepts seen through the duration of this fic are hers and used with permission. This is a very AU fic so please take with a grain of salt.

Many thanks to mmouse15 for kindly beta reading this for me. This is a short chapter just bridging towards the end, but stuff here is actually important. Well, kinda.

Bonding to a ruling Lord was something that Jazz felt should have come with a manual. It could be a wonderful thing, but it was also full of other less than pleasing things. No, Jazz did not regret in the least his bonding to Prowl. Only a few deca-cycles had gone by since he and Prowl bonded, but Jazz was certain he wouldn’t trade that bond to his now mate for anything in the world.

That he and Prowl managed to forge a sparkbond was met with skepticism at first, many nobles and even a few scientists doubted it could have happened, not only because many truly believed Prowl did lack a spark or it wasn’t a normal spark at the very least. It was then when Perceptor came forward again, asking to analyze Prowl’s spark one more time, and Jazz encouraged his mate to accept his petition if only to quiet the voices that still refused to believe they were joined at their sparks.

In a few more deca-cycles they’d make the trip to Iacon both in an official capacity and to have Prowl’s spark studied by Perceptor and his team of scientists. And it was there where Jazz found some of the unpleasantness of being bonded to a ruling Lord, especially one from such a high profile city as Praxus. Everyone watched his every move now, judging his actions, approving or disapproving of every little official act he partook in and even every private life thing they managed to catch.

Jazz wasn’t too bothered about being in the spotlight, but he was bothered by the comparisons that now arose between him and Prowl’s former bondmate. Jazz might be a noble and child of one of the most prominent socialites on his family’s shire but he was no Praxian socialite, and for many he was seen as just a foreigner that got lucky.

Jazz was torn between being amused and offended at that particular comparison, more so considering that Lord Prowl’s former bondmate had been a foreigner as well, he just happened to have been living in Praxus long enough to be prominent in the social scene. Jazz had lived between the borders for most of his life and had lived and grown to adulthood in Praxus itself, it was more his home than his shire had been. Still, that left Jazz to be judged primarily by what he did or didn’t do compared to Prowl’s former bondmate.

Jazz didn’t want to be just a decoration on Prowl’s arm, spending his time going to parties and being a pretty accessory to the ‘crown’ of Praxus, he wanted to help his bondmate as much as he could in whatever he could, and while he kept a certain degree of his duties as the head of Prowl’s staff, Jazz also began to take on tasks that involved the well being of the city and not just the running of the Lord’s home.

It was expected he would take on the social aspect of the city’s needs as most consorts did, and Jazz was only too happy to take on such tasks, but he still went through more. He was becoming fundamental in negotiating agreements and exchanges for some minor needs, allowing Prowl to focus his attention in the logistics, negotiation and proceedings of tasks of a higher caliber. All the time spent working for Prowl, his education under Lord Trax and what knowledge his grandfather had shared with him of the family’s business had helped Jazz to do more than others expected of him.

More than Prowl could have asked out of him. Sure, his workload wasn’t nearly as comparable as Prowl’s but in helping his bondmate, Jazz was ensuring Prowl had more free time to spend with him. And it was something Prowl was thankful about, as he still was growing used to no longer devote his life entirely to his work, but to spend part of it with his bondmate.

Prowl took as much interest in Jazz’s work as Jazz did on his. Unlike his first bondmate, who’d make more a show to announce some charity event, or the inauguration or something and the other, usually appearing by himself, Jazz would always show up to any place that required his presence as an official duty with his bondmate.

It was also one of the important changes that were slowly beginning to take place in Prowl’s personality. Prowl had stopped being charitable and so freely giving after the loss of his child and bondmate and his people turned their backs on him. He still wasn’t so giving anymore, and Jazz had to struggle a little to have him approve something he felt his people had not earned. And Prowl was particularly severe in his judgment of what had been earned and what was not.

Still, Jazz was slowly breaking through that so inflexible part of Prowl. He didn’t want his mate to be the same giving mech that would allow others to walk over him, but a little more kindness were likely to not only improve Prowl’s image amongst his people, Jazz felt Prowl needed to allow himself to care for more than just Jazz again. Especially if one cycle he decided to breach the subject of a potential child of their own. He also wanted to warm up Prowl’s spark a little more and balance the mech that had gone from one extreme to the other. He knew it was still too soon to expect Prowl to shed the attitude and behavior he had for the majority of his life, but Jazz wanted to bring back some spark of that beautiful sparkling he loved to see in the family portrait of the dining room.

Through the times they had reinforced their bond after the night they joined their sparks, Jazz was allowed by Prowl to see small glimpses of a much different life, and much different mech. Jazz had experienced just a few nights ago the terrible sadness and despair that had overtaken Prowl when he found the confession of his bondmate’s actions on that last journal entry. It had been painful in so many levels Jazz had almost regretted asking Prowl to share that with him during their love making. Almost, because the experience had been valuable in understanding and sharing the pain of the mech he loved, and because despite his own emotional agony, Jazz had once again cocooned Prowl with his companionship, affection and love that made it a little easier to revive the experience. And yet, there were still those that claimed the bond was all but lies. Jazz wondered if the mechs that spoke had ever experienced what a bond was truly like.

It was so strong and intense, he could feel Prowl’s emotions so strongly and Prowl could feel him, too. Many times when Jazz had been agitated or in a bad mood he had felt a gentle nudging in his spark, a sense of affection and love, and not long after Prowl would be there by his side to ask if he was well.

The same could be said from Jazz. More often than not it was Jazz constantly probing the bond to check on Prowl. It wasn’t that he was trying to intrude or invade Prowl’s privacy, but knowing the state of his bonded allowed Jazz to know when Prowl needed a distraction, or was so absorbed in his work he had not touched his meal yet. The silver mech took the time to drag Prowl out of his office for his meals now so they could share them as long as Jazz wasn’t away from their home tending to his own chores.

They were slowly learning more and more about the bond and it fascinated both of them, confirming that whatever Prowl had with his first mate had been flawed. The reasons were unknown for them and intriguing. Perhaps they could learn more about that through Perceptor, or perhaps it was meant to be one of those mysteries in life that no-one was able to resolve.

“Time to go, Jazz.”

Jazz looked back at his bondmate and smiled as Prowl looked less than thrilled about the visit to Perceptor’s lab.

“Relax, Prowl.” Jazz patted his mate’s arm and took his hand, tugging on it as he led Prowl outside to the official transport that waited for them. “It’s jus’ ta shut ‘im up for good. Look at it this way, after we’re done wit’ the official duties an’ Perceptor’s done with us ya can show me ‘round. I’ve never been ta Iacon.”

“I’m afraid my qualifications as tour guide are quite lacking, but I’ll do my best.” Prowl smiled and allowed Jazz to lead him out, sighing heavily as they sat together inside the transport.

“Ya know, it’s been only a few deca-cycles, but it feels like we’ve been bonded fer longer.”

Prowl nodded at Jazz’s words, idly looking out through the window watching the city pass by. “Our first anniversary will be a milestone. Not only at a personal level.”

Jazz tilted his head curiously. “Oh?”

“My first mate did not live long enough for us to celebrate it.”

Jazz could hear the slight tone of anxiety on Prowl’s words. He sighed and leaned his helm against Prowl’s shoulder, hugging his arm as he nuzzled his bondmate. Jazz knew that Prowl’s former bondmate would continue to haunt their lives for some time, but was determined to not allow it to control them, to help Prowl out of the fears he knew he still harbored. “Well, ya better start thinkin’ what yer gettin’ me for that anniversary, love, ‘cause that’s jus’ gonna be the first of many.”

Prowl smiled at the tone of confidence and reassurance in Jazz’s voice, and the wave of love and reassurance that Jazz sent to his spark; the bond itself and its intensity were sure tell tale marks that things were different. Just that bond alone meant that things would not repeat themselves, Prowl tilted his helm and with a soft clink his helm leaned against Jazz’s. He didn’t care the position wasn’t comfortable, they traveled like that the whole length of the trip to Iacon.

Their first anniversary would indeed mean a lot, not just for them, but for the people in Praxus. It was a goal, a mark that would hopefully rid them of the ghost of Prowl’s former bondmate and open the curtains for an even brighter future together.

2007verse, sparkless, prowlxjazz, au

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