To start the week. I'm sorry I made you wait

Jan 31, 2010 23:49

Title: Sparkless. (34 Part 2/??)
Rating: R
Warnings: A bit of violence, angst, possible slashy goodness. Implied character death. Smut. Plug n Play and sparkseckz.
Characters: Jazz, Prowl.
Setting: Movieverse AU.
Summary: In trying to live up to the name of his sire he gave his all, until he lost his own spark. Those who once loved him now called him "sparkless".
Notes: This is an AU bunny that belongs to snugsbunny, it's all her fault, I just happen to be the one writting it. Several concepts seen through the duration of this fic are hers and used with permission. This is a very AU fic so please take with a grain of salt.

Many thanks to mmouse15 for kindly beta reading this for me. I'm sorry I made you all wait, stuff happened but this chapter is quite long. I hope you enjoy because I'm not very good with plug and play..

The dam broke and Prowl felt all his passion, all his need, his desire, all the feelings he thought himself incapable of anymore rush through him. He straightened enough to pull Jazz's head for a hard, passionate kiss. His glossa invading his love's mouth as his hands began to map Jazz's lithe body, fingers slipping between seams and gaps of armor plates, tugging cables and stroking circuitry and sending jolts of pleasure through the smaller mech straddling his lap.

Jazz's cries of pleasure were muffled by the mouth devouring his own, and had it not been because he had experienced a similar fierce kiss the cycle he confronted Prowl with the knowledge he had of the actions of his first bondmate the drugging kiss would have scared him a little with its passion. Prowl pulled away reluctantly, giving a long parting lap along Jazz's glossa as the kiss broke. Jazz began to whimper at the affections his beloved bestowed over his exquisite body, his own hands moving to caress Prowl's wings, mewling softly as the mech groaned his name, shuddering at the soft touches over the long panels that comprised his wings. Prowl was of the good mind of just removing the filigree covering Jazz's chest and bond his spark to Jazz's right there, but he forced his passion and desire back once more. Jazz deserved nothing but slow and thorough love making from him and by Primus, he was going to make this time memorable.

Without warning, Prowl leaned back on the berth, his head casually pillowed on the folded blanket, smiling at the surprised Jazz now over him, still straddling his lap, though his hands had quickly migrated to his shoulders for support. Prowl smirked at his mate, pressing a soft kiss to Jazz's nose, instructing the mech to sit up. Jazz did as he was told, idly pulling at the front of his silky loin cloth that was trapped between their bodies. "Show me," Prowl asked softly, and Jazz caught on the meaning quickly, lifting the fabric enough to give Prowl a look of his pelvic armor displaying proudly in all its glittering glory the sigil that marked him as a member of Prowl’s family. The same sigil decorated an armband that Prowl’s former bondmate had worn some time after their bonding, but only his sire, his carrier and himself had the marking embossed or etched on their plating. And now Jazz was one of them.

Prowl's smirk dissolved into a small smile, his blue optics darkened at the sight of the bonding sigil on Jazz's metal skin. The placement was not usual but not unheard of and Prowl theorized the selection had been made by the strange twins that had decorated his bondmate’s body -whether there was a practical reason or not, he did not know. White fingers took Jazz's hands guiding them to his chest as he traced his clawed fingertips along Jazz's arms, carefully caressing around the filigree. Jazz stroked Prowl's chest, moaning softly at the deep rumble of Prowl's systems and the husky whisper of his name, warmth spreading over his body, pooling in his spark, making him shift over the other mech's lap, whimpering softly as he brushed against Prowl's plating.

Prowl made a soft sound, and Jazz could feel the slight, near imperceptible bucking against him, an involuntary reaction that was nothing but a tantalising taste of what was to come. Jazz dimmed his optics, hands caressing Prowl's chest, lowering to his abdomen to caress the plates, structures and struts there, beginning to learn the contours of his mate's body. Prowl let Jazz do this, drawing pleasure from the unschooled, exploring touches, feeling sensors growing sharper and more sensitive as the inexperienced hands and fingers caressed him. As Jazz did this Prowl traced his own fingers over one of the armlets formed by filigree, and to Jazz's shock, began to sing the passage spelt by the glyphs.

The silver mech's movements faltered for a moment, surprised to hear his mate sing. It was so low and soft but there was no doubt Prowl was singing. He had expected the mech would rather just spell the words, as far as he knew, it would have the similar effect to detach the filigree. Prowl smiled, raising his voice just enough for the vibration of his song to do its work, the armlet on Jazz's right arm beginning to detach, and slide over Jazz's arm before fully falling off his body.

Jazz idly stroked Prowl's chest, leaning over to press a kiss to Prowl's lips, smiling a little as Prowl returned the soft caress. "I never expected ya t'sing 'em."

Prowl chuckled softly, nipping on Jazz's lower lip. "I reckon that singing is considered more meaningful, and its effect is supposedly more powerful." He dipped his head, feeling a little self conscious. "I apologize for the quality of my singing, however."

"Nonsense," Jazz hushed his mate with another chaste kiss, nuzzling Prowl's cheek with his own. "That was beautiful."

"My voice can hardly compare to yours, though." Prowl picked the discarded piece of filigree, allowing it to fall to the ground next to their berth. "Yours is but an ongoing sonata with each word you speak."

"That's very flatterin', lover," Jazz murmured, he had no false modesty about his singing prowess. "But ya ain't half bad yerself. I actually like it. I like it very much."

Prowl chuckled, bringing Jazz's head down for a soft kiss before he encouraged Jazz to return to his exploration, helping him to sit back up, feeling Jazz's hands stroke his torso delicately. The silver mech smiled at his mate, his hands traveling over the expanse of Prowl's chest, coming to his sides and back up as he let his claws drag lightly over the red plates that comprised Prowl's chest, enjoying the soft 'clink' as his claws dragged along each plate.

Prowl sighed softly, powering down his optics for a moment as he enjoyed the feeling of those hands exploring his body, the younger mech's soft movements against him, hissing softly as he felt one of Jazz's hands delving into the gaps between armor plates, stroking timidly any cables, circuits and components he could touch, with feather light touches, showing his inexperience as he was definitely afraid to damage something in his exploration.

Jazz sighed softly feeling encouraged by Prowl's soft sounds in reaction to his touches. He grew a little more confident, but still cautious as he brushed his fingers more firmly over the components and cables, tweaking and rolling a bundle of wires between two fingers, jumping just a little as Prowl flinched and groaned a little louder. Startled and nervous, Jazz decided to leave his teasing of inner components for the time being, instead moving a little back on Prowl's lap to sit near his knees, his hands traveling down along the strong struts and structures that adorned Prowl's midriff, allowing his fingers to brush between plates, just the softest of caresses as Prowl reached to stroke his other arm, caressing it firmly but gently as he began to sing the words on the remaining armlet.

Jazz brushed Prowl's arm with his hand as the mech removed the filigree, as the silver mech's other hand traced the small gap between Prowl's midriff and pelvic plating, just stroking. A shuddering sigh had Jazz dipping his head shyly, his optics dimming in a mixture of excitement and nervousness, not knowing what to expect of the experience, but fully convinced he would not have this with anyone else.

Prowl himself was having a hard time of his own, feeling his passion and desire for Jazz growing exponentially with each piece of filigree he removed, and each timid touch his mate bestowed upon him. He groaned Jazz's name with absolute adoration, knowing in his spark Jazz was truly the one to complete him and enrich his life. Prowl decided it was time to up the scales now and tugged on Jazz's arm to make the mech sit back on his lap, pulling the smaller mech to lean over him and wrapped his arms around Jazz, pulling him for a leisurely kiss, his hands running up and down along Jazz's back, feeling the filigree and the indentations of the glyphs. Prowl tucked his face against Jazz's neck, using his fingers to read the glyphs, singing softly, deeply against Jazz's neck, his hot breath caressing his beloved as Jazz whimpered softly, clinging to his mate as the filigree began to detach.

With the pieces on Jazz's back detached, Prowl let them fall off the berth as well before sitting up wrapping one arm around Jazz's waist and the other below his love's aft, hefting the smaller mech enough so Jazz's chest was again level with Prowl's face. The Lord of Praxus peppered kisses and long, sensual licks along the perfect chest plates that guarded the wondrous life force that was Jazz's spark before he pressed his lips to the heated metal, beginning to sing the chants to detach the filigree. The vibration of his voice against the metal and the downright maddening tone of his very soft Praxian inflection had Jazz arching against him, holding Prowl's head to his chest as the smaller mech mewled in delight, feeling his lower body growing more sensitive, his own passion and need growing exponentially as Prowl lavished attention over his delectable frame.

Idly Prowl allowed the filigree to detach on its own, not bothering to stop its slow descent as he began to suckle on Jazz's chest, tasting the unique flavor of his love's plating, the faint taste of the fine waxes and oils used to polish and perfume the mech for their ceremony, the air of Praxus that clung like a lover around his plating. Jazz cried Prowl's name as his hands busied themselves with Prowl's shoulders and wings, knowing from an accident and past experience petting the appendages that they were one of Prowl's most sensitive spots.

Prowl hissed and tensed just a little as Jazz stroked his wings, his untrained touches not rough but definitely curious, exploring the intricate indentations that were characteristic of his wings since his creation. He murmured soft words of encouragement while he reached to peel and throw away the remaining filigree on Jazz's chest, keeping Jazz leveled where he was so his bondmate could continue his ministrations as he busied himself on Jazz's neck, capturing yet another cable with his dental plates and tugging a little harder.

Jazz mewled, tilting his head back to expose his neck better, delighting on the sensation. Jazz smiled as Prowl released him, brushing a claw tip to Prowl’s lips and then leaned to press a soft kiss to them. They exchanged a few more soft kisses before they turned hungrier, more desperate and passionate as Prowl decided it was time to get the remaining pieces out of the way, his desire for his mate and the completion, physical and spiritual, that would ensue growing.

Jazz gasped softly as he felt Prowl bend forward, laying him down against the soft padding of the berth they would be sharing from that point onwards. Prowl loomed over Jazz, a smirk playing about his lips as he brought a finger to trace the filigree on Jazz's left hip that moved down in a swift, gentle curve towards that panel embossed with the sigil and covered by the fabric. The tip of a clawed finger brushed against the fabric teasingly before tracing its path back over to the filigree, Jazz moaned softly in encouragement feeling his arousal growing. Prowl lowered his head to steal a kiss from Jazz's sweet lips before he trailed a path of kisses, suckles and nibbles along Jazz's throat, down his chest and stopping for a moment on Jazz's middle, nipping, lapping and licking on the plates comprising his middle section, glossa expertly sneaking into gaps between plates, teasing and tasting wiring and circuitry and earning a long, sighing whimper of pleasure from his mate.

Jazz brought a hand to his throat, racking his claws gently as he felt Prowl lavish attention over his body, arching and buckling underneath Prowl with every touch, every moist trail left by his glossa as it played with his inner components as much as his smooth, by now overly sensitive metal skin. Jazz's free hand reached to caress and stroke Prowl's helm, stroking and caressing his chevron, the crest crowning the white helm, the back of it to show his appreciation of Prowl's affections. Prowl moved further down over Jazz's body, pressing a chaste kiss to his hip above the string of filigree. He traced the same path his fingers had with his lips, as his hands guided Jazz to spread his legs more to fit against his mate better.

The Lord of Praxus peppered soft little kisses over Jazz's lower abdomen towards his other hip, glossa sneaking out to lap the small gaps between the strings of filigree supporting the cloth. He traced his path down to a thigh, his fingers brushing away the fabric partly covering the limb, fingers, lips and glossa working diligently over the plating, eliciting sounds of pleasure from the smaller silver mech. Prowl began his singing once more, chanting the overly complex piece that was engraved on the detailed, intricate filigree wrapped around Jazz's thighs. Jazz whimpered Prowl's name, arching in pleasure in response to the delightful vibration of Prowl's voice against his plating, the fire pooling in his spark burning stronger.

Prowl hummed as he discarded the now detached piece, suckling lightly on the plating before he moved his attention to the unattended leg, lavishing the same affections over the other shapely thigh. Jazz mewled, bringing his hands to grasp the pillows behind him, needing to hold onto something as Prowl continued his sweet torture. Jazz was sure something inside of him was going to melt at that rate, yet longed for more, more of Prowl's touch, of everything that was Prowl.

Prowl knew Jazz was almost ready for him, almost ready for the moment when their bodies would join in the sweet dance of interfacing, but Prowl knew Jazz was growing receptive, preparing for the next step.

As Prowl sang the verses written on the filigree adorning Jazz's other thigh, he began to settled better against Jazz's pelvic plating, pressing a single kiss through the fabric over the armor plate decorated with the sigil. He traced his lips in worshipping kisses while his hand discarded the detached filigree. Jazz cried out, his hips buckling against Prowl in reaction to his teasing caresses.

The chevroned mech nuzzled his cheek against the panel before picking the fabric covering Jazz's front, he could hear Jazz call his name in whimpering pleas, desiring and needing this as much as Prowl himself. Prowl whispered soft words of love to his soon to be bondmate as he lowered his face to the panel, peppering soft kisses and little nips, lapping and licking, tracing with his glossa the glittering contours of the embossed insignia. Jazz squirmed and buckled underneath, his hips bucking in reaction to every touch, a shudder ran through Prowl as his body reacted in kind, seeking that completion.

With mastery, Prowl carefully repeated the same action a couple of times, suckling on the smooth plating until Jazz was reduced to moaning and mewling incoherently, bringing his hands to Jazz's hips to hold the mech down, knowing his touches brought a strong reaction from his mate, his back arching and hips twitching against his arms.

Finally, Prowl decided it was enough teasing and moved to kiss a hip, beginning to sing the words engraved on the filigree wrapped around Jazz's hips, both pieces giving away at unison as Prowl began to peel the filigree off Jazz's delectable body, the fabric sliding off the smooth plating and pooling between Jazz's legs. Prowl discarded the filigree as the time was drawing near, Prowl traced his fingers over the embossed sigil while his optics searched through Jazz’s frame for the access port. His hand strayed from the panel embossed with the sigil and his fingers traced the armor panels, feeling for the near imperceptible seams of the panel he sought until the tips of his clawed fingers found their target.

Prowl remained silent for a moment, turning his gaze to the flustered face of his mate, his optics dim and clouded with passion, but still looking at him with a love that humbled the Lord of Praxus. Prowl leaned up against Jazz, murmuring a word of love for Jazz before pressing a chaste kiss to the well kissed lips. White clawed fingers racked gently over the armor plate covering the access port that slid away under his silent urging, his fingers traced around the rim of Jazz's port before carefully stroking the rim, Prowl swallowing Jazz's soft moan with his kiss as the fingers caressed him.

Jazz wrapped his arms around Prowl's neck, kissing his mate back with all the love his body and spark contained for the taller black and white mech. His body was hot, receptive and ready for Prowl, enjoying and savoring every touch the mech dispensed over him. He murmured loving words to his mate between soft kisses, urging the mech to take him. "I don't wish to hurt you." Prowl whispered, his voice straining a little with the force of his self restrain and strong will battling against his own need and passion. If done without care and proper preparation, the connection could be painful for one or both parties.

"I know," Jazz gasped through his words as Prowl's finger traced the port, he squirmed a little, feeling little ripples of electricity crackling over the surfaces touched by those clawed white fingers. "I want this, please," Jazz moaned softly, peppering kisses and somewhat timid nips to Prowl's lips. "I want to be yours."

Prowl gasped at the almost physical entity that was Jazz's love, claiming his mate's lips in an impassioned kiss, his glossa seeking Jazz's, tangling with it as his finger retreated, searching through his own plating for the matching panel, savoring all the little sounds of pleasure Jazz uttered, and the hitching of his body in response to his ministrations. He shuttered his optics, tilting his head back as he released his passion, hissing as his body reacted and his own panel retracted, his fingers reached for the connector found above his own access port. He heard a soft gasp and turned darkened optics to Jazz's beautiful face, unable to hold back a smug smile at the expression of expectation and excitement on Jazz’s face.

Prowl couldn't help but find the wide optics and even redder cheek plating humbling and endearing, yet incredibly irresistible. He leaned forward to capture the swollen lips in a sensual kiss as he took hold of the connector and pulled it out of its casing, uncoiling the cable, groaning into the kiss as he guided it towards its destination. Prowl sighed softly as he broke the kiss, nipping on Jazz's pouty bottom lip a little more before he moved to position better against Jazz, bringing the connector against the rim of the waiting port. "Jazz, look at me."

Jazz turned dim optics to look at his mate, leaning up a little against the pillows to see Prowl's connector brushing against his access port. He looked back up to Prowl, fear and excitement showing equally on his optics. "When I establish the connection, I need you to lower your firewalls, it will feel strange at first, but I promise it will feel better eventually." Prowl warned as he searched his love's face for any indication Jazz didn't want to go on. Jazz nodded as he leaned back, one of his hands seeking Prowl's. Prowl obliged his mate, reaching to intertwine his fingers with Jazz's as he pressed the connector, gasping softly at the feeling of the connector sliding into place with the port and the first pulses of electricity surrounding it. It was the fact this was Jazz's port what made the experience all the more humbling and special, he hadn't missed this kind of contact in all honesty, but now, as the connector clicked into place, hearing his mate moan and his body tense as the firewalls that blocked Prowl’s access were lowered shakily one by one.

Prowl awaited patiently as the firewalls lowered and their systems began to synchronize, a certain discomfort growing in the smaller mech, although Prowl continued to soothe him, holding back the pulses of data already gathering in his end of the connection. The chevroned mech took a deep intake of air, considering his options. Jazz’s systems had never made this kind of connection prior to this night, and the swap of data would be a very strange sensation for Jazz at first, despite the stimulation and the arousal already coursing strongly through Prowl’s body, threatening to take over his self restrain and control he knew he needed to be careful and delicate in his dealings until Jazz was able to fully accept him.

Once all of Jazz’s walls but one had lowered Prowl decided to test their connection, he sent a small pulse of data of his presence into Jazz’s systems. He groaned Jazz's name, feeling the smaller mech's hand tighten its grip on his own, he squeezed back in a comforting and reassuring gesture as he began to push through the smaller mech's systems carefully navigating through what access had been made available to him, stilling against the last barrier, the last firewall that he knew was harder to lower. His presence nudged gently against it, and Prowl repeated this a few times, feeling the tension on Jazz's body ebbing away as he grew used to the presence inside of him, his body growing hotter as Prowl leaned forward to lavish kisses over his lover's face. Prowl brushed against the firewall several times, each time weakening the protective barrier, as Jazz was having trouble disabling the firewall to grant Prowl full access. He murmured a soft apology and before Jazz could even react, he sent a harder pulse of data through their connection, his presence driving into Jazz, tearing almost effortlessly through the firewall, wringing a soft cry of surprise and faint pain from the smaller mech underneath him.

"I'm sorry," Prowl stilled as he peppered soft kisses over Jazz's face, his free hand stroking the mech's side and hip soothingly, waiting patiently until the discomfort subsided. Jazz clung to his mate with his free arm, holding tight onto his love as he felt the unexpected pain in his systems being soothed away by Prowl's affections as Prowl’s presence was recognized as a wanted one. After a few moments he relaxed against the berth again, his grip on Prowl's hand loosening a bit and his legs moved a little to brush against Prowl's, indicating he was fine and his mate could proceed.

"Are you alright?" Prowl asked softly against Jazz's lips. Jazz didn't dare to speak, he didn't think he could bring forward any coherent sounds, wrapping his free arm around Prowl's back and nuzzling his face, whispering soft sweet nothings as he again bumped a leg against Prowl’s to indicate he was fine and Prowl could proceed.

Prowl pressed tender kisses over his love's face, stilling his presence inside Jazz’s for a while longer as he reached for Jazz’s connector, drawing it out and uncoiling the cable lovingly. He stroked the connector’s tip tenderly before he brought it to his own access port, murmuring Jazz's name as he clicked it into place. He lowered his firewalls effortlessly and their systems had to synchronize again to handle the dual connection. He felt Jazz’s curious presence brush into him as the smaller mech sent a pulse of data to test their connection. Prowl responded sending another pulse and his presence navigated deeper into Jazz, each packet of data charged with feeling and emotion as Prowl’s lips wandered to Jazz's neck, mouthing at the cables and conduits there while Jazz's body began to respond, Prowl hissed against Jazz's neck as he felt Jazz respond with packets of data of his own.

Prowl set a slow and gentle pace, sending pulses of data in a slow but steady rate as his hands began to busy themselves over Jazz's delectable body, stroking and caressing the beautiful mech that would be his bonded. Jazz's body began to respond to his affections, and soon the younger mech reciprocated each pulse of data with one of his own, his timing still erratic and inexperienced, but that was fine with Prowl, they had all the time in the universe to learn together. The thought sent a wave of pleasure and warmth through his body, looking forward to his life with Jazz as his bonded and all the intimate encounters that would follow as time went by, perhaps even someday he'd allow himself to entertain the thought of attempting to form a family with Jazz when and if he felt ready for that.

Prowl wouldn't openly admit it but he was terrified of messing up his relationship with Jazz like had happened with his former bondmate, he carried in his spark a great guilt, believing himself responsible in no little measure for his child's demise. It was true it had been his bondmate who had terminated their child before it could even be born, but Prowl believed it had been his fault for pushing his bondmate into conceiving so soon, believing foolishly the child would bring about the completion their bonding couldn't give them.

He refused to allow his thoughts to take him to that sad past, not now that he was making love to the most exquisite mech he had ever met, the mech that fought against even Prowl himself to win his spark and his love. Prowl sped up the pulses, stimulating both further, their pleasure sky rocketing as their mutual exchange gained speed and vigor. Prowl couldn't help but marvel at the feeling of being in Jazz’s systems, feeling at home, feeling as if his and Jazz's bodies had been created specifically to complement each other. Not even his first bondmate's body felt ever this welcoming.

Jazz clung to his mate as Prowl’s presence swirled into him, stronger and faster each time, and Jazz couldn't help but fall in place with Prowl's passion, his own packets of data trying to match and reciprocate the presence within him, enjoying the feeling of being invaded by his mate like this, to feel their bodies joined as one, their systems synchronized so flawlessly. Jazz pressed his face to Prowl's chest, little kisses, nips and licks encouraging Prowl further into their frenzy. The silver mech cried as he brought his hands back to Prowl's wings, his fingers tracing the intricate indentations of the panels, whimpering in delight as Prowl panted Jazz's name as if he spoke the name of a deity, feeling Prowl’s data flowing mercilessly into him.

Prowl held Jazz tightly against him when the mech caressed his wings, letting go of his self restrain while he sent packets of data into Jazz with abandon, panting his name and swearing a silent oath to love and cherish this mech for the rest of his life and beyond. He could feel their overloads were fast approaching and slowed down the frequency of his pulses enough to allow them to complete the last step, the moment that would grant them the union of their souls to match their joint bodies.

Jazz, despite his own abandon into their shared passion seemed to catch onto Prowl's intent, and he knew because his spark beat wildly within its case, longing to merge with that of his beloved. Jazz let go of Prowl to lean back better against their berth, the sound of hissing hydraulics and shifting plates heralded the revelation of Jazz's spark chamber. Prowl slowed down the data stream to a comfortable, but still pleasurable pace as his optics locked with the chamber containing a spark he was certain was as beautiful as the rarest treasure in Cybertron, perhaps the universe at large. Prowl looked into Jazz's optics, watching his beautiful mate bring his hands to either side of his head, submitting to him completely as he waited. There was love and absolute trust burning brightly in his mate's optics and Prowl once more felt humbled to be the recipient of that love and trust. He issued the silent command as his own chest plates parted, he watched as Jazz's chamber opened to reveal the most beautiful spark he had ever laid his optics on. It was bright, beautiful, so pure and immaculate -- everything he felt his own spark was not.

Prowl's data stream faltered for a moment as he looked away, reluctantly opening his own chamber, afraid of what would be revealed to both of them. He heard a soft gasp coming from his mate, and forced himself to look back at Jazz, wondering if he'd find an expression of disgust or shock in his face. Shock did show in Jazz's face but Prowl couldn't see any kind of repulsion from his mate and he ventured a look to his own chest plates. He could see now what had probably wrung the gasp of shock from his love, a black scar, like a black hole, ran across his spark, marring the otherwise perfect orb. Prowl looked away in shame, almost completely stopping his stream of data into Jazz. A hand stroked his cheek, gently turning his head around so he could face his mate. Jazz looked at him with that same gaze full of love, and Prowl felt undeserving, feeling the need to pull away, not wishing to taint that pure spark with his deformed orb.

"Don't," Jazz murmured as if he had sensed the thoughts that fluttered in Prowl's CPU. "Don't be ashamed, love. It's beautiful," Jazz whispered softly, his free hand delved into Prowl's chest caressing the spark chamber soothingly.

"I don't want to taint you," Prowl whispered, leaning his face against the gentle hand that stroked his cheek. "You're so pure, so perfect..."

"No, Prowl." Jazz brought his other hand to Prowl's face, pulling the mech a little closer until their foreheads touched and his legs wrapped around Prowl's legs, locking the mech against him. "Ya ain't goin' t'taint me. Yer goin' ta complete me." he pressed a soft, chaste kiss to Prowl's lips. "I want this. I want ta be yours. Please, love, be mine. Don't deny us this."

"Jazz," Prowl shuttered his optics, beginning to flow into Jazz’s systems once more. "Forgive me," Prowl whispered as he took Jazz's hands with his own, interlinking their fingers once more as he brought Jazz's hands to each side of his head, pressing their chests together and bringing their sparks into contact for the first time. Jazz gasped and whimpered, feeling his untouched spark caressed by another for the first time, it didn't hurt but it wasn't pleasant. Prowl pulled away for a moment, giving Jazz a small reprieve from the unusual feeling before he pressed his spark against Jazz's once more as their systems began to synchronize and send pulses of data back and forth. Prowl's spark pressed against Jazz's, tendrils of light beginning to reach into Jazz's spark, coaxing it to reciprocate and latch onto its chosen mate.

Jazz lost himself into the moment, wanting nothing more than to bond his spark to Prowl's and forever be part of the mech he loved. Jazz's spark followed its own desires, filaments of light weaving around its counterpart, latching against the spark it wished to merge with. Little by little, as Prowl sent packets of data into Jazz and Jazz reciprocated with his own, the sparks began to merge, pulling both mechs into a different world altogether.

Jazz felt as if a part of him had detached from his body, feeling suspended in an infinite nothing and everything. He could feel another presence with him in that infinite white; he searched, looking around until he found a light, warm and kind but troubled, afraid. Jazz knew right then that was Prowl's presence and he latched onto that light, soothing it as the perfect stillness around them grew warmer, matching the heat of their melding physical bodies.

Jazz couldn't help but feel a pang of anger shooting through him as his essence wrapped around Prowl's. Anger at the circumstances that turned Prowl into that cold sparked mech, that had his love fearful and troubled by the union that was meant to be happy. Angry with the mech that destroyed the wonderful mech Prowl had once been. He brushed it away, however, refusing to let Prowl's past to haunt them and overshadow the wonderful future he knew was ahead of them.

'I love you,' Jazz's presence murmured with all the love and adoration he could imprint into the words, trying to manifest his love in any possible way to reassure Prowl, coax him into dropping the last barriers, the last walls erected to protect himself from the hurt. There was a silence that seemed to last an eternity, until a warmth spread through Jazz's presence, feeling himself being wrapped by Prowl's essence, his warmth enveloping him completely.

'And I love you.'

Jazz felt their intertwined essences soar through that infinite white, slowly merging into one being, until Jazz couldn't tell where he ended and Prowl began. He saw flashes of memories, of emotions, of a beautiful sparkling feeling safe and warm in his carrier's arms, of a youngling hopeful and optimistic, of the colder lord falling in love with Jazz.

Their merged essence flared into a bright light, bathing the nothing and everything that was now their merged spark, Jazz felt a tug almost painful but not quite there, he could feel almost physically a part of him was being ripped away and replaced by a part of Prowl. From then on, he knew a part of Prowl lived within him and a part of himself lived within Prowl.

Jazz cried out Prowl's name, feeling suddenly pulled back into his physical body, screaming in ecstasy his first overload with his mate, arching against Prowl, hands gripping Prowl's in a vice-like grip. Prowl arched against Jazz, panting Jazz's name as his own overload washed over him, electricity crackling around them announcing their release.

Jazz mewled softly, feeling his body relaxing against the berth in exhaustion, his body spasming a little as the stream of data slowed down to a stop. Prowl buried his face against Jazz's neck, their hands and fingers intertwined still, Jazz's legs still locked with his own and their merged sparks still suspended between their chests. Neither spoke for a while until Prowl finally summoned enough strength to dislodge one hand and push himself up just enough to look into Jazz's face, his blushed cheek plating and dim yet blissful blue optics looking at him with absolute love and adoration. He dared to look at the merged sparks, just in time to see the orb begin to split, pushing himself up a little more, gasping in shock as his spark returned to its casing, no longer bearing the black scar that had deformed it.

Jazz smiled a most beatific smile, his free silver hand reached to stroke gently Prowl's spark chamber before pulling away as the chamber closed, protecting the spark once more just as his own chamber was doing with his own spark. Prowl looked down at his mate, laid on their berth, still panting in the afterglow of their first overload together, the veil framing his beautiful body as the silver mech looked at him, that beautiful smile still on his well kissed lips. Prowl was still in shock, realizing that his spark had been literally mended by Jazz's own, that his mate's beautiful spark glowed even brighter after their coupling and bonding. He could feel Jazz within his spark, not the faint, almost imperceptible presence his first bondmate had left imprinted in him after their bonding --Prowl could feel Jazz strongly within his spark, he could feel Jazz's exhaustion and his happiness. Jazz was happy and it was because of him.

"I can feel you," Prowl murmured in wonder, truly marveled by the feeling of Jazz within him, of his presence within his spark, so strong and wonderful.

"I can feel ya, too," Jazz took Prowl's reaction as confirmation that they had bonded successfully, that their sparks did take to one another the way it was meant to be. "Yer happy."

Prowl brought his free hand to his chest, stroking the plating over his spark chamber, feeling his spark pulsing, his half of the glowing orb that was their merged beings. He would no longer be alone, because wherever he went, a part of Jazz would be with him, just as a part of him now inhabited Jazz. "Yes." Prowl shuttered his optics idly feeling Jazz's legs loosen their hold around him. "I'm happy." Prowl looked at Jazz and smiled to his mate, his bondmate, feeling Jazz's happiness pulsing through the new bond they had formed.

Jazz reached to stroke Prowl's cheek gently, pulling the taller mech down for a soft, chaste kiss. "I love you, Prowl. My bondmate." Prowl's smile grew wider, more beautiful than Jazz ever thought it could be as their lips pressed against each other, reveling in the living entity of their love and their bond. Prowl knew without room for doubt that Jazz was the one mech to complement him, and he was meant for Jazz.

Prowl pulled away from their kiss, groaning softly as he began to pull away from Jazz, and tenderly unplugged Jazz’s connector from his port, allowing the cable to coil back automatically into its case and repeated the process with his own, both panels sliding shut. Prowl would have liked to remain within Jazz’s systems for a while longer but knew that would require more energy than they had left, and for now all he wanted was to get some needed rest with his bondmate. Prowl reached for the fine blanket and laid down next to Jazz, pulling the blanket over their bodies as he snuck his arms underneath to pull Jazz against him. They shared soft kisses for a while until Jazz's spent body finally gave into the recharge it needed, his head pillowed against Prowl's shoulder. Prowl remained awake for a while afterwards, his fingers playing idly with the veil still attached to Jazz's helm. He reveled in the sleepy presence in his spark, murmuring a soft thank you to Primus for allowing him to find Jazz and bring him into his life, before pressing a kiss to a helm fin, thanking Jazz for his love as he finally allowed himself some recharge, knowing the coming morning heralded the beginning of a new life for him, one that he wouldn't traverse alone anymore, for his bondmate would walk the path with him.

2007verse, sparkless, prowlxjazz, au

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