And now for some kitty luff?

Jan 20, 2008 06:33

Title: Golden.
Rating: G
Pairings: Hinted Steeljaw x Ravage.
Summary: AU - Partly using Dreamwave's comics as basis. A re imagination of Cybertron's society where the line dividing slaves from nobles is so thin.
Notes: I don't like this one too much, I'm experimenting a bit with the Steeljaw x Ravage 'couple', as I do intend to have Steeljaw and Ravage appear in my AU. This is set in the future of the current events of the AU. Just a drabble, really. XD

Not Beta'ed so feel free to correct me if you see anything wrong.

He hated the city, the crowded streets and running mechs and femmes. It was too noisy and busy. It was just not his home, and the mere thought made him feel melancholic. He missed the steely bushes that composed the hunting grounds where he could run free and chase after his prey.

But right now he had no way to go back there. It wasn't that he was ungrateful nor that he didn't appreciate this large mech's kindness in saving him. he simply wished he could go back home.

"C'mon, Steeljaw, we're here." Blaster smiled and gathered the feline on his arms, being mindful of his recovering hind leg. The feral Turbo merely grunted and remained still for the larger mech to carry him towards a large manor, home of a friend of his, he supposed.

Steeljaw looked around with mild interest while he was being carted to the backyard of the large structure, feeling oddly relaxed by the environment. It reminded him of his home on the hunting grounds.

"Hey, Grimlock! Care to give me a hand with this?" Steeljaw watched a towering mech approach them with several black Turbo kittens clinging to his body. The mech himself was imposing but the feral Turbo wasn't phased in the least.

"Dad and his friends wounded him badly on the Hunting grounds, I thought you could give me a hand. I can't take him to Ratchet right now." Blaster explained the situation to the larger mech, showing the wounded leg of the feral Turbo he had named Steeljaw.

Grimlock nodded and carefully pried several kittens from his large frame, setting them down and instructing them to play somewhere else. The kittens obeyed his commands, what made Steeljaw suppose they were domesticated Turbos.

Blaster took the wounded feline to the area he was told and set Steeljaw down carefully. It didn't take long for the large Grimlock to have his hands all over his leg, feeling and examination the condition of his damaged leg, forcing the lion to whimper softly once or twice when the pain on his nearly useless leg was too much.

He understood the chattering and the instructions Blaster was given. His whole leg would have to be replaced as there was just too much damage under the plating that made it just too inconvenient. Replacing the leg would be the easiest solution and the less painful. He didn't like the idea, but he was more than aware he didn't really have any saying on this, and he preferred a new leg soon than wait orns until his current was repaired.

All through the exploration and diagnostic, Steeljaw remained oblivious to the pair of red optics that observed him with interest.

The black, sleek Turbo laid on the ground with his head on his paws, watching his master survey the damage on the golden feral. He didn't know why, but he found himself fascinated by the sight of the golden feline. Perhaps the novelty of such bright, vibrant color among the sea that were his many brothers and sisters. Or maybe the knowledge he was an untamed -- the black Turbo didn't know and didn't care either.

The hand of Swoop upon his head drove his attention away from the golden feral, leaning into the gentle touch. "Time for your energon, better hurry before the kits devour it all." The black feline nuzzled the hand on understanding and stood up, following after Swoop after giving a last glance to Steeljaw. On the back of his processor, Ravage hoped this wouldn't be the last time he could lay his optics on the vibrant golden plating of the feral Turbo.

steeljaw, ravage, fan fiction, swoop, imperium cybertronium, au, blaster, grimlock, cassettes

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