I really need to get off my lazy aft and make an icon for IC

Oct 30, 2009 22:00

Title: This is Halloween - Thirteen 11/13
Rating: PG
Warnings: None I can think of.
Pairings: Smokescreen x Chromia implied.
Characters: Smokescreen, Chromia, Bluestreak, Prowl, Jazz, Skyfire, Kup, Mirage.
Prompt: For the October Challenge of the ProwlxJazz community - Prompt: Thirteen
Notes: This prompt gave me the most difficulties and I'm not fully pleased with it but can't do much more without going over the count. This piece is heavily G1 AU and fits in Imperium Cybertronium's verse.

Mirage had been understandably upset. Skyfire had promised he would make it in time for the celebration, but not for the first time, something had delayed him. Mirage was used to it by now, but Skyfire always managed to get back in time for his anniversaries, and this was a most special one, and Mirage had hoped his father would make it in time to oversee the party.

Thirteen vorns was considered a special milestone among their kind, despite their long lives. There were some traditions that spoke of the original thirteen Cybertronians first created by Primus himself and from which most of the current population descended. The myths spoke of the first Cybertronian created through them and how each vorn of life was spent with one of the first thirteen, each one sharing its wisdom with the young one. From then on all Cybertronians, particularly noble born celebrated the thirteenth vorn of life as the moment when the young spark would have gained all the wisdom from the first children of Primus.

Mirage had hoped dearly that Skyfire would make it back in time, but conditions were not in their favor, and his father couldn't possibly travel through an acid storm safely. Mirage would have preferred to wait until Skyfire's return, but invitations had been sent and his guests were beginning to arrive.

Mirage greeted them all politely, like the proper mech he was. There were many of his noble friends already waiting at the entrance as he followed his grandfather, Kup to greet and receive them. There had been many gifts handed out to him by his friends and their sires, even from the quiet and introverted Prowl and his polar opposite of little brother, Bluestreak.

What had surprised Mirage this time, had been that Prowl had come with a slave that curiously matched the other noble's paint scheme --Where Prowl was black, his slave was painted white for the most part; the mechlet followed Prowl everywhere holding a pad in his hands.

Mirage was not in the greatest of moods, and even the presents offered to him and the company of his friends did little to cheer him up. He took the opportunity as Smokescreen claimed the attention of the adult mechs, and his friends mingled amongst themselves to huddle in a corner, by a large window to mope.

"Ya look sad."

Mirage turned sharply to look into the bright blue visor of the slave. "I've had better orns," Mirage replied sullenly, looking away from the rather cheery looking mechlet clinging to his pad.

"Is that 'cause yer father ain't home?" Jazz asked. "I'm sure he's thinkin' of ya."

Mirage smiled humorlessly, narrowing his amber optics. "I know he does. I just wish he could have come today." Shaking his head ruefully Mirage turned to Jazz and his pad, pointing at the flat object. "Why are you carrying that pad around?"

Jazz's smile widened and turned the pad around to show the youngling the contents of his pad. "My master Prowl is teachin' me ta read," he said excitedly.

"That's ancient Cybertronian."

"Uh huh!" Jazz nodded vigorously. "Prowl likes it a lot an' is goin' ta teach me t'write it an' read it."

Mirage couldn't help but smile a little at the mechlet with the stubby horns decorating his helm and his infectious enthusiasm. "Seems fun."

"Jazz," Prowl called softly as he approached, tipping his head politely in greeting to Mirage. "You dropped the stylus again." The chevroned youngling held out the stylus to his slave, smiling a little as Jazz apologized sheepishly.

"Are you not enjoying your party, Mirage?"

Mirage shook his head. "I miss my father, and I'm am not in the mood to talk about my first turbo fox hunt with the rest of my friends."

"You can read with us." Jazz offered with a smile.

Mirage turned a surprised look at the slave before his gaze diverted to Prowl. "It must be certainly more entertaining than listen to Motormaster brag about his upcoming first hunt." Prowl nodded, taking a seat next to Mirage as he extracted a pad from subspace, loading his copy of the ancient Cybertronian text.

Mirage leaned closer to look into the ancient glyphs that he was vaguely familiar with. Prowl spoke softly as he began to read aloud.

'In the ages of old, thirteen beings were created by Primus to populate the lonesome world.'

As Prowl read, occasionally followed by Jazz, Mirage lost himself in the legends of times past, soothing his longing. As Prowl reached the middle of the book, a collective silence picked the young mechs' attention and Mirage gasped loudly as his optics brightened at the sight of Skyfire standing proudly at the doors, holding a gift in his hand and murmuring his congratulations to his one child.

prowlxjazz, imperium cybertronium, mirage, pxj challenges: october 09

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