I can has Smokescreen?

Oct 18, 2009 01:56

I finally have my little claws on a Henkei Smokescreen courtesy of a friend that picked him for me at San Diego Comic Con. And along with him are a couple of Robot Heroes __wilderness__ kindly sent me. Onwards to the pictures, this bot's a beauty.

And here be the loot. My birthday gifts from a friend, Smokescreen and Green Lantern movie. (If you see GL inspired works anytime soon you can blame her for that) And Robot Heroes Shrapnel and Ultra Magnus. Babymus Prime is going to have a field day shoving the matrix on his face.

Henkei Smokescreen showing off how smug he is. Bastard<3

And now to check on the awesome bot. Unlike the Classics/Universe version, he's colored to follow his original G1 Paint scheme for the most part, so he's got a more baby-blue kind of tone to his paint.

Racing stripe on his flanks and classic 83 competition number like his G1 model.

And this is the primary, very trivial reason why I wanted a Henkei Smokes. Red. Chrome. I am a sucker for red chrome and Smokescreen's spoiler appeals to my 'oh shiny' side. Like his brothers, Smokescreen's in the illegal road and bears no license plate.

Better shot of the package artwork. From what I can tell each package is drawn by a different artist. You can see Smokescreen has a more complex and detailed artwork than that of Prowl's package. I don't have a Henkei Blue, so I dunno what his artwork is like.

Did I mention he was an smug bastard?

And here be the mini manga. This one came a little too rolled up for my taste but I'll iron it later. Everyone's already mentioned that this cover looks suspiciously like a yaoi manga. XP

Red Alert and Smokes have interesting personalities on this.

I'm almost certain Sideswipe and Red Alert traded personalities. >w>;

And here he is in his robot mode. No differences with Prowl or Bluestreak structuraly wise, but that mold is just so awesome.

Shiny leeegs!

Like a good Henkei, he comes with chromed shoulder canons. An interesting detail of Smokescreen is that he has many parts that are by default Blue plastic painted over in the exact same shade of blue of the rest of the body, namely on his upper arms that are blue plastic painted over in blue, my guess is to make the silver application stick better or look more smooth. The piece where his head is attached is also red plastic painted over in red, white, black and blue. You cannot notice any differences in the tones of the paint and plastic, they're matched wonderfully.

There is another important and quite noticeable difference between Smokescreen and Henkei Prowl. I am not sure if Bluestreak has this one too, but as you can see the clear plastic piece that allows the light pipping effect on Smokescreen is not blue, it's completely transparent/clear.

You might remember ROTF Chromia also has her light pipping piece in clear plastic but her optics are painted over. Weeeell... Smokescreen does too but with a big and very noticeable difference. the section of his optics is painted with clear paint, which allows for a very bright light pipping effect. He's got the brightest optics of the whole lot, even brighter and cleared than Henkei Prowl's.

Took Smokescreen out shopping at the mall! :D You can see just how bright his optics are thanks to the clear plastic and paint application.

A close up with less sun getting on the way.

On the way back, Smokescreen decided to explore a little. Here he is at the top of a small slide on the little park in our unit.

Now that I think about it, I think Classics/Universe Smokescreen's door wings also have that frosted effect while Henkei's are completely clear and smooth.

Another shot of that seckzy face of his and his lovely optics. His chevron isn't the usual gold tone, it's actually leaning a little closer to copper this time.

Even with a lot less light, his optics are quite bright. I wish Hasbro would have done this with Chromia and Fracture.

Lookit him standing so proud there, watching the perimeter.

After that, Smokescreen wanted to meet the greenery. Apparently TFA Prowl isn't the only one curious about organic life forms around here.

Trying to take samples.

Yep, he's making himself at home alright.

I forgot what these are called in english, but we call them 'Bugambilias' in spanish. Smokescreen thinks they'd make a lovely present for a certain blue 'bot he knows.

Did I mention the Nissans got some really nice legs?

Smokescreen has declared he wants a garden.

He was promptly told to STFU. I'm not getting you a garden, mech!

And finally, meeting his brothers. Bluestreak is delighted to see Smokescreen, in case you couldn't tell.

So is Prowl, even if he's more subdued in his greetings.

Smokescreen greets his brothers and introduces a pair of missing sparklings he found on his way here. He's got a soft spot for bebes and proceeds to remind his brothers of how cute they were as bitlets themselves. Prowl is not amused. XP

Bebe Shrapnel is hungry and demanding food, while Bebe Magnus cannot deal with him now.

For lack of anything better to munch on, Bebe Shrapnel goes to nibble on Smokescreen while Bluestreak tends to Magnus. Prowl informs Smokescreen Shrapnel is going with the Decepticons and Magnus will be placed with some willing pair to look after him.

Smokescreen takes the chance to ask Prowl if he's got sparklings already.

Prowl does tell Smokescreen he's going to have plenty of time to get to meet his (and all other) little ones come Halloween. Smokescreen doesn't know he has just been drafted as chaperone for the sparklings' trick or treating.

Blackarachnia has dropped by, nagged by Bebe Kickback who noticed his brother is finally home.

Smokescreen, being Smokescreen, casually hits on her. He has not been told there's an ROTF Chromia at home.

Blackarachnia is not impressed.

Prowl is having one of those 'I must be adopted' moments.

Deciding she's not in the mood to maul the Autobot (and risk the mighty fury of his brothers) explains she's here to take Shrapnel home with Kickback since she's acting as their surrogate momma. Bebe Shrapenl and Bebe Kickback rush to each other.

Happily reunited under Blackarachnia's care until I get the reissue Insecticons.

Blackarachnia bids her good byes while Bluestreak takes Bebe Magnus away, while it's decided who's gonna take care of him.

smokescreen, toys, sparklings, bluestreak, prowl

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