Houston, we have a drabble!

Jan 17, 2008 01:38

Rating: G
Warnings: None.
Pairings: Femme Optimus Prime x Starscream.
Characters: Read above.
Prompt: Gender Bending Continuity - Touch
Requested by: nkfloofiepoof

"Don't touch me!" Starscream shrieked and stumbled on the ground, dragging himself away from the large femme that towered before him.

"Easy, soldier. You're wounded and need proper medical attention."

"I don't need your pity, Autobot scum!" The seeker growled angrily despite knowing the injuries he sustained forbid him from taking flight, bounding him to the ground where he was at total disadvantage, more so when his opponent was non other than Optimus Prime, the leader of the Autobots and current bearer of the matrix.

He couldn't call for help either, Skywarp and Thundercracker had returned to the Decepticon base already, refusing to follow the rebellious Starscream in a last minute attack.

Sure, it had been his fault for separating of his trine mates in the first place, but Unicron would sooner vomit rainbows than Starscream would admit his faults.

"Fine. I won't touch you but you still require medical attention. You can't fly under these conditions and you won't last long if you try to return to your base by your feet." The large femme crossed her arms over her chest plates, still holding her rifle close as precaution. "Go ahead and call your partners to come and retrieve you."

"What? No!" The seeker shook his head vigorously, "It's enough humiliation to have been reduced to my current condition. I don't need Megatron to rub it on my face, too. I can walk!"

"You're one stubborn mech, Starscream. I'm not letting you go in such condition and that's final." Prime took a step forward but stopped and raised an optic ridge when the Mech just raised his arm to aim at her. She would have laughed if she were cruel enough. "Starscream, your null ray is broken."

"I knew I shouldn't have left my berth this orn." the seeker dropped his arm and sighed heavily. Primus really hated him. "Why aren't you putting me under arrest, huh?"

"I can call Ratchet." the femme decided not to answer the Decepticon's question. Even she wasn't sure why she was more concerned about his well being than about taking the second in command of the Decepticon forces as prisoner. Then again, her main concern right now were his injuries.

"You might as well drop me in a molten pit now. I don't want anywhere near that sociopath of a medic." Prime couldn't hold back the laughter. She could only imagine what Ratchet's face would be if he heard Starscream. Sure, Ratchet was a grumpy mech but nowhere near the description the seeker offered.

"All right, let's do this. I'll mend your wounds to the best of my ability and take you as close to the Decepticon base as I can muster." the towering female took another tentative step forward, awaiting for a reaction from Starscream. The seeker didn't back away this time and she took it to mean he was all right with her proposition.

Optimus Prime subspaced the small emergency kit she carried with her at all times and tended to the most compromising injuries on the mech's body amidst complaints and half hearted insults thrown by Starscream. "All right, this is all I can do. It should keep you stable long enough."

Before Starscream could utter a word, the femme gathered him in her arms and carried him with ease. "This is humiliating." He mumbled and crossed his arms across his own chest and allowed the femme to carry him through the rubble of the battle field until she reached a clearer road. "You should be able to get to your base on your own from here."

"Yeah." Starscream looked up to the large femme, he wondered if he should say something, maybe a thank you. But that wasn't a very Decepticon-like thing to do. "You can put me down now."

Optimus nodded and set the seeker on his feet before she took a few steps back, she stared at him for a few breems and he looked back at her. They said nothing for a while before Starscream turned around and began to walk towards his base. "By the way, you really should stick to commandeering. You make a horrible medic." Starscream commented casually without looking back and waved a hand.

Optimus watched him with amusement, understanding the hidden meaning behind his comment. "You're welcome, Starscream."

requests, genderbending, optimus prime, challenges, fan fiction, starscream

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