*Insert annoying as heck Christmas Carol on repeat here*

Oct 01, 2009 16:57

Title: Dancing Christmas in the 13th Month
Rating: PG
Warnings: Fluff by the truckload. Sparklings, weirdness, crack. Lil bit of Slashy goodness.
Characters: Were!Prowl, Vampire!Jazz, the Brood.
Summary: An Earth-acquired tradition in the Ark is about to become even better with six werevampirelings running around.
Notes: I know. I'm way ahead of time, but between this comment by hakkyounotenshi and snugsbunny egging me on, this ficlet was born. Excuse the crappy.

Not beta-read so feel free to point any mistakes.

It was the night of December 24th, the eve of the celebration of a popular worldwide holiday called Christmas. The past few years since their arrival to the planet the celebration had been incorporated into the routine and observed holidays for the Autobots.

It had been Blaster's and Jazz's doing that the Autobots and their human allies had begun to celebrate the holiday together, with a large pine tree brought over from the mountains with utmost care by Hound and Trailbreaker. It was the same pine tree every year, its trunk had been marked by the mechs, planting it inside a large pot-like container full of nutritive soil, and replanted in the woods after the season.

Always left in the most well conditioned and ventilated area of the recreation room where all Autobots took care of it and decorated it during its temporary stay in the Ark. This year, though, had been different. This year had seen the creation of six little sparklings that were delighted beyond words of the tradition the Autobots had adopted, and made the celebration all the more special.

Even the grumpiest of mechs couldn't hold back a smile, watching little Barricade and Bluestreak trotting around the large room carrying long strings of metallic, glittering tinsel in their little arms with Barricade's tail swaying from side to side in a content manner despite the sparklings near perpetual scowl. Red Alert and Techno pushed and dragged happily with all their might a box full of ornaments, and more than one mech felt their sparks warming at the sight of Techno tripping and falling into the box and the ever curious Red Alert peeking inside, asking if his brother was there before bolting around the room, calling for their parents to save the sparkling.

No sooner had Jazz saved Techno from the improvised pool of plastic balls and helped his two hyperactive bundles of joy to drag the box to the three, Sunstreaker and Sideswipe were seen rolling around the floor, tangled in a seemingly never ending stream of fairy lights, growling and whinning pitifully in equal measure.

It had taken Prowl much patience and the help of Hound and Mirage to untangle the two whimpering sparklings, but after all was done, the two transformed Autobots and their brood partook in the decorating efforts, much to the delight of an enthralled Carly, and very amused Sparkplug and Spike.

All Autobots helped the sparklings to decorate, Barricade allowing Ratchet to hold him up so he could help to wrap the tinsel around the tree while Ironhide held Sideswipe, who spent more time trying to gnaw on the tinsel than wrapping it.

Prowl held Bluestreak in his arms as the sparkling hung with his father's help bauble after bauble. Techno, happily nestled in Jazz's arms was also hanging baubles on the upper half of the tree. Red Alert and Sunstreaker preferred to stay at ground level and hung baubles on the bottom and lower half, aided by Hound and Trailbreaker while Bumblebee, Cliffjumper and Mirage prepared the fairy lights.

After hanging baubles, wrapping tinsel, fairy lights and angel's hair over the tree, the sparklings watched with delight as Bumblebee, sitting on Optimus' shoulders placed an unusual topper on the tree. That year Carly had a topper custom made, fashioned after Jazz, Prowl and their brood.

That day several Autobots ended up recharging in the recreation room, as the sparklings refused to go to their own little berths that night, wishing to sleep under the twinkling lights of the beautiful tree, and as dutiful parents, Prowl and Jazz stayed with their offspring, arranging makeshift beds for their little ones and themselves. Many mechs wanted to partake in the impromptu sleep over. Prowl and Jazz had arranged fluffed up beds for themselves and their sparklings had cuddled between their parents to sleep that night.

The following days had seen plenty of unusual activity for the sparklings. They could spend hours sitting perfectly still around the tree, just watching the organic life form embellished with the decorations for the season. Sometimes Jazz would sit down with them and either tell them a story about Christmas or what the tree represented in times past and present. Other times Carly and Spike would entertain the sparklings telling them about the traditional movies of the season.

Of course, the sparklings eventually learned the part about Christmas that involved presents brought over by a jolly old human, left under the tree for all that had been good, adults or children alike. And as it was to be expected, the sparklings had scrambled to ask their progenitors if this jolly old man would leave presents for them, too.

To this Jazz explained with a wide smile: "If the lot of you have been good, I'm sure Santa will leave ya presents under th'tree."

Little Red Alert pouted and asked fearfully what would happen if they had not.

"Bad sparklings get nothing but a lump of coal." Prowl answered absently as he worked with a sleeping Bluestreak in his lap. All awake sparklings pouted and whimpered, fearing that no fun presents would be left for them, and even Barricade had become a little upset at the prospect of finding a lump of coal to his name.

"But don't worry," Jazz said with that ever present cheerfulness, gathering the five remaining sparklings in a hug, nuzzling them. "I'm sure Santa will judge fairly and if ya'all are good in th'days to come, you might find a nice present under the tree."

The words served to appease and give some hope to the little bundles of joy and mischief, and the sparklings did their best to be in their best behavior.

It was then that Prowl and Jazz tucked their brood in their recharge berths, still young and small enough to share two berths, Barricade, Bluestreak and Techno sharing one, while Sideswipe, Sunstreaker and Red Alert cuddled on the other. After tucking their sparklings and wishing them all good and peaceful recharge, staying for a moment until only the soft sound of systems in recharge filled the room, before leaving to get some recharge of their own.

Prowl recharged peacefully, with Jazz comfortably cushioned against his shoulder an arm wrapped around Prowl's waist and his black clawed fingers were partly hidden between the fine needles that comprised Prowl's tail, a sign of time spent combing through the tail before the saboteur fell asleep.

It was one of the few cycles Prowl would allow himself to sleep in until late. Or it had been before his and Jazz's children had come into the picture. Prowl's ears twitched, picking the faint sounds of little foot steps and whispering voices and the tactician began to wake up just in time to hear and feel six tiny bodies climbing on the berth and all but dog pile on him and Jazz.

"Father, Father!" Bluestreak squealed as he was on the bottom of the pile, trying to hug his father and wake him up.

"Kissmas!" Red Alert said, wiggling from under Barricade and Sideswipe, wrapping his little arms around Jazz's face, nuzzling it with his own to rouse the saboteur. Jazz mumbled, having being awoken by the sparkling's weight but still not fully online and coherent. He smiled and nuzzled Red Alert's face, not in much of a hurry to get up just yet.

Prowl heaved a sigh although he was smiling, gently stroking Barricade's helm as he commanded the sparklings to get off the berth so he and Jazz could get up and take them to the tree to get their presents. The sparklings managed to untangle themselves and get off the berth, all six standing in line and looking at their parents with expecting glances, all visibly squirming as they tried their best to stand still, waiting.

Jazz laughed and stretched against Prowl before he, too, left the comfort of the berth as Prowl did the same, greeting their offspring properly. Prowl reached for Sunstreaker's hand and Jazz reached for Techno's and on cue all sparklings held each other's hand as the large family strode out towards the rec room and the waiting Christmas tree.

Other mechs were already waiting around the tree, all greeting the two black and white mechs and their children. The sparklings let go of their parents' hands and all trotted up to the tree, sitting down and looking at all the presents with wonder.

It didn't take long for the rest of the crew to gather around the tree as Optimus Prime handed over the gifts, the six sparklings the first to receive their presents. Prowl and Jazz had helped each sparkling to unwrap their presents, torn between being amused or annoyed as a few sparklings showed little patience and tried to rip the metallic wrapping with teeth and tiny claws.

Presents opened, all sparklings squealed in joy, each finding toys and energon candy and not a lump of coal in sight. Everyone in the rec room watched fondly as the sparklings played with the toys every mech had helped to put together, although Prowl had refused to let them have any of the candy so early, but they did not mind, happily playing with their toys and each other under the shade of the beautiful Christmas tree. Prowl and Jazz knew that moment alone was worth giving up a little extra recharge.

sideswipe, sunstreaker, were n bat, red alert, barricade, prowlxjazz, au, sparklings, bluestreak, oc

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