A friend of mine who always sends me chocolates on my birthday sent me more yummies, along with Legends Class Jetfire and Chromia (I am stickin' to my belief the three bikes are Arcee... but for toy purposes we'll call her 'Mia.)
Here be the loot. Poster included. Why yes I do favor hershey's chocolates why you'd ask?
The image of Chromia in the package is like Optimus just stole a page from IDW Arcee. D: Do not want!
And a mini Jetfire to go bug the bejeebus out of the Decepticons.
You all know you want my chocolate. But it's mine! My precioussssssssssss.
Optimus is gonna watch me sleep. D: I be disturbed. *puts masking tape on his optics*
And this one's for
snugsbunny who's always wanting to know what I'm eating if it sounds weird.
This be a Mixiote (pronounced Me-She-Oh-Teh) with 'red rice' and Nopales with Setas and corn. (a flat cactus eaten in great volumes in Mexico, and an oyster type of mushroom)
The Mixiote is meat prepared with spices in a paste similar to curry but this one's not spicy in the least. My Mixiote is made of pork, but lamb, chicken and beef are used too.
We now move onto the toy swag!
I am so terribly amusing that Chromia's package announces as 'also available' Smokescreen. My Smokes/Mia shipper glees. I'd glee a lot more if his visor was yellow.
And here's the mini crotchety old mech. He's too "old school" to be a sparkling so we'll just pretend he shrunk to nag the Deceptibabies better.
That's yet another face only a father 'first wheel that transforms into nothing with honor and dignity' could love.
Nananananana Batmaaaan! Blackbiiiiird!
He's got red trimmings like the 60s Batmobile! ...I think I had too many oreos tonight, or Sideswipe's having his merry way with my brain again. Excuse me. *does the batswing* Jetfire! Jetfire!
And here she be, in her motor bikey glory.
I'm the only one that thinks the glyphs look a lot more like Kanji than in the first movie? O_o
Took me like forever and then some to transform her. I'm still not sure if I did it right. To think I still want the pink/red Arcee.
My main gripe with this toy is that seam you see there, it can come appart easily. She kind of relies on a magnet on her 'neck' to keep both sides attached, but even that cannot hold her together sometimes when you handle her. At least mine.
Also noticed she's got this clear light peeping portion on the back of her head.
Which would have been cool in itself, but she doesn't have orifices for the intended optics.
Instead, her optics are painted blue over the plastic.
My favorite part of her is most definitely the head which is, unlike She-Optimus in the package, more movie-accurate.
I must confess... I really, really like the face. It looks more like a face than many of the other characters out there, although a little more 'manly/sharp' in her features.
The helm is also pretty neat. I'll go ahead and admit it. I prefer these helms to the one Arcee sported in the 2007 toy, even if I like the legs/transformation of that one a lot more.
At least she's got more 'natural chest' than on G1! *bricked!*
She kind of reminds me of an EVA Unit or a Gundam. Sadly her poseability is damn near nule, so she's a lot more of a display figure IMO than a toy to play with/pose like 2007 Arcee.
I think I've made it clear by now I really like her head, and can barely wait to get Arcee. Even if I'm not that fan of wheelformers. Nevertheless, right now 'Mia's sharing the shelf in between my Reissue Smokescreen and Classics Universe Ironhide. =w=;;