Might as well post it here.

Jan 11, 2008 19:31

Title: Electrical Communication
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Frenzy/Rumble, Eject/Rewind, Frenzy/Rumble/Eject/Rewind
Author's Notes: Warnings for voyeurism, twincest, GSF. Entry for the November Challenge of ME. Made for a certain someone complaining about the lack of cassette-luff. This is all her fault. Seriously.

"They tied us!" Rumble whined loudly and indignantly. "With our own tape at that!"

"Can you move?" Frenzy asked calmly as he surveyed the confines of Blaster's locker. He couldn't begin to understand why the communications officer even had something as primitive as a locker when he could easily subspace his personal belongings. Earth culture, he thought.

"Nope. If I try to move too much, I'll break the tape, and you know what Soundwave's going to say about that." Despite his own warnings, Rumble couldn't stand to be still for a long time and, thus, was wriggling against his own tape, barely holding back from tensing and stretching his bonds.

"Stop it," Frenzy sighed heavily and looked around some more, finding Blaster had a little of a voyeuristic streak as he looked through photographs of some Autobots engaged in either cute moments together or other more... raunchy material of Autobots mating.

"I can't! I want out of here like right now!"

Frenzy sighed heavily. Despite being the oldest Rumble was by far the most childish of the twins. "Kiss me," he ordered, deciding he needed to distract his twin some way before he snapped his own tape.

"What? Now?" Rumble looked at his twin through his red visor, wondering how Frenzy could even want to do that in their current situation.

"Yes. Now."

The purple twin wasn't about to deny his little bother, was he? Rumble leaned the best he could against his twin. Thankfully, Rewind and Eject left them laying side by side which made it easier to kiss his twin.

Frenzy wasn't 'in the mood' yet but faked a soft moan to encourage his twin, parting his lips for him and brushing his glossa lightly against Rumble's lips.

The purple and blue cassette shuddered and responded eagerly, brushing his own glossa against his brother's in a way he knew would have the black and red writhing in seconds. On cue, Frenzy produced a muffled moan of genuine pleasure.

Unable to move anything but their heads, the Decepticons focused their affections on each other's mouths, licking, lapping, and suckling as necessary to bring each other's pleasure to new heights. Their sounds of passion muffled the sound of the locker opening. Only the light that bathed them managed to mildly disturb them.

"Whoa. Look at them go!" Rewind laughed softly, stepping into the locker with his own twin. "My, my. And you said I was naughty, Eject."

"Shut up." Eject elbowed his twin before he looked back to the other set of twins. Rumble, for the first time in a long time, had a rather serious look, almost as if he was upset they were interrupted. Frenzy was panting, his face was flushed, and he seemed to want nothing more than have the intruders leave so his twin could finish him.

"We interrupted? I'm sorry." Rewind mocked the bound pair but was quickly rewarded with a smack on the back of his head. "Hey, what was that for?!"

"Stop being an ass. Let's help them out." Eject took a few steps forward towards the Decepticon cassettes. Rumble tried to get away but only managed to fall on his other side, opposite to his brother's panting form.

"Rumble..." the black and red whined desperately, immediately trying to throw his own weight on the direction of his brother to resume their passion.

The black Autobot cassette chuckled softly and helped pick up Frenzy, setting him on the wall against Rumble again. It took no time for Frenzy to claim his brother's lips again, rubbing what parts of his body he could against his bound twin.

Rewind wrapped an arm around Eject, idly rubbing his fingers against his twin's midsection while watching the Decepticons drive each other to overload. "They act like we're not here. I feel mildly offended."

"You would," the blue twin chuckled softly, shuddering as he heard Frenzy's muffled cry as he neared his overload. "Maybe we should make our presence more noticeable."

Rumble let out a soft yelp as he felt a pair of hands trailing along his frame in deliciously slow motions and forced himself to break the kiss he shared with his brother, looking up to find Rewind tracing his digits along his body.

"Go on, make your brother overload," he purred against Rumble's audio. The Decepticon was too far gone in his own pleasure to care about being stimulated by the rival cassette, appreciating the touch that was building up towards his own overload.

Frenzy was receiving a similar treatment from Eject who found it ironic that the usually more quiet and cool Frenzy was a moaning, whimpering machine when he was excited. He shuddered as he saw the Decepticon twins kiss again, rubbing their upper bodies against each other the best they could, arching into the touch of the rival twins to indicate pleasure spots, demanding silently for extended touch in selected areas.

The Autobots gladly supplied their prisoners with the desired touches, driving them both to overload as their glossas danced on each other's mouth. The muffled cries of pleasure and flaring energy fields were the signals of the Decepticon twins' climax. Rumble and Frenzy limped against the frames of Rewind and Eject, still conscious but drained.

The purple twin bent as much as he could to nuzzle his black brother for lack of unrestricted limbs he could hold him close with. Affectionate displays always followed their overloads.

At this point, Rewind and Eject were as excited as the Decepticons had been, and despite their touch never wavering from the rival cassettes' forms, the Autobot twins had retracted their masks, mimicking their captives in frenetic kisses while their hands remained busy on enemy bodies.

Their kissing didn't go unnoticed, for Rumble and Frenzy were staring at them, still recovering from their own overload. Rumble grinned to his brother and nodded towards their very distracted captors. Frenzy nodded back, facing Eject's chest as he brought his lips to graze the blue plating.

Eject groaned against his twin's mouth, shuddering as he felt the Decepticon's glossa dancing across his chest panels, teasing sensitive components. Rewind hissed as he received a similar treatment from Rumble, breaking the kiss with his twin to look down at the purple and blue cassette. The Autobot twins exchanged looks and grinned to each other.

They loosened the bonds restraining the Decepticon twins. At this point, both Rumble and Frenzy were beyond caring to escape, just glad to be able to have some degree of mobility. Rewind laid back, pulling Rumble on top of him as he claimed the purple and blue twin's mouth with his own, while his hands ghosted over Rumble's frame. The Decepticon returned the black twin's affections as best as he could while still partly restrained.

Eject, not about to be outdone by his twin pushed his weight over Frenzy to lay atop him. The black and red Decepticon wasted no time pulling his rival's head down for a passionate kiss not unlike those he shared with Rumble.

Both pairs of cassettes drove each other quickly into overload, finding pleasure not only from each other's ministrations but from the sounds produced by their respective twins being worked into overload. The energy of each twin danced and tangled into each of the four bodies that laid on the bottom of the locker, eliciting sweet sounds of pleasure from each cassette until finally all four reached their climax at unison.

Rumble and Frenzy collapsed offline right after their release, the second overload taking all their remaining energy and forcing them into recharge. Eject and Rewind, still not spent as much as their rivals, smiled to each other and set the unconscious cassettes against each other, chuckling as Frenzy cuddled close to his brother even unconscious. The Autobot twins held each other close, sharing a last kiss before they looked up, finding Blaster casually leaning against the wall with a smug look across his face plates, making it evident he had witnessed most, if not all of the action.

"Can we keep them?" Eject asked tiredly as he cuddled Rewind's neck.

"We'll see." Blaster chuckled softly and opened his chest's compartment to allow his twins to get some needed recharge.

rumble, frenzy, fan fiction, rewind, blaster, eject, nc-17, cassettes

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