Fantasia, tempesta, it's my odyssey~

May 31, 2009 04:11

Title: Kiss Me Sunlights.
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: PWP Fluff. Slashy Goodness.
Pairings: Implied Ironhide x Ratchet.
Characters: Ratchet, Bebe Jazz, Ironhide.
Summary: One of the beauties about their new home were the beautiful sunrises. Even more beautiful was to watch the sunlight bathe their little miracle.
Notes: This is a gift written for mmouse15 who's had quite a week.Hope you like! Yes, this is connected to all those dabbles about Jazz being resurrected as a sparkling. Short and pointless fluff.

Despite his large size, his steps were quiet, making only the softest of noises, faint sounds of metal feet connecting with a solid surface in little 'tap tap' sounds. Ratchet looked around idly as he traversed the long, barely lit corridors, audio sensors listening intently at the silence, glad that any other Autobots aside those in monitor duty were still deeply in recharge, he didn't feel like engaging in idle talk. Not today.

He'd timed the moment perfectly, studying the charts and weather forecasts with weeks in advance. The small bundle of parts nestled comfortably in his arms pressed a little tighter against him as they neared the doors leading to the outside of the base, the breeze of an early morning caressing the diminutive body incapable of generating enough warmth by itself to counter the cool, humid air.

Ratchet elevated his own temperature just a little, holding the still recharging infant closer to his frame to keep it warm. The silvery little body seemed to almost disappear in his arms and against his chassis, he was really that small.

The medic stepped outside, shielding Jazz's body with his warm arms as he cast a glance around, it was still dark but the sky was beginning to grow a brighter blue, sprinkled with strokes of pale orange in the horizon where the planet's sun was beginning to peek through as the rotation slowly turned the hemisphere to face its life giving star.

Jazz, still deeply in recharge chirped in protest, the fresh air all too cold to his little frame. Ratchet's engine rumbled softly, producing some more warmth for his infant as he headed for a hangar facing the horizon at the perfect angle. He leaned against the walls of the structure, positioned carefully as he slid to a sitting position, Jazz still sleeping in his arms.

The sun began to peek over the distance, its golden beams, which Sam Witwicky mentioned some people considered the fingers of a god crawled slowly over the sky and the land. Inch by inch reaching to stroke the land and the skies with its warm touch, turning the dark skies into paler hues, illuminating the moisture of the morning dew as the gentle warmth reached further. The sun god caressed Ratchet with its warm touch, gentle and tender, not like the unexpected tenderness his bondmate would bestow upon him.

With his plating picking in the warmth of the rising sun, Ratchet maneuvered his sparkling in his arms, bringing little Jazz in contact with the sunlight. The orange hues of the morning sun colored the edges of lightly blue tinted silver, casting sharp, dark shadows over the pristine plating of the once soldier that was now but a new born.

Jazz chirped softly, as blue optics powered up sleepily, feeling something warm but intangible caressing him, like the touch of his parent units. It was tender, loving, it made him feel good, safe.

Ratchet raised Jazz a little higher, allowing the life giving star to bathe his beautiful sparkling with its light. It was a sight that Ratchet considered nothing would ever top in his list of wondrous and, as humans would say, breath taking things. Jazz's melodic chirps of wonder brought a smile to Ratchet's face plates, and he studied his now child, a little clawed hand raising up catching the direct reflections of the sunlight, earning an awed chirr from the sparkling.

Ratchet felt a hard and somewhat cold body sit next to him, angling to catch some of the sunlight to warm up black plating. The medic didn't need to look away to know Ironhide was there, finally joining him after his monitor duty was done and over with. Jazz chirped softly, his little hands and arms moving around, watching the sun reflecting on his pristine silver plates, his little legs kicking here and there to catch some of that warm sunlight on his lower limbs.

Ratchet moved Jazz a little to allow the sunlight to bathe Jazz's side completely, warming his little body with its gentle touch, while he leaned against Ironhide. For the expanse of an hour they remained sitting against the hangar, watching Jazz play with his newfound plaything until his systems tired and a soft chirr escaped his vocalizer before he curled against the chartreuse body of one of the mechs his little spark associated as progenitor, succumbing to pleasant slumber.

Neither Ironhide or Ratchet felt inclined to leave their post just yet, merely enjoying the morning sunshine, the planet's beauty and their beautiful sparkling for as long as they could get away with.

2007verse, jazz, ironhide, ratchet, sparklings, ironhidexratchet

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