snugsbunny has saved my hide by getting a certain Jeep for a certain Ford GT. Excuse the horrible pictures, for some reason they all came rather orangey in color.
Here is the mech inside his box. A lovely Jeep Wrangler. Remember I mentioned the p-unit's dream car is the Ford GT? Well, the m-unit has always wanted a Jeep, and her favorite model is the Wrangler. =w=;; Why do my parents match my OTPs so much?
Hound's pretty damn sexy as an Alternator. Although he's too serious in this shot. XD
You can't notice it much because the shots are kinda dark, but although he is a dark green shade it's rather glittery.
A shot from above.
Now his front.
And cannot forget the aft. His gun can fold and be stored in a clever compartment in the case for the spare tire.
And here's the seckzy mech in all his glory. His transformation was a little tricky at first but after Jazz every other bot has become easy to transform for me.
I love the design of his helm in this one.
And he's got a pretty handsome headmold, too.
And in what seems to be a Houndish tradition, he's got some of the biggest optics I've seen. I think his are bigger than all my other Alternators with Sideswipe right behind.
His arms aren't as posseable as other bots (they are a little more mobile than Jazz's at the shoulder but otherwise his arms are a bit limited articulation wise) However, he's got a lot of leg articulation, he can bend his legs and knees very well, like Mirage and can sit flat on his aft, unlike the twins.
And apparently the sentry (aka Classics Sideswipe) was quick to inform Mirage about Hound's arrival because Prowl got no chance to welcome him to the mad house.
Mirage is most certainly delighted to see Hound.
I believe the feeling's mutual.
Is it me or all my Hounds have a flair for picking up their respective Mirages? I don't think Alt!Mirage minds much, though.
Persuaded to put Mirage down, Hound just can't wait to touch his Ford GT's pretty face, and Mirage took the change to hold Hound's hand and give it a proper snuggle.
Holding hands. And Bluestreak (my camera) for some ungodly reason decided to focus on the lonely IC Prowl. (I'll get you a matching Jazz one day, I swear!) I should also make a point of rubbing in that if Sunstreaker and Sideswipe denied Mirage was taller than them, they cannot deny Hound is officially the tallest 'bot in this room. Srsly.
So happy to see you~
So happy to meet you~
After practicing the fine arts of 'mouth to mouth' *cough* which I didn't photograph for decorum's sake (and because Mirage was being bashful) 'Raj tells Hound there's a pair of someones he wants him to meet.
Enter the sparklings!
Wrangler and Rigie run to meet their father. Now everyone knows where Wrangler got his name from. XP
Took a little effort but the delighted father managed to pick up his sparkling Rigie.
And Wrangler in the other arm for good measure.
The happy family is now complete! And much bonding time will be had!
And by the time the sparklets have to recharge... they're going to be staying with Alt!Prowl, Alt!Jazz and their horde because Father's got some NC-17 Rated plans for their Daddy.
And this is the current state of the shelf. Hound totally ate almost all the room that was left because he's a bit wide. It's good I made room for Red Alert and Inferno in another shelf.