This is SO not my fault!

Mar 20, 2009 22:20

Title: Always the Quiet Ones.
Rating: R
Warnings: PWP. Crack, crack, more crack. There's some Crack, and another crack... Slashy goodness. Bots getting horny? Bots making other bots horny? D:
Pairings: Prowl x Jazz, Inferno x Red Alert, Ironhide x Ratchet x Wheeljack, Hound x Mirage.
Characters: Prowl, Jazz, Red Alert, Inferno, Ratchet, Ironhide, Wheeljack.
Summary: There's nothing sweeter than revenge, and nothing more terrible than the revenge of the quiet ones.
Notes: This is snugsbunny's and __Wilderness__'s fault! This takes place after __wilderness__'s 'Contested'.

You may wanna listen to this while you read this crack.
Hail From The Past - By Michiru Yamane

Ratchet frowned and watched Red Alert pacing a hole on the floor of his medical bay ranting at him, and Primus, and whoever else was willing to listen about the recent ignominy he was subjected to courtesy of Inferno.

"I just can't believe he would agree to something like that! That kind of things are personal and private, and --Primus! How could he?!"

Ratchet vented a heavy sigh and finally having enough of the pacing and ranting and those sensor horns flashing like traffic lights; he ganked Red Alert and pushed him down into one of the medical berths. "Will you give it a rest already? You're going to blow something in that CPU and I don't fancy repairing you so soon."

"But Ratchet--"

"No buts." The medic gave a firm glare at the smaller mech, watching with mild satisfaction as the other quiet down and merely nodded, though now he had devolved into pouting like a sparkling. "Look, if you're that upset with him why don't you give him a taste of his own medicine?"

Red Alert quirked an optic ridge and looked up at the medic. "Say what?"

The ambulance shrugged. "Do something to him in return. Show him you're upset and you don't appreciate him doing this kind of thing."

The security director shook his head in defeat. "And what could I possibly do to him that would be punishment enough for what he did? Other than not talking to him for only Primus knows how long I'll manage to stay angry with him."

Ratchet smirked. "Tie him to a chair and arouse him to near overload but refuse to touch him?"

Red Alert squeaked at the positively evil glint in Ratchet's optics, and if it wasn't because he knew better, he could have sworn Ratchet was a Decepticon at his core. "T-That's a little underhanded don't you think?"

"Well, I have other ideas." Ratchet shrugged for a moment before a mischievous smile spread across his lips. "Oh yes... I do have other ideas."

Red Alert couldn't help but imitate the human act of swallowing hard as he started at Ratchet's now cackling form.


"Exactly how I got roped into this?" Prowl asked, folding his arms across his ample hood while he regarded the other four mechs in the room.

"Aren't you upset for what Jazz did?" Red Alert asked in a somewhat meek tone, showing he wasn't fully convinced of this. Prowl merely shrugged. "I've been his mate long enough to be used to his, how did he call them? Oh, yes, shenanigans."

"Well, we're still upset about what those three did. I have never been more humiliated in my life." Mirage muttered softly, showing clearly just how upset he was with both, Jazz and Hound. According to Jazz, the spy had been giving him the cold shoulder since the incident.

"And why are you here?" Prowl asked, turning to Ratchet.

"Ironhide and Wheeljack pissed me off."


"They fragged each other and didn't wait for me?"

Prowl's door wings drooped a little at that answer. Petty revenges weren't one of his top priorities, and he was satisfied with his own punishment over Jazz simply by denying his mate interfacing rights for a while. "Fine. What do you plan to do and what do you need me to do?"

"This is a list of the things we're going to need. Now, I believe you have some experience in this subject?" Ratchet handed a pad with a list of items they would require. Prowl inspected the list, quirking an optic ridge. "A little, yes."

"Do we want to know how is it you know about this... lap dancing?" Mirage inquired an expression skirting between amusement and mildly disturbed.

"Jazz." The Datsun replied absently, reviewing the list. "have you selected a place where to carry your plan? If you have not, I might suggest this sector, here." Prowl summoned a map in the data pad, the three other mechs surrounded him as they began to plan their revenge.


Several days went by, days in which Red Alert and Mirage had taken to share temporary quarters to punctuate their displeasure with their respective mates and both Prowl and Ratchet found new and creative ways to keep themselves too busy to even allow time for their respective mates to try to appease them and renew their berth benefits.

Inferno was sulking like a kicked puppy, all but dragging his weight around and drowning his sorrows in high-grade. Hound paid him company for the most part, and although it was evident for everyone the green scout was not much better than Inferno, he tried to offer comfort to his friend while trying to find a way to make up to Mirage before he even dared to contact his mate, not looking forward to have a door shut on his face like Inferno had been for the past few days.

It was not until a late night that saw Red Alert nervously shifting towards his mate in the almost empty recreation room. Inferno was quick on his feet meeting with Red Alert in the middle of the room. "Red!" He cried softly, wrapping his arms around Red Alert tightly. He murmured spark felt apologies, holding his mate tighter. Red Alert had to fight back the urge to just hug his mate back and disregard the plot he was about to set into motion, but reminded himself Inferno needed a good lesson.

Red Alert managed to pry himself away from his mate, assuring him everything would be fine and he'd be returning to their quarters that night, but asked him to come along to some place for a little surprise. The bashful smile on his lips all nearly turned inferno into a puddle, that smile often meant Red Alert had... plans. Delightful plans for the both of them.

"Come with me?" Red Alert asked, tugging gently on his mate's hand. Inferno nodded dreamily, a goofy smile spread across his face as he allowed Red Alert to lead him out.

Hound watched the fire engine be dragged out by his mate and smiled a little before heaving a sigh. He was glad Inferno and Red Alert were going to make up, but also made him wonder when Mirage would forgive him.

"Hound?" Mirage's voice over his comm-link startled him. "Yes, Mirage?" He asked hesitantly, unsure how to address his mate right now. Was he still angry? Maybe he forgave him?

A hand that could not be seen took his, tugging gently. Hound turned to where his heightened sensors told him his mate was, currently enshrouded by the effect of his electro disrupter. "I've missed you." Mirage murmured, and although he was completely honest in his words, he, too, had to fight back the urge to just forgive his mate.

"Mirage, I'm sorry," Hound whispered, standing up and wrapping his arms around his invisible mate, not caring about how silly he looked embracing thin air. "I didn't mean to upset you. It was just good fun."

Mirage shook his head and although it went unseen he redoubled his determination. "I understand that, Hound, but it was still a little humiliating."

"I'm sorry. I really am."

"I know. Come, there's something I want to show you. Then you can make it up to me when we go back to our quarters."

Hound nodded with a little smile and allowed his mate to lead him out, grateful Mirage had, if not forgiven him yet, at least decided to go back to their shared quarters.


Inferno looked around in bewilderment, unsure what to make out of the current situation he found himself in. Red Alert had brought him to this rather lonely sector of the Ark into a large, unused storage bay and asked him to sit on a chair that was barely visible in the dimly lit room and told him to wait a little. Not long afterwards Jazz, Hound, Ironhide and Wheeljack had been called into the same room and made to sit in matching chairs like his own.

A little nagging voice in the back of his processors warned him something bad was going to happen, but he tried to ignore it.

A few moments later, Red Alert came over from behind a long curtain that obscured something, and that feeling of uneasiness within Inferno grew two fold. The security director smiled at him, that little shy, tender smile that melted his processors and left him incapable of processing coherent thoughts. Red Alert instructed all the mechs to make themselves comfortable and rest their arms in the appointed arm rests. Once all of them did so, the tender smile became a scowl and a clicking sound echoed in the large room.

"What's the meanin' of this?!" Ironhide barked as he sat straighter, pulling against the restrains that held his arms against the arm rests.

"The meaning of this," Red Alert began as he paced from side to side before the row of chairs, arms crossed behind his back. "Is that you're all an indisciplined lot, and we are about to take measures to solve that."

"We?" Jazz asked meekly, suspecting already who these 'we' were.

Red Alert smiled placidly again. "You shall see very soon. Make yourself comfortable. Oh, and Ironhide," the Lamborghini glared at the large red van. "Those restrains are strong enough to hold you down, so don't even bother trying to break them."

Ironhide muttered a low curse and struggled a little more just because as Red Alert turned around the long curtain, disappearing behind it. For a few minutes it seemed as if nothing was going to happen, and that only served to make the restrained mechs more anxious.

Without warning the room went completely dark and the curtain fell, revealing...

Jazz wasn't sure what to make out of what his optics showed to him. There was a small stage of sorts constructed with four long poles along its length, with a series of colored lights swirling around the room, casting some erratic light on the four mechs that stood in the stage, each one leaning seductively against their respective poles.

Hound flickered his optics a couple of times, trying without success to pry his sight away from the very delectable shape of his mate, leaning against a pole that was placed directly before his seat on the stage. A blue see-through length of cloth was wrapped snuggly around his hips, decorated with small silver chains and what seemed like coins of some sort along the rims. Two more large pieces of cloth were wrapped around his upper arms. Crowning the arrangement, Mirage wore an ornate mask similar to those he knew to be worn during masquerades, covering Mirage's upper face and optics from view.

Inferno gaped, completely flabbergasted as his optics scanned Red Alert's figure, he wore a similar arrangement, with the tightly wrapped cloth around the hips, armlets with a piece of fabric hanging from each one, and a similar ornate mask. He braced himself, knowing this was going to be a taste of the matrix and the pit all in one.

Wheeljack and Ironhide were as stunned as the other mechs, Ratchet wore a smaller sash, lacking the coins and chains sewn into the fabric, and instead, wore a long scarf that fell all the way to his thighs from behind. He, too, wore a mask similar to those Mirage and Red Alert sported, and a devilish smile that promised delightful tortures would befall them.

Jazz himself was entranced, allowing his optics to scan Prowl's form. He too, wore the smaller sash that wrapped tightly around his hips, the black material tantalizingly hiding most of that beautiful red triangle that Jazz adored to play with, the length of the fabric falling neatly along his thigh, bringing attention to the gray plating. Just like Ratchet, Prowl wore a scarf just a little shorter than the medic's and a similar mask.

The five mechs managed to look at each other for a moment, each one knowing very well this was not going to end up that well for themselves.

Prowl, who had a leg partly hooked around his pole extended a hand with a lazy movement, revealing a small remote held with his white fingers. He pressed a button and soon the lights titillated in a different sequence, sultry and exotic music began to play while Prowl tossed the remote away carelessly.

Inferno couldn't help but stare, completely transfixed by the gentle sway of Red Alert's hips, making the small chains and coins rattle softly. The four mechs began to move slowly, hips swaying gently, almost innocently as they circled around their respective poles.

Hound's face plates heated, watching Mirage nuzzle his cheek against the pole, smiling shyly yet seductively at him, hips swaying a little bolder now as he made his way behind the pole. Black hands reached to take hold of the golden metal, as he thrust his hips against it a little to the beat of the music.

Ironhide and Wheeljack looked at each other with a look of pure and absolute astonishment before they looked back at Ratchet's figure. The red aft swayed graciously to the beat of the music as he moved around the pole, the scarf swaying and swatting against that patch of bright red.

Jazz was mesmerized by the sight of Prowl moving softly almost timidly around the pole, an action he knew was nothing but an act, and that alone was heating his systems rapidly. The black fabric of the sash moved along with those black hips, revealing just another peek of that red triangle just to hide it again with each delicious sashaying movement he performed.

After some bolder moves against the poles, the four mechs shimmied their way closer, slowly, oh so slowly making their way down the small steps towards their respective mates' seats. Ratchet turned around, giving his back to his mates before he shook his hips from side to side in rapid succession, making the cloth flare up and sway erratically, while the scarf tapped against his red aft right before Ironhide and Wheeljack, who were, by now, reduced to grunting and shuddering forms.

Inferno wanted to squeak miserably as Red Alert's legs moved to straddle one of his own, not quite sitting down on it, but close enough to feel the warmth irradiating from the Lamborghini's frame. He tugged at his restrains a little, groaning when his efforts rewarded him the smaller mech's retreat, only to see Red Alert lift his arms above his head, standing on his side so Inferno could watch the shimmying of his hips.

Hound was beyond any form of speech by now, watching his beautiful and delicate Mirage lean back as he shook his upper body to the beat of the music, sending the fabric hanging from his arms flying around beautifully. So close to him yet so far at the same time, it was torture and Mirage knew it, his loving smile making the punishment all the more unbearable.

Jazz watched Prowl lower himself to his knees then lean back until he was almost completely laying on his back, thrusting his hips up along with his shoulder sensually, wringing a needy whimper from the saboteur. He could see the beautiful door wings shiver with each motion just as he could see that tempting red triangle that he could not touch. Prowl raised elegantly in a way that Jazz found breath taking before he continued to dance before him, that little shy smile still plastered over his lip components and Jazz moaned softly as a silvery glossa peeked timidly from parted lips, barely licking an upper lip. Jazz swore to Primus he would be a good mech if the restrains melted any moment now from the heat that irradiated his frame.

As the music began to fade, the mechs began to head back to the stage, giving now knowing smiles at the five mechs that were far too aroused by now. "I hope this teaches you all a lesson." Ratchet murmured in a low voice, removing his mask to cast a glance at Ironhide and Wheeljack, both mechs merely nodded at unison, grunting with strain.

"Very well." Red Alert removed his mask, a scowl drawn deeply into his face. "I'll be in our quarters, Inferno." With that the security director turned around, disappearing behind the curtain that was now lowered again.

"W-Wait! Red, yer not goin' to leave me here like this, are you?!" Inferno squeaked, looking down at his restrains with panic.

Red Alert's voice could be heard father away. "As a matter of fact, yes, I am. You can join me in our berth when you manage to get out of there."

Hound looked at Inferno with a bewildered expression, then down to his own restrains before he dared to look back at Mirage. Unlike Red Alert, Mirage was smiling at him, a true and honest smile, which meant that, yes, Hound was forgiven. "I'll be in our quarters." Mirage murmured and removed his own mask, coming down the stage to place a tender kiss on Hound's lip components. "Good luck with those."

"I'll need it," Hound chuckled, managing to find good humor in his situation, watching Mirage walk back to the stage to disappear behind the curtain, sighing dreamily at the way Mirage's hips' swaying was accented by the cloth he wore.

"That should teach you both about having fun without me." Ratchet smirked rested his hands on his hips, canting a hip to the side just a little. "When you two can get out of there, make sure you don't wake me up."

Wheeljack and Ironhide looked at their retreating mate then at each other and both slumped on their seats, they knew they were going to have to work extra hard to make it up to Ratchet now.

Prowl shook his head and began to remove his scarf and sash as he approached his own mate. "That was cruel, Prowler," Jazz pouted but the corner of his mouth quirked in an amused smile. "I'm sorry," Prowl chuckled and removed his mask. "It was Ratchet's idea. But if it's any consolation..." Prowl drawled and brushed his lips against Jazz's cheek. "If you are good little Autobot I might be persuaded to give you an encore, in private." He purred softly, giving a quick peck to his mate's lips. "Don't take too long." Prowl said as he pulled away, gingerly depositing the key for the restrains on his mate's black fingers before turning around and disappearing behind the curtain.

Jazz hummed dreamily, ignoring Inferno's and Ironhide's cries to release himself already so he could free the rest of them.

clankboombang sammich, prowlxjazz, infernoxredalert, houndxmirage, ironhidexratchet

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