Fine, so I gave in...

Mar 07, 2009 03:48

Title: Splash Blue.
Rating: R
Warnings: Fluff, crack, mer mech seckz... weirdness much.
Pairings: Mer mech!Prowl x Mer mech!Jazz.
Characters: Prowl, Jazz. Mention of Wheeljack, Ratchet and Perceptor.
Summary: Jazz has a bad day, and Prowl kisses makes it all better.
Notes: This is all snugsbunny's fault. No, really, it's her fault. Never mind I came up with the damn thing in the first place, but it's her fault for encouraging me! This is crack by the fragload.

Dedicated to snugsbunny and mmouse15 who are in need of some hugs and some fluffs.

Not Beta'ed so, feel free to correct me.

There were days in the life of a young mer mech when not getting out of the berth seemed like a good idea. Today happened to be one such day for Jazz. Everything that could possibly go wrong with his day had gone wrong and in stellar fashion.

He was currently engaged in deadly combat with stains of only Primus knew what bizarre substance the court's engineer was tampering with that a careless flicker of a tail sent splattering in all directions --the thick substance clung to everything it touched, and thus, Jazz was currently sporting a partly black tail where once a vibrant blue had been the dominant color. The glowing stripes of color flanking his sides were currently so bright that they almost blinded the poor engineer trying sheepishly to help to scrub off the vile fluid.

Jazz wasn't usually seen with this deep pout on his normally cheerful face, but with a succession of unlucky or unpleasant occurrences, the young mer mech was not up to try to keep a cheerful face when he was in such rotten mood.

In the end, it required the combined efforts of his spark carrier and the court's chief medic, Ratchet, and the head of the science department, Perceptor, to help Wheeljack clean Jazz's stained tail. A process that was far from pleasant, left him with a sore and tender tail.

Jazz didn't like to sulk, he really, really didn't like to feel like the best thing he could do was curl up on his berth and feel sorry for himself, but alas, that was exactly what he was feeling at the moment and only served to make his mood sour even more. He swam slowly through the halls of the grand palace towards his quarters, wanting nothing more than to lay down and not feel the aches on his tail.

Finally, he reached his quarters and swam right to his berth carefully laying on his side on the soft material of the bunk. To add to his unhappiness, the day had gone by without him being able to see his intended even once, various compromises for both of them and his waking up too late made it impossible to see each other that day.

Primus, however, felt merciful enough and a soft knocking on the door forced the young mer mech to sit up a little, turning to face the door. "Come in."

The door opened, allowing the light from the halls to filter through, partly obscured by a familiar shape hovering on the threshold, lovely wing-fins flickering lightly to keep him afloat. Jazz couldn't help but feel a tiny smile tug at the corners of his mouth, recognizing the shape of his betrothed with ease. Prowl swam gently into the room, carefully closing the door behind himself. He offered a gentle smile to the smaller mech, swimming to his berth. "Hi," Prowl murmured gently.

"Hi yourself," Jazz replied softly and sat up a little better.

"I heard you had an accident in Wheeljack's lab?" The chevroned black and white mer mech took a seat on the edge of the soft berth, especially crafted to allow Jazz to lay on his back despite his dorsal fin.

"Ya could say that." The blue, black and white mer mech nodded his head towards his tail currently bearing the marks of said accident. Prowl couldn't help but wince sympathetically, looking at the few scratches on the pliable metal where Jazz's blue pigments had been peeled off by whatever was used to remove the black substance.

Prowl looked back at his betrothed. "Did Ratchet give you anything to tend to those?"

"Yep, he gave me an ointment of sorts I'm supposed ta apply on the scratches an' help the pigments cover it back quickly." Jazz dug into his subspace pocket and pulled out a small container with the preparation his dad gave him to tend to his sore tail.

"Have you refueled yet?" Prowl asked as he reached to take the container, opening the lid to take some of the ointment with his fingertips, setting it aside and motioning for Jazz to move further into his berth and lay on his back. He had noticed the neon stripes on his lover's sides were rather dim, a sure sign of how worn out, moody and probably low in energy he was.

"I haven't stopped for my night time ration," Jazz admitted sheepishly, wiggling his upper body to find a comfortable angle, sighing with contentment as he felt Prowl's fingers carefully spread the ointment over his tail's scratches. He had expected the ointment to sting a little, but in reality it felt really good, and the small circles Prowl was tracing with his fingers as he spread the substance made it all the better.

"You can be such a sparkling sometimes, you know?" Prowl chided affectionately as he tended to Jazz's sore and tender tail.

"Sorry, lover. It's jus' been a bad day." Jazz murmured with a smile upon his lips, feeling much better just by having Prowl there next to him.

"I can imagine." Prowl reached gently to lift Jazz's tail and make sure he applied the substance all around the affected area. Only when he was satisfied with his job the chevroned mer mech closed the lid and set it down by the small table Jazz kept nearby his berth. "I'll get our rations for the night, then it's straight to recharge for you," He said with a smile while he cleaned his fingers. Jazz nodded, feeling rather exhausted already from the long and unkind day he had gone through, watching his beloved leave the room for a moment.

A short while later, Prowl was back with the gel-like cubes, both eating little by little in a companionable silence. When they were done, Prowl nudged Jazz to move closer to the wall and Jazz complied, turning around to lay on his side again, then huddled against the silvery tailed mech he loved.

Prowl smiled down at Jazz, wrapping his arms around him. "Get some rest, Jazz, you've had a long day." He murmured gently and began to stroke the base of Jazz's dorsal fin soothingly, earning a happy chirr from his intended. Very soon Jazz succumbed to the recharge he needed so badly.

Despite how sore and worn out he was, Jazz was growing increasingly restless in his recharge, twitching his tail and moving a little too much against Prowl. The slightly taller black and white mech onlined his optics, watching Jazz intently for a while as he moved or tried to change positions, not because he wasn't comfortable, but just because he was restless. Jazz's tail fin was flicking around often, a sure sign he wasn't resting.

"Jazz," Prowl murmured softly and sat up on the berth, reaching to shake the smaller black and white mer mech to rouse him from his restless sleep. It took some effort but finally Jazz onlined his optics, lighting up the visor he usually wore. "W-Wha...?" the visor flickered a few times, sleepily.

The other mech vacated the berth, tugging gently on his lover's arm. "Come."

"Uh? Where we goin'?" Jazz asked with a sleepy slur, pushing himself up to swim over to his betrothed, groaning a little as his tail protested the harsh movement.

"You're not resting well, you're not going to be fully functional tomorrow at this rate. We're going out for a while." Prowl helped Jazz out of the berth, wrapping an arm around his lover's waist, using his wing-fins to steady them both.

"At this time? Th'guards are gonna find us and ya father's gonna throw a fit." Jazz protested half heartedly, resting his head partly against Prowl's shoulder. Though, the blue-tailed mer mech found himself suddenly growing very much wary at the predatory smile that spread across his betrothed's lips. He knew that smile meant trouble.

One day Jazz was seriously going to regret teaching Prowl to sneak out of the Palace when they were sparklings. The mech was becoming as sneaky if not sneakier than he was, and that was to say something. Still, he allowed his mate to lead him through gardens of corals and other similar living constructions composed of hundreds or thousands of nano machinery that created the beautiful structures. Jazz's tail flickered very lightly every now and then to help Prowl propel their bodies through the gentle currents of the warm waters.

They reached a familiar area where glowing metal vines and long, gelatinous strands of energon dominated the view. They came to this place often, it was close enough to the palace to reach back and forth in a short time frame, but secluded enough to give them privacy. At this time during the night time, many of the other life forms in the depths of the beautiful seas that were their home, left their hiding places to mingle about, offering a wonderful spectacle for those who stopped by enough to see it.

Jazz loved it there, he loved to just sit down and watch all the little acrobatics the schools of diminutive Piranhacons could pull, or watch the elegant and impressive color and light shows of the Steelrays as they moved about. The pair sat together in a familiar spot, watching the nightly activity of the vibrant but simpler life forms.

Prowl allowed Jazz to lean his full weight against him, gently stroking his lover's dorsal fin in a relaxing fashion. The blue tailed mer mech shuddered a little, enjoying the loving caress. Another reason why they loved to come here at night was because certain structures along the natural grooves and caves bordering this beautiful garden produced lovely sounds with the changes in the currents thanks to the activity of the smaller, simpler life forms.

Jazz would often add something to the sounds of the living seas, be it by humming, swimming around in specific patterns to produce more varied sounds, playing the terrain like an instrument, or just downright singing.

Prowl smiled fondly, thinking of just how gorgeous Jazz was whenever he was swimming around, so agile, so expertly, so fast, so beautiful. He noticed then Jazz was humming softly, the tip of his tail fin brushed gently, somewhat playfully, against one of his tail's fins. The neon stripes on Jazz's sides began to glow at intermittent intervals in a beautiful display. A display Prowl knew meant more than Jazz's mood improving so much more.

The streak of little neon chevrons decorating his own tail began to glow and fade in response to Jazz's bright signals. The smaller mer mech released a soft chirp, leaning up a little to press his lips to his betrothed's in a sweet kiss. Prowl pulled Jazz closer, responding to the tender kiss in kind, the tip of one of his tail's fins brushed lightly, almost shyly against Jazz's fin.

The blue tailed mer mech cooed softly against his mate's lips, answering to the brush against his tail by flickering the fin playfully against Prowl's in encouragement. Prowl took the chance and flipped his tail and wing-fins, beginning to pull Jazz back up into the gentle currents as their kiss deepened, lips parting to allow timid glossas to flicker against each other.

Loving each other like this was still a new experience for them both, and with their ceremony still several weeks away, they hadn't dwelled into the delights of intimacy past a bit of heavy petting and long kisses that left each other wanting to lose themselves into the wonderful feel and taste of each other's mouth. The occasional overload had washed upon them during their fooling around, leaving each other shaken by the experience and yearning for more, yet holding back until their ceremony.

Prowl's glossa dipped into Jazz's mouth brushing tenderly against the underside of his lover's own glossa, wringing a moan from his beloved. Prowl brought a hand up to Jazz's helm, keeping a firm hold of his waist with his other arm. Jazz pressed himself a little closer, wrapping both arms around Prowl's back, resting his palms flat in between his wing-fins, feeling each little change on the currents as the appendages flickered to help sustain them.

Prowl reached gently to stroke the base of one of Jazz's stubby helm horns, making a sound of contentment when Jazz shuddered and groaned into the kiss and retaliated by pressing his tail tighter against Prowl's rubbing the upper area against his Intended's, earning a long groan as reward for his efforts.

Prowl pulled away from the kiss reluctantly, glossas lapping on each other's for a moment before they parted completely. "I love you, Jazz." Prowl murmured against Jazz's cheek, trailing his lips down under his chin, peppering the underside of his jaw line with little kisses and soft nibbles which Jazz soon returned as he brought his lips to Prowl's neck wiring, replying with an 'I love you, too'.

Black fingers traced lazy circles around Prowl's back, not daring to touch the wings he so much desired to grope, knowing at the moment they were what kept them both afloat. Their tails were touching softly, curving against each other ever so slightly and yet fitting against each other so perfectly like they had been made to match since the very beginning of their life. Their tails intertwined carefully in a perfectly choreographed dance, an intimate gesture.

They didn't realize it, but as they caressed and kissed each other, they were twirling around, their tails still intertwined, pressing against each other and rubbing lightly every now and then. Their kisses grew fervent, white fingers trailed along the base of Jazz's dorsal fin, groping, feeling up along its length and wringing soft little cries of pleasure from the visored mer mech. Jazz's fingers were far from idle, his face buried in Prowl's chest, kissing his way from a headlight to his neck while his black fingers stroked the small of Prowl's back.

Quivering wing-fins flapped erratically to keep them afloat while a current of energy began to sweep around them. Neon stripes and little chevrons glowed and faded in rapid succession, matching the desperate beating of sparks that wished to meet and clash against each other, to merge with their chosen mate.

Between heated kisses and hips pressing and rubbing against each other, fingers bestowing pleasure upon each other; the charge grew stronger, seeking release. Prowl wished he could give into his spark's desires, merging with Jazz's already and bond with his beloved right there and then.

Jazz cried Prowl's name softly, mumbling incoherent words of love, feeling his tail ache once again with the growing charge. Prowl murmured words of love back to Jazz, bringing his mouth to one of Jazz's lovely horns, kissing the base, trailing his glossa along its length and then taking it into his mouth. It was all it took for Jazz to reach his peak, screaming his overload to the wildlife surrounding them. The discharge of energy bled into Prowl, who grunted and tensed, gasping Jazz's name as his own overload hit. His wing-fins stiffened, refusing to sustain them any further and both fell towards the fields of life giving energon algae, bodies pressed intimately, arms around each other and tails still intertwined.

Prowl recovered first, managing to regain use of his wings in time to slowdown their fall. He was exhausted and his joints protested the abuse in keeping not one but two mer mechs afloat for so long. Jazz nuzzled against him tiredly, barely conscious enough to untangle his tail so Prowl could move his own. The silver tailed mer mech sighed, immediately missing the contact of his beloved's tail but cradled Jazz in his arms, forcing himself to swim back to the palace with his betrothed recharging safely and soundly.

Even this tired, Prowl was able to sneak back into the palace without being detected, heading back to Jazz's quarters where he laid his sleeping mate on the berth. Reaching for the ointment he left on the nearby table, Prowl applied some more of the substance over the scratches on Jazz's tail and with the deed done, he climbed into the berth with Jazz, holding him close as he slipped into a peaceful, restful recharge with his beloved.

crack, prowlxjazz, gift fics, fluff, mer mechs

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