A Lambo bunny~ I'll get to those first kisses in ze morning!

Jan 15, 2009 04:27

Title: Lamborghini Divided.
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: A little bit of profanity and Sideswipe snapping.
Pairings: Assumed Twins x Bluestreak. Implied Prowl x Jazz.
Characters: Prowl, Jazz, Bluestreak, Sideswipe and Sunstreaker. Mention of others.
Summary: An innocent comment makes Sideswipe snap.
Notes: This was inspired by an episode of a cartoon dealing with twins, and the reaction of one of the twins towards all the preconceptions and attitudes people around had towards them for being twins. It is not, in any way, meant to be bashing or criticizing pairings or anything that involves the twins engaging in the activities mentioned here. Primus knows I like reading many of these things about them myself, This piece is related to Bring the Rain, and Prove me Wrong.

Everything started with an innocent comment spoken without any malice on Bumblebee's behalf. A simple innocent comment about Bluestreak and his relationship with Sunstreaker and Sideswipe. Carly seemed to catch on the subtle hints of what Bumblebee implied, and made a joke about Bluestreak being the filling to a Lamborghini sandwich.

Little did the human know, that was the straw that broke the camel's back. Carly would later admit she was, for the first time since she met the Autobots, afraid of Sideswipe given the dark and very unamused glare he was giving her. Sideswipe said nothing at the time, but people could easily see something was not right with the red Lamborghini.

Sideswipe remained quiet for a long time, nursing his energon cube with a sour expression on his face plates. Many thought to approach him with joking expressions and asking about his mischief, but most went royally ignored. The red Lamborghini was not in the mood for small talk or jokes.

When Sunstreaker came into the room after his patrol duty with Bluestreak right behind him, Sideswipe made a move to leave the room.

"Hey, Sideswipe!" Bluestreak smiled and ran over to his friend. "Come to play a game with me and Sunstreaker?"

Sideswipe knew the other mech meant well, and what little part of his processor wasn't currently flooded with ire, made him feel a tad guilty as soon as words left his vocalizer.

"Why must all of you insist in treating us like this?" Sideswipe glared at the gray Datsun, whose smile wilted right away and backed off.

"Like what?" Bluestreak asked warily, raising his hands a little in a placating gesture.

"Like this!" Sideswipe threw his arms up in the air with exasperation. "All of you treat us like we're permanently glued to each other." Sideswipe motioned between himself and Sunstreaker who was now next to Bluestreak, feeling all the anger bubbling in his brother through their bond, pulling the smaller mech away a little. Sunstreaker probed the bond to try to find out what was upsetting Sideswipe, but was met with an intangible wall blocking his access.

"Because you're twins, oh, bright one," Cliffjumper replied matter-of-fact.

"Slag you all!" Sideswipe's optics were now a bright, nearly white shade full of barely restrained anger. "I've got news for you all. We are twins, but we're also two individuals perfectly capable of doing things by themselves without each other. We don't have to slagging do everything together, and that," Sideswipe wiped his head towards Bumblebee and his human friends who were now huddled against the yellow Beetle, "Also extends to our intimate life. We're twins, yes, but we're two different people. We're not one person split in two bodies, okay? We don't have to like the same things, we don't have to do all together and coordinated. We don't slagging have to frag the same person!"

"Sideswipe, calm down." Sunstreaker moved towards his brother, only to be stopped by a finger jabbed into his chest without a care for what damage could be done by his finish.

"No! You are not going to slagging tell me when to calm down. I've had it with everyone treating us like we're a single package. I am myself, I am Sideswipe. I am not just the half of the fragging Autobot Lamborghini twins, and for frag's sake, I don't interface with whoever Sunstreaker's currently fragging with, nor the other way around, so if Bluestreak's the filling of a Lambo sandwich, the other Lamborghini has to be Red Alert. We're twins but we're not glued at the hip!" With a final, angry growl, Sideswipe turned around and stomped out of the recreation room, barely sparing a moment to turn around and glare at Sunstreaker. "And don't you slaggin' follow me, leave me the frag alone!"

Once the red Lamborghini left the room, everyone stood there in an eerie silence, shocked beyond words by what had just transpired. Bluestreak recovered somewhat, and was quick to take Sunstreaker's hand, squeezing it gently. Although Sunstreaker said nothing, the younger Datsun knew he was as shocked and shaken by Sideswipe's tantrum as much, if not more, than everyone else. Sunstreaker returned the gesture absently, frowning a little as he turned around to see everyone looking at him with some sort of expectation. "What are you looking at?" He spat angrily and made his way out of the room, followed by Bluestreak.

Prowl and Jazz were going through a series of data pads in the Datsun's office, putting together a new list of work of pending things to attend to in the Ark. The chime of the door offered a welcomed distraction. "Come in," Prowl spoke softly, granting access to whoever was waiting outside. "Yes, Sideswipe?"

Sideswipe tried to compose his features, subduing as much as he could the frown he knew was gracing his face. "Prowl, Sir." he began with his best formal tone, effectively surprising both black and whites and gaining all of their attention with two simple words. "I'd like to request a change of quarters if possible."

Prowl raised an optic ridge and cast a look at his mate, then looked back at the frontline warrior. "It could be arranged. May I question why?"

Sideswipe fidgeted a little. "It's personal, sir."

Once again, Prowl looked at Jazz who shrugged a little and tugged Sideswipe to sit on the seat next to his own, across from Prowl's desk.

"Sideswipe, what is wrong?" Prowl asked with concern. When the red Lamborghini looked down and said nothing, the Datsun left his seat and moved around the desk to lay a hand on the Lamborghini's shoulder. "I am not asking this as your commanding officer, Sideswipe," he said softly, giving a gentle squeeze to his creation. Sideswipe felt Jazz's hand on his other shoulder and cast a quick glance to Jazz, who smiled reassuringly at him then at Prowl, who was still looking at him with concerned optics. With a heavy sigh, Sideswipe began to relay the events that took place in the recreation room not long ago.


When Sunstreaker found himself with Bluestreak as permanent room mate, the golden Lamborghini had more than just a mixed reaction. He was glad he and Bluestreak would finally be sharing a room permanently, but he was also indignant his twin had very much, in his opinion, abandoned him. As per his request, Prowl had changed the patrol roster so Sideswipe and Sunstreaker were not in patrol together any time during that week, in fact, his patrol partners happened to be Prowl or Jazz.

Sunstreaker's multiple attempts to use his bond with his twin were promptly blocked and was driving the golden Lamborghini insane to not know exactly what he had done to piss off his brother so much. Was Sideswipe really that fed up with being his brother?

Despite himself, Sunstreaker found himself turning to the only mechs he thought could offer him some words of advice.

"I don't know what happened. One moment everything is fine and all right, and the next is like I'm the worst thing that could happen to him." Sunstreaker huffed, holding tight onto his energon cube, sitting down on Prowl's and Jazz's berth while the two black and whites sat next to him.

"It got nothin' to do with ya directly," Jazz replied softly, patting the mech's back. "S'just, ya know, you both have been treated like a single package a good deal of your lives. Most of the time, we even refer t'ya both as 'the twins' rather than by yer own names."

"Sideswipe needs space to be himself and feel he is his own person and not just the half of the 'Lamborghini twins'," Prowl interjected. "He's not upset with you, you're just the unfortunate victim of a bad situation."

"Doesn't mean he loves ya any less." Jazz reassured. "Jus' means he wants other 'bots 'round here to realize just because you're twins, ya don't hafta share every little thing in your lives, like potential mates, for example."

"But I thought he liked doing things with me, to do things together." Sunstreaker looked up to Prowl and then to Jazz, confusion evident in his optics.

"He does, he enjoys doing things with you, and sharing things with you. You are his brother, his twin, the closest creature in the whole universe to him. But just like any mech, he also wants things that are his and not necessarily yours." Prowl explained and nodded his head towards Jazz. "Jazz and I share so much with each other, but even us have things we enjoy to do without each other."

"I still like t'hang around with Blaster an' have some fun with friends without Prowl havin' to be there all the time. Jus' like Prowl can easily enjoy time playin' chess with Wheeljack or Smokescreen. Everyone needs space, even you and Sideswipe. S'just Sideswipe never had to ask for it, you would go out an' do your thing, an' it was fine for you an' fine for him." Jazz shrugged a little and patted the golden mech's back again. "But with the idea everyone has that the two of ya make a single package... well, Sideswipe finally got fed up when someone implied ya had to share everythin', incluidin' partners."

"Just give him some room to breath," Prowl rested a hand over his creation's golden ones, squeezing gently and comfortingly. "Once he feels he's ready, he'll seek you out, and you both will be able to sort this out." Sunstreaker gave him an apprehensive look. "He still loves you, don't ever think that has changed just because he's living in different quarters."

Sunstreaker wasn't too convinced but nodded anyway, his shoulders sagging a little. For the first time since he came online, Sideswipe was not there to hold him when he needed the comfort. Prowl and Jazz exchanged worried glances and both wrapped their arms around the golden Lamborghini, offering him what comfort they could grant him, knowing it was definitely not the same, and that Sunstreaker would not find the same comfort in them as he did with his brother.


A couple of weeks later, Sideswipe stood before the door to what used to be his and Sunstreaker's quarters and knocked on the door gently. Bluestreak answered, looking genuinely surprised to see Sideswipe there.

"Hey, Blue," Sideswipe smiled a little, visibly uncomfortable. "Is Sunstreaker there?"

Bluestreak nodded, and stepped aside, allowing the red Lamborghini inside. Sunstreaker sat up on his berth, looking at his brother with apprehension.

"Can we talk?" Sideswipe asked.

Bluestreak's door wings perked up a little and he headed for the door, sensing the brothers needed to be alone. "I'll go get some energon," he said as he left the room.

Sunstreaker and Sideswipe stood there for a few minutes, both unsure how to break the tension. Finally, Sideswipe decided it was up to him to bridge the issue. "Listen, I didn't mean to hurt you in any way with all this. I just needed some room, a bit of space for myself. I just wanted--"

"You wanted to be treated as Sideswipe, the individual. Not as Sunstreaker's twin." Sunstreaker interrupted. The time spent apart from his twin since his chat with Prowl and Jazz had given him time to mull over the facts. He had realized that for a long time, both had been treated as a single package, the 'twins' were an unit, as they shared a single spark coexisting in two different bodies, other assumed this meant the bond they shared extended to every single aspect of their life.

He would have hoped their distinctive personalities, points of view and tastes would clue everyone to the fact they were still individuals regardless of their shared spark. That they could prefer different things, want to spend time apart from each other, or that one having a mate did not imply the other twin was to be part of the equation as well. He understood Sideswipe was upset his friendship with Bluestreak was misunderstood, and that hurt him, because Sideswipe was happy Sunstreaker had found someone that loved him, that loved Sunstreaker, and not the Sunstreaker component of the 'unit', meaning he also had to love and be loved by the Sideswipe component.

"Yeah, I just wanted others to realize we are twins, but we're not a mech split in two. You know I love you and nothing will ever change that, but you know..." Sideswipe shrugged a little. "I wanted others to realize Blue loves you not us. That I love Blue as a friend and I love you as my twin, and that each one can do and enjoy different things without always having to drag each other into it. That we enjoy many things to do with each other because we genuinely enjoy them, not because, as twins, we're bound to share everything."

"I know." Sunstreaker smiled a little, and wrapped an arm around his brother's shoulders. "Is not to deny our link together, just to strengthen the notion that while we're twins, we're still individual mechs, and want to be treated as such."

Sideswipe nodded and hugged his twin. "I'm sorry I was such an aft to you that time."

"You're always an aft anyway," Sunstreaker smirked and dodged the playful punch from his brother. "So, we're good?"

"Yes, we are." Sideswipe smiled and hugged his brother again, opening their bond to flood his brother's end with his affection towards him and the reassurance that, above everything, they were brothers, twins that shared more than just a spark, but at the same time, each was their own person.


Notes x 2: Okay, a little more of an explanation is in order I think. I wrote this based in a show where this pair of fraternal twins had spent all their lives being treated as 'the single package'. At one point one of the twins felt herself asphyxiated by the notion everyone had that her twin brother came glued to her, she spent most of the episode trying to distance herself from her twin brother to try to be 'her own person'. I found it interesting and wanted to explore this kind of conflict between the Lamborghini twins.

jazz, sideswipe, sunstreaker, bluestreak, prowl

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