Bed nao plz

Dec 12, 2008 05:27

Title: Dreamin', wantin'.
Rating: PG
Warnings: Crack, loads and loads of crack.
Pairings: Prowl x Jazz.
Characters: Were!Prowl, Vampire!Jazz, and some surprises!
Summary: A third party's thoughts about the changes suffered by Prowl and Jazz.
Notes: Drabble for my mommeh.

In his rather long life, he had never come across things like these. Of course, to be fair, most of his long life was spent fighting off Decepticons and taking a long nap lasting four million of stellar cycles for the local system. Still, he was fairly sure he would never ever see something quite like this.

He watched the two black and whites working on the floor. Jazz laying down on his front with his legs kicking up and down slowly, reading and typing away on the portable terminal before him. Sitting on his back and trying to bat at his kicking legs was a sparkling, squealing, chirping and clicking happily as he batted his clawed hands at his daddy's feet. On his upper back, another sparkling with black ears and wagging black tail alternated between gnawing playfully on one of his daddy's helm horns or the bat-wings like collar around his neck. And cuddled against Jazz's side lay a sparkling with bright red ears matching his helm, recharging peacefully despite the noise coming from his siblings.

Across from Jazz, Prowl sat cross legged, equally typing away while one of his and Jazz's sparkling, Sideswipe, tugged happily at one of his father's ears, carefully perched on his shoulder with his little tail wagging in delight. Prowl's own tail was currently under assault by the black and white Barricade, who tugged and pawed at the tail while Sunstreaker performed a similar feat on his brother's much smaller tail.

Whenever Sideswipe tugged too hard and lost his grip on the ear and lost his own balance, Prowl was quick to catch the sparkling in one clawed hand, bringing the sparkling back to his shoulder so he could continue his game, all the while typing with his free hand or reading whatever it was on the screen.

Occasionally, Sunstreaker's and Barricade's game would get a little too rough and the red opticed sparkling would let go of his father's tail to chase Sunstreaker away from his own appendage, which often lead to the siblings rolling around in a mock fight. However, there were times when the fight became more serious and through the growls, snarls and whines, Prowl dropped whatever he was doing to separate the sparklings. The tactician rarely spoke when he apparently scolded the fighting sparklings, a firm glare usually had the little trouble makers behave and return to their game tormenting Prowl's tail, though on occasion Sunstreaker settled for cuddling against Jazz instead.

Red Alert shifted and whimpered, letting out a big yawn as he sat up and looked around sleepily. Jazz smiled and nuzzled his sparkling's cheek before he reached to remove Techno and Bluestreak from his back. All sparklings often gathered around Jazz when Red Alert would wake from his nap, as that usually meant it was feeding time.

Prowl would stop his work as well and move closer to his mate while the saboteur confirmed it was feeding time.

Optimus Prime smiled inwardly and stopped his observation for a moment, offering to get the sparklings' special energon so neither parent would have to leave the room. After a few minutes, Prime was back with a tray containing the bottles full of specially graded energon for the sparklings as well as Prowl's and Jazz's rations.

Prowl thanked him and picked a couple of bottles, calling Red Alert who crawled up to him, chirping and warbling happily at his father while he held his little arms up to be picked. The tactician obliged his sparkling and cradled Red Alert in his arms, offering him the bottle which was gladly accepted.

Jazz fed Techno in a similar way while Bluestreak crawled to Prowl's lap to curl up there, waiting his turn to be fed. Sunstreaker and Sideswipe tried to nip at the wings formed by Jazz's cape, prompting a content chuckle from their daddy. Red Alert drifted back into recharge after his meal and Prowl set him down in the space between him and Jazz, where a large mat rested. Jazz did the same with Techno once the sparkling finished his own meal.

Prowl called Barricade to him just as he did with Red Alert and the sparkling followed, swaying his tail as he was picked and promptly made himself comfortable against his father's chest, all but devouring his meal. Jazz picked Sideswipe and offered the bottle to his child, grinning as the black and red sparkling ate noisily. Sunstreaker continued to play with Jazz's cape until his turn to be fed came after Barricade and Sideswipe were laid on the mat, where they proceeded to cuddle up against their brothers.

Jazz picked Sunstreaker who chirped with annoyance, he was sleepy and hungry and getting pretty grumpy. Optimus Prime held back a chuckle at the sparkling's attitude and Jazz's solution to Sunstreaker's' grumpiness --tickling the sparkling's middle until he squealed and was in a seemingly better mood, accepting his bottle readily.

Prowl picked Bluestreak and held him close, brushing the back of his index finger against Bluestreak's lips. Unlike his brothers, who could be fed the same kind of energon other sparklings consumed, Bluestreak shared Jazz's inability to stand regular energon and required processed energon for sustenance. The sparkling's parents tried feeding him from Jazz's own rations but that didn't end well. By mere accident Jazz discovered Bluestreak could take energon from himself and Prowl.

The parents took turns to feed the sparkling and Bluestreak's diminutive but exceptionally sharp fangs couldn't rip through the plating deep enough to reach and scratch the smallest conduits on his parents' hands, which healed pretty quickly. Bluestreak gave a loud yawn and nibbled a bit on the offered finger, leaving little scratches on the plating. Prowl took the finger away and brought his thumb to the side of his finger where Bluestreak nibbled, digging his claw deep enough to draw energon from the injury and offered the finger back to his sparkling. Bluestreak latched onto the finger, making happy noises as he was fed with his father's 'blood'.

Unlike his brothers who needed full bottles of energon for a meal, Bluestreak was satisfied with a small amount, especially from Prowl whose energon seemed to be extremely energizing. Once satisfied Bluestreak released the finger and curled up against his father, ready for his own nap.

Jazz set Sunstreaker next to Sideswipe and Prowl set Bluestreak down next to Barricade, allowing a little, faint smile to cross his lip components as all the sparkling huddled closer, even those already in recharge. Jazz draped a thermal blanket around the sparklings and handed Prowl his cube of energon, taking the one meant for himself.

The parents refueled as they worked, fixing the blanket around their six bundles of joy every now and then. Optimus Prime smiled and watched his second and third work and tend to their rather large family at the same time.


"Huh? Yes?" Optimus' optics flickered a few times before he looked up.

Ratchet crossed his arms and snickered. "Day dreaming again?"

"Apparently." Prime rubbed the back of his neck, looking around to see Prowl glaring daggers at the screen of his terminal and Jazz stop his work every now and then to try to soothe the restless tactician.

"Remember those modifications you mentioned?" Prime asked absently, carefully observing his recently transformed officers.

Ratchet quirked an optic ridge, suddenly realizing what Prime was going to ask. "No, Prime. That's not happening."

"It would be nice, though."

"If you want sparklings so bad, you should discuss that with Elita One." Ratchet chuckled softly. "I don't think Prowl will take it kindly for you to be planning and fantasizing about his family."

"Spoil sport." Prime pouted.


Notes x 2: Nu uh, they didn't have sparklings. Prime's just day dreaming and thinking what it would be like if Were!Prowl and Vampire!Jazz had a litter. XP I'm just drabblin' this for the responsible of half of my existence.

prowlxjazz, drables, were n bat

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