Nothing is Broken.

Dec 01, 2008 16:48

Title: Sanctuary.
Rating: R
Warnings: Crack, weirdness, angstage, fluff, implications of intimacy.
Pairings: Were!Prowl x Vampire!Jazz
Characters: Jazz, Prowl, Perceptor, Ratchet, Wheeljack, Optimus Prime. Mention of Sideswipe, Soundwave and Mirage.
Summary: Prowl and Jazz have to deal with more changes brought about by their transformation.
Notes: I added a couple of bits at the beginning since apparently the battle information was pointing only towards Jazz's disadvantages. Thanks to dark_daebereth and rainlightautumn for beta reading this. Blaming this on vericus, hellsangelcurse, kyra_neko_rei and vixens_shadow.

Jazz tapped the tip of his stylus against his lips, reading over a report, and changing or adding things as he saw fit. The most recent battles against the Decepticons had proved particularly enlightening in regards to his and Prowl's current state.

Jazz was forced to do mostly night time missions, although since he was rarely allowed out of the base all by himself anymore, it was usually with Mirage for back up. The Porsche's new form allowed him to carry through his nocturnal missions with exceptional efficiency, and unlike Mirage, who could be detected by scanners while cloaked, Jazz had become virtually invisible to all forms of detection but sound. Stronger and faster than before, his missions were accomplished in shorter amounts of time than the usual, even if they had to wait until night.

If he was required for a mission during day time -- and that meant it had to be a battle where every able-bodied mech was needed on the battle grounds -- Skyfire had been fitted with a pool in his alt mode where Jazz would have to sit down and have a special coolant poured in to help his frame's temperature to stabilize.

With his body's newest requirements making it a little harder to be under sunlight for long periods, Jazz found himself tasked with more administrative work than usual. In an interesting, if ironic, reversal of their roles, Prowl was brought into battle more often and according to the twins and Teletraan's live feeds, the transformed tactician was particularly vicious in the presence of the Seekers. Jet-judo was nothing compared to what Prowl did in the heat of battle.

To add to the effectivity of the mech in combat, his battle computer and logic processors seemed to work at their best when Prowl was literally ripping through the enemy lines... with his bare claws, and all the while barking orders and tactical input with the efficiency expected of him even before his change.

It was when Prowl wasn't fighting that the mech became irritable and restless, because then he had nothing to focus his anger and feral side on. So, Prowl had a hard time doing his usual administrative work in a timely fashion, which always made him angrier and frustrated him even more. Jazz had managed to find a way to bring some balance to Prowl's life once again, even if it meant the saboteur had to help Prowl with his work and spend at least an hour or two comforting and calming the other mech's nerves. Still, it always worked and Prowl was able to focus as usual, taking care of his remaining workload.

Jazz admitted that not all of the changes they suffered were bad behavioral-wise. Once he was relaxed and his work was done, Prowl was far more playful and demonstrative than usual. Not that the mech wasn't when they were in private, but lately Prowl seemed unable to restrain himself even in public. Apparently Sideswipe was still trying to get over the image of Prowl holding Jazz in his lap and nipping playfully on one of his helm's horns. Prowl was still as subtle as his current nature allowed him to be, but Sideswipe looked at the wrong place at the wrong time and the red Lamborghini was still claiming a playful Prowl was a crime against nature. Jazz was still trying to figure out what nature the red twin could possibly be referring to.

In the past few days, however, Prowl had seemingly returned to that easily irritated and rather volatile behavior for no apparent reason. It was getting so bad that not even Jazz could calm him and, in fact, Prowl seemed to be avoiding the saboteur until they were about to recharge, which was the only time Prowl was calm enough to sneak an affectionate nuzzle before powering down for recharge. That was why Prowl was currently paying a visit to Ratchet, Wheeljack and Perceptor in the latter's lab.

"Jazz!" Speak of the devil.

"Jazz here, what is it Percep--" Jazz's words were interrupted by the sounds of a loud crash and rather familiar growls and snarls, accompanied by the pleading voice of a distraught Perceptor, and a snarling Ratchet. "Perceptor? What's up?"

"We have an emergency here!" Wheeljack interjected, speaking as loud as he could over the sounds of destruction and a pissed off CMO. "Prowl's tearing through the lab, we need you here right now!"

"What the Pit's goin' on?!" Jazz was quickly out of his office. Due to his own transformation, Jazz was so much faster, fast enough to outrun almost every other mech in robot mode. His reflexes and all of his senses were heightened, which served to make his way through the most crowded of halls with ease, dodging mechs without effort and all the while keeping his run towards Perceptor's lab.

"We found out what Prowl's problem is but he didn't take the news too well!" Wheeljack reported through the noise. "Well slaggit, there goes Ratchet."

"Jazz, please hurry!" Perceptor pleaded once again, while Wheeljack seemingly risked leaving their hiding place to retrieve Ratchet.

Jazz cursed and ran even faster, worry plastered over his face plates when he approached the lab to an eerie silence. The door opened as he entered the security override code and he gasped softly, finding several pieces of furniture, machinery and other various items blocking the access to the lab.

Instinctively, the saboteur released a soft, almost inaudible click, and the sound was quick to point out to him there were three mechs in the room blocked from view by the fallen machinery, and was able to determinate at least one of them was currently offline. Jazz moved the machinery and furniture aside with ease, clearing the access to the lab and moved further inside cautiously.

"Thank Primus!" Perceptor sighed in relief when Jazz walked towards them, still slowly and cautiously, evidently on alert just in case Prowl showed up unexpectedly and ready to tear through someone.

"What happened here?" emitting a second click to re-scan the area and confirming that Prowl wasn't in the room, the saboteur knelt by the trio, and helped Wheeljack to pull Ratchet out from under the table they had been using for cover.

"We found out Prowl's recent behavior was caused because he has entered mating heat," Wheeljack explained while he worked on bringing Ratchet back online and Jazz noticed a dent on the mech's chin, showing something was definitely thrown at his face with great force.

"I was not expecting such an amount of anger, though." Perceptor rubbed his head with an evidently distraught expression.

It took a moment for Jazz to get the implications of what Wheeljack had just said. "Wait, what??"

"I said I was not expecting-"

"Not that!" Jazz interrupted and looked back at Wheeljack. "Ya said Prowl's entered a matin' heat?"

"That would be correct." Wheeljack nodded and made a soft sound of relief when Ratchet began to groan, slowly coming back online.

"Ya mean it the way I think you mean it?"

Wheeljack couldn't help the amused flicker of his helm's fins. "Well, remember you said Prowl has been avoiding you a lot lately?"


Ratchet grunted and propped himself up on his elbows, giving Jazz a very unamused look. "It's because you've been driving him crazy, his instincts are clamoring for him to mate with you."

"So, basically yer sayin' Prowl's gettin' pretty horny 'round me?" Wheeljack was sure Jazz was quirking an optic ridge behind that scarlet visor. Wheeljack, Perceptor and Ratchet all nodded in unison.

"An' why is this a problem, exactly?" Jazz crossed his arms. "I mean, it ain't like the mech haven't jumped my circuits before when he was gettin' too hot under the proverbial collar."

Ratchet raised an optic ridge and sat up, reaching and tapping a knuckle over a panel between the saboteur's legs, prompting a jump and undignified squeak from the black and white. "Oh, ...OH!"

Ratched huffed and rubbed his dented face, assessing the damage with a low curse. "Unfortunately, you see... Prowl refuses to accept it graciously. He's got little control or say over the matter and I believe you, more than anyone, know what happens when Prowl has no control over something like his body's new urges to... shall we say procreate, with his mate."

"Woah, wait a sec there, Doc. Procreate? Us?" Jazz pointed to himself and some point in the empty air to represent Prowl. "Can we?"

"No, you're not fitted to reproduce like that, even with the modifications your bodies experienced." Perceptor pipped in. "That's also part of the problem, it's making no sense to Prowl that he entered a mating heat when he cannot produce offspring with you the way organics do."

"Okay then, I assume nothin' will calm Prowl down?" Jazz asked.

"Only if I keep him permanently sedated for only Primus knows how long his heat will last." Ratchet mumbled, giving an appraising look around the room. "That is, if anyone can keep him down long enough for me to administer any."

"That ain't a viable option." Jazz rubbed his chin in thought. "If he mates, the urge should go away, correct?" he turned to Wheeljack and Ratchet for confirmation.

Wheeljack nodded. "That would be the practical solution. Fighting it back or trying to suppress it isn't going to work."

"Didn't humans have ways to deal with this?" Perceptor asked absently and Jazz could only stare at him with a gaping mouth. He couldn't possibly be talking about... "Er, yeah, let's not go there."

"Oh, alright. It wouldn't work with either of you in any case." The microscope shrugged and began to collect whatever salvageable instruments that were lying around.. It was a good thing Prowl hadn’t gone berserker in the medical bay or Wheeljack's lab.

"Very well, I better go find Prowl before he causes more damage 'round the Ark. Ya guys will be alright?" the Porsche began to stand up, helping Wheeljack to pull Ratchet to his feet.

"We'll be fine. Be careful, Jazz, he's really unstable right now." The medic winced, feeling as sore as if Motormaster had run him over.

It didn't take long for Jazz to find Prowl. He could track the other anywhere he could be, both because of their spark bond and because the mech made sure to leave a couple of marks of his presence along the ground. He could only imagine how much damage a kick from Prowl would leave on a mech's plating with those claws of his.

Jazz found the tactician in one of the unused storage bays, where he could let out all his anger without hurting innocent mechs. Jazz opened the door and stepped inside carefully, watching his mate for a minute or two before deciding he had seen enough.

"Prowl, this ain't goin' t'help out," Jazz said, raising his voice enough to be heard over the sounds of things breaking and metal colliding violently against metal.

"Go away, Jazz," Prowl growled as he thrashed around, hitting, kicking and ripping things around him as he saw fit.

"Prowl, please." Jazz moved closer slowly, making sure his foot steps would be heard above the noise his mate was producing so the other mech would know he was coming even with his back turned to him. "Y'know this won't calm you down. Please, stop it."

"Leave me alone!" Prowl snarled, turning around to face his mate, clawed hands bared in warning while a white tail thrashed behind. "Just go away, Jazz. Please!"

"No can do Prowler." Jazz approached, raising his hands in a gesture to placate his mate. "I can help ya. Please, stop this, it ain't going t'make things better at all."

"I don't want help, Jazz. I just want this gone!" the tactician growled, gesturing to his transformed body. "You don't understand what I'm going through. I don't understand it! I don't want it!"

Jazz took a step closer, watching Prowl take a step back in response. He could see the anger but especially the confusion in Prowl's optics. He was scared, and Jazz couldn't help but send a wave of love and reassurance through their bond as he kept walking step by step to his mate, until Prowl was backed against a wall in the unused storage bay he had been trashing moments ago.

Prowl growled loudly in warning, raising his claws. Jazz knew if Prowl felt threatened, he'd lash out at him, beloved mate or not. "I can help ya. Please, love." The saboteur opened his arms out for his mate, trying to coax the very unstable tactician to come to him. "I know what ya need, Prowl. Ya don't have to fight it, I can help you."

Prowl let out a whining snarl, lowering his claws a little, but refusing to move towards Jazz, pressing more against the wall. The saboteur frowned behind his visor but continued his steady, slow steps towards his mate, all the time sending as much comfort as he could through their bond.

"It'll be alright, Prowl, I promise." Jazz stopped just a step away from his mate, bringing his hands up slowly, all the time allowing Prowl to see what he was going to do. A black clawed hand reached to the tactician's face, cupping a cheek gently. The other hand moved around Prowl's side to wrap around his back, moving towards the police lights on Prowl's roof which he began to stroke in a soothing manner. "Let me help ya," Jazz whispered and pressed his helm against Prowl's, looking into his mate's optics. "Please, love."

Prowl shuddered and his arms wrapped around Jazz, holding onto him so tightly it almost hurt. Jazz held back a soft gasp of surprise at the strength and desperation with which Prowl held onto him. The visored mech whispered soft words of love for his mate, allowing Prowl to bury his face in the crook of his neck, and the hand previously stroking his cheek migrated to the top of the helm where he stroked the base of Prowl's ears.

"C'mon, love, let's go back t'our quarters. We'll take care of this together." Jazz nuzzled the tactician and finally managed to coerce him into coming with him, disengaging from their embrace. Prowl was still edgy and definitely not calm, but reigned in his emotions. Jazz took Prowl's hand, interlacing their fingers so Prowl would be in contact with him all the time, hoping his presence and physical touch would help to subdue his erratic behavior and prevent any unwanted reaction towards any unfortunate mech that might cross their way.


The aforementioned jumped and looked around, frowning once he realized what was going on.

"Jazz, I swear if you don't stop doing that I'm going to--"

'Sorry, man, but I can't use a comm-link right now, I'm talkin' with Prowl an' it's hard enough to have two conversations at once.'

Ratchet sighed heavily. This was yet another thing caused by his comrades' transformations that he was having trouble getting used to. Jazz had developed a weak form of telepathic ability, similar to Soundwave's but hardly as powerful, at least yet. "Very well, what is it?"

'I'm takin' him ta our quarters t'handle his problem, can you tell Prime where we are and let him know we are not to be disturbed for a while?'

Ratchet snickered. "A while?"

'An hour or two, I'm guessin'.'

Ratchet was about to say something but decided it was best not to. "I'll let him know. Good luck with that, and get out of my head now." Ratchet heard the faint sound of a chuckle echoing in his CPU before Jazz's 'presence' disappeared. "Prime, this is Ratchet."


"Just letting you know Prowl and Jazz will be unavailable for some time, they're taking care of the situation I explained to you earlier."

"Understood. How long do you estimate?"



"Give it a day or two."

"...I see."

Ratchet chuckled and shook his head, imagining the kind of expression on his leader's face, or whatever could be seen of it anyway.


Prowl purred softly, snuggling against Jazz in the plush chair they had been occupying for quite a long time now. He was feeling particularly affectionate and filled with a very welcomed feeling of inner peace and calm, and he held the source of his peace closer to his body. Jazz mumbled tiredly, cuddling closer to Prowl, more than halfway into a very much needed recharge cycle, and although exhaustion was visible on his face plates, there was a little content and satisfied smile adoring those gorgeous lips.

Prowl's clawed hand cupped his mate's aft, rubbing gently and soothingly as if trying to relieve some of the soreness he knew his mate had to be feeling. Heck, he was feeling sore, he could only imagine how Jazz was feeling. Still, the tactician smiled and continued to rub and soothe his love's aching aft, feeling eternally grateful for the wonderful mech that was his bonded. With that thought, Prowl wrapped what he could of his tail around Jazz's legs and powered down for recharge.


Notes x 2: I know what a good portion of you might be thinking. "Where's the seckz?" Well, to be honest, there is a lenghty 'mating session' written but I decided against posting that part because it's sticky and because I wanted the core of the 'plot' to be centered about how it's affecting Prowl, and Jazz helping Prowl to deal with it. The smut is irrelevant in that sense, and besides I know not everyone wants to read stickyness, so consider this a version safe for anyone that doesn't like that thing.

For those who want to read the whole thing... bribe me! *bricked* @w@;; Jus' kiddin', Doc! *passes out*

prowlxjazz, were n bat, fan fiction

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