And since today was my brother's birthday, I took the chance to snap some pictures of the decorations my mom has started setting up. This is just a little 'taste' of how much x-mass stuff my dear mother puts for the season, which is her favorite. Classics Prowl, Movie Jazz and Classics Sideswipe took their sparklings (and little helion of a baby brother) to visit 'some' of the decorations in the living room. More pictures will be taken when the tree and more decorations go up (Seriously my mom goes crazy with those.)
So, after the cake has been 'consumed', little Jazz and little Movie Jazz demanded to have their picture taken in front of the chocolately goodness, and Prowl obliged.
Devastator My brother's face had an 'unfortunate' collision with the decoration, so that part of the cake was totaled.
After letting the Jazzlings have their way, Prowl reunites with the rest of his family and they pose before a plate of sweet tamales. Excuse the blurryness, this cellphone's camera is Bruticus shittimus maximus.
Little Hound wants to find out what a tamal tastes like, and so does little Movie!Jazz.
Meanwhile, Sideswipe takes 'Streaker to check the decorations mom set up next to her beloved new mirror. Yep, she made me tangle all those fairy lights there.
Clearer shot of the boys.
'Streaker wants to know what's up with the pine tree, Sideswipe supplied to him only the most important facts about it, namely that your gifts are put underneath.
'Streaker found another tree nearby and climbed up to knock that star off. You can't see it on the picture but the star's got a smiley face, and 'Streaker didn't like it.
Sideswipe: How in the Pit did you get up there?! Come down this instant young mech!
While poor Sideswipe has to be the responsible brother and make sure Streaker won't break something or himself, Prowl and Jazz took their sparklings to have a look at my mom's 'village'. My mom and dad painted it and made the electrical installation all by themselves. Now my friends know why mom calls dad 'Wheeljack'.
Little Hound's having a lot of fun in the background while little Movie!Jazz tries to kidnap an ornament. Ohh, glowy!
Little Jazz is just too comfy on his father's lap and just contents with watching his siblings and the pretty lights.
Little Hound comes to watch the light show.
Once they got through the village, Prowl and Jazz took the sparklings to a cottage I got for my mom about... six or seven years ago I think. She had my dad install lights on it too, hence the red glow, it used to be orange but that bulb kapooted earlier today so red it is.
Speaking of reds... Little Red Alert got a little adventurous and climbed up to sit by the chimney on the roof of the house.. next to a rooster painted like a cardinal, go figure.
Little Movie!Jazz just loves the glowy lights.
Prowl and Jazz are content because their sparklings are having a great time.
Mom insisted I should take a picture of this 'kicking' santa she got this year. 'Streaker is far from impressed and Sideswipe thinks he doesn't want to sit on that man's lap.