Was feeling like experimenting a little with colors, so I pulled together this pic. It's directly related to that 'angels' series.
The character at the top is Screen Divider, which I often use as Prowl's creator when I'm not using Smokescreen, and likewise, when I play with the 'Datsuns are brothers' Screen Divider's the daddy. He's obviously a homage to TFA!Prowl. He's definitely not the loving creator type here. Yes, they are sparklings here.
In case you can't make them out by the little color outlines, Left one's Prowl, Center's Smokescreen, and Right's Bluestreak. I just 'told you' why they're so screwed in those angel pics.
Text reads:
Fierce terror. Fierce fate.
By death's invitation.
Painful tainted birth.
Won't call the name.
The second advent.