Humm, I needs to write more.

Nov 27, 2008 18:02

Title: I Ain't the one to comfort you.
Rating: PG
Warnings: A little angst, wildlife killage, and quite a bit of fluff.
Pairings: Hound x Mirage if you squint really hard and stand on your head.
Characters: Hound, Mirage, Jazz, Bumblebee, random pup.
Summary: Hound gets comfort from an unlikely source.
Notes: Dedicated to naggingfishwife because I say so.

"It's all clear on this sector, absolutely no traces of him," Jazz said through the comm-link with the search team. "Man, he can hide so well when he wants to."

"It's all clear on this sector, too." Bumblebee said among the sounds of rustling as the Volkswagen moved through the bushes and trees of the forest. "How about you, Mirage?"

"Nothing so far." the Ligier looked around with little interest, scowling visibly as he and his teammates were forced to search low and high around the forest for a missing Autobot. Mirage just couldn't fathom what drove Hound to run away, distraught, shortly after their battle with the Deceptions on a nearby lake.

The rest of the Autobots were already back at the base, but Jazz offered to search for the missing scout, leading to Prime to charge Bumblebee and Mirage to help Jazz with the search efforts. The spy wasn't happy he was forced to stay back there, searching for Hound. I was not only a difficult task to find the green mech among the sea of green of the forest, but if he truly didn't want to be found, Hound could easily create a hologram to blend more into the environment.

What in Primus' name drove the mech to run away like that, he did not know, he only had a vague recollection of Bumblebee crying out the other's name and him turning around just in time to watch the mech losing himself on the distance, apparently holding something against his chest plates.

His thoughts were interrupted by a soft whine, and the spy immediately hid behind a trunk as much as he could, peeking out to survey his surroundings. He released a soft sigh when he finally found Hound, sitting on his knees and holding his hands to his chest. Mirage left his hiding place and strode towards the other mech with evident annoyance on his stride and face. "Finally found you. What in Primus name is wrong with you? Have any idea of how long we've been looking for--" Mirage's tirade halted as Hound turned to look at him. It was the most sorrowful expression Mirage had ever seen on the scout and it felt so out of place, so strange, so wrong.

"Hound?" Mirage asked tentatively in a softer tone, stepping a little closer. He heard the whines again, and realized they were little cries from whatever it was Hound was holding to his chest.

The Jeep looked back down to his hands, slowly pulling them away from his chest as much as he dared, revealing a trembling, listless cub curled on his palm. "She's dying," he said so low and softly that Mirage had to strain to hear him. "She's dying and I can't do anything."

Mirage frowned, unsure of what to say or if there was even anything he could say at the moment. He looked at the pathetic bundle of flesh and fur trembling on Hound's hand. The thing was so small, even for human standards, and she looked like a pebble on the Autobot's dark hands.

Mirage didn't understand Hound's apparent love and compassion for these organic creatures and this world they were trapped in for the time being, but the downright sparkbreaking sorrow in his optics... yes, Mirage could relate to that feeling of impotency.

"The Decepticons?" Mirage asked.

Hound shook his head, bringing the little creature back to his chest, and Mirage realized Hound was trying to keep it warm. "I misfired, I didn't hit Skywarp, I got--" Hound's voice filled a little with static. "I hit the mother and her siblings."

Mirage frowned, casualties were to be expected in a war. They had gone through this so many times, he couldn't understand why Hound seemed so upset about his misfire. The spy tried to see things from the other's point of view, but he still wasn't sure he understood. They had seen so much death, and Hound had to be more likely to see the deaths of innocents and neutrals than he had.

"It's not fair," Hound muttered --whimpered really. "Are we going to bring pain and suffering to these creatures, too?"

Mirage felt the ache within those words as if he were suffering it himself. Mirage held no love for this place, but he understood the other mech wanted no harm to befall this planet he was enamored with. It was the same feeling that drove him to join the Autobots when he fell to his knees among the debris of what used to be his home, clutching to the lifeless bodies of family and friends that represented the life he once had and was now gone.

He could do nothing to save them back then, nothing to save the life he had, just like Hound couldn't do anything to prolong the little creature's life. Maybe he didn't understand completely the reasons that pained the other mech so much, but he understood they shared the pain of being impotent. Mirage had no love for this planet, at least not the way Hound did, he didn't have the love and compassion he felt for the frail creatures that inhabited it, but against popular belief, Mirage did feel love and compassion towards those that, like him, lost more than just a life style to the war.

He felt it wasn't his place to offer the comfort the scout needed, that probably Hound wouldn't even want any coming from him. Yet, Mirage couldn't bring himself to do nothing.

The spy stepped closer to the mech and lowered himself to the ground, bringing a dark hand to cover Hound's, giving a light squeeze. He had no words that could comfort the other, no wisdom he could share, no reassurance he could give that he himself did not feel. All he could give him was his presence, no judgments to be made on his sorrow, all he could do was to be there.

Hound felt the warm hand over his own, and he looked up to Mirage. The spy's face had no changes, but his optics glowed brighter, and Hound could admit to feeling a warmth radiating from those optics. Hound smiled a little thankful smile, and felt Mirage's hand tighten around his own.

"Mirage, any news?"

Mirage frowned a little at the interruption but answered. "I found him. I'll take him back to the Ark shortly."

"He all right?"

Mirage looked back to Hound who nodded, his smile widening just a little, albeit tingled with sadness.

Mirage replied. "He will be."

hound, mirage, fan fiction

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