This bunny just doesn't want to die.

Nov 21, 2008 21:28

Title: Liberate Mission: Healing Pulse.
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: More crossoverness that makes no sense. Just a little bit slashy.
Pairings: Prowl x Jazz maybe sorta if Prime can get his way.
Characters: Prowl.EXE, Jazz.EXE, human Prime. Mention virus.
Summary: Prowl.EXE isn't exactly pleased with the way one of his skills work.
Notes: I hope this bunny will do me the favor of dying out already. More Rockman.EXE crossoverness following after Transmission. SP Type virus are the strongest kind, and they can delete navis easily if the navi's not strong enough.

Prowl would be the first to admit maybe it wasn't the best of ideas to let Jazz come with him to deliver a piece of data all the way from Lord Prime's mansion to a research facility in another country. Sure, it was faster for him to take the data through the Internet than for Lord Prime to fly all the way to another country. And surely he expected he'd come across virus on his way, but he was certain he could handle them just fine, and Jazz was itching to get out of the mansion's cyberspace.

What he did not account for were the SP type virus on his path and a personal net navi that had never battled against that particular type and was having a hard time adapting to the speed and endurance of the upgraded virus.

"Scope Gun!" Prowl's arm transformed into a sniper rifle and a small visor lowered over his eye, helping him to lock on his target, a particularly fast kind of navi that remained shielded until it was attacking. The navi calculated the moment when the virus guards would drop and fired, hitting the virus, and deleting it.

"Battle Chip: Spread Shot! Slot In!" Prime inserted a chip containing the data, downloading the battle modification into Jazz's frame. Jazz was an aerial type navi, hovering over the ground when his battle routine was enabled, that made him a fast navi, but his energy and endurance were far lower than the ground bound Prowl.

"Spread Shot!" Jazz's forearm pixelated and shifted, reformatting itself into a large gun barrel. He fired and the projectile split in four, hitting four different places, managing to hit two of the SP virus they were fighting, but the shot's damage was too low, barely dealing much damage.

The virus turned their attention to Jazz, sending a fast shock wave after him, and although he was able to dodge the first, the second wave hit him.

Prime grunted, and readied another chip. He wasn't sure how much longer Jazz was going to resist and was considering to plug him out. "Battle Chip: Barrier! Slot In!"

A blue orb of energy enveloped Jazz, offering temporary protection from the barrage of shock waves the virus aimed at him.

"Homing Sniper!" Prowl aimed his riffle, powering up a shot without releasing it just yet. The scanner on his visor locked on the remaining virus, awaiting until they were lined in a proper angle and fired. The virus attempted to move off the way of the shot, but the blast was position locked and followed them, piercing through their bodies, finally deleting them both, ending the battle.

"Well done, both of you." Lord Prime sighed, looking at his collection of used chips he'd have to charge back. He shifted through a case containing more chips and replaced a few attacking chips with recovery chips instead. Jazz was a good fighter, but his inexperience against such strong kind of virus was beginning to pay off.

Jazz did not reply, he merely lowered himself to the ground, falling onto his rear, exhaustation visible all over him. He had scrapes and small injuries that were beginning to leak data in the form of a flow of glowing pixels. "Are we there yet?" he asked as he gripped his injured arm, his energy levels were dangerously low.

"Almost, but we might run into another set of SP Virus before we make it." Prowl helped his friend up. Recently, Lord Prime had him fitted with the ability to heal himself in and outside of battle, which was a definitive advantage for a navi with an independent battle mode such as him.

"Lord Prime, Jazz needs at least a few recovery chips or he won't be able to continue." Prowl summoned a screen to talk with Jazz's Operator.

Prime shook his head, fighting back the small smile that threatened to spread to his lips. "I'm afraid all the recovery chips I have are for small amounts of energy. If you two run into another set of virus, I'll need those to keep Jazz sustained. I'm afraid I'm going to have to ask you to use your special skill, Prowl."

"S-Sir??" Prowl's face replicated the human act of blushing, giving the human a bewildered look. "You can't be serious!"

"Very well Prowl, I'm plugging Jazz out, then."

Prowl winced, he knew Jazz would chew him out if he was plugged out and therefor denied the chance to complete the trip with him. "All right, sir. I'll do it."

Prowl rubbed the back of his neck. His healing skill came with a little price, and he wasn't sure what to make out of the way it worked when it came to heal other navis with it. The healing skill concentrated around his mouth when the voice command was activated, and required to be applied on the only 'flesh-looking' part of a navi's anatomy, their faces, and from there it would spread to restore the rest of the body.

Which meant, in short, that Prowl was required to kiss the navi he wanted to heal. He had found a way to bypass this by gathering the healing energy on his hand by kissing his own fingertips, then bringing his fingers to the face of the navi to be healed. However, the effectivity of his skill was hampered greatly by doing this, and instead of restoring a navi to full health he managed a fourth of the total energy levels. Jazz was too low for him to risk to restore just one fourth of his energy.

Prowl wrapped an arm around Jazz's back to help him to lean against him, and cupped his cheek with his free hand. Jazz looked at him with a mixture of surprise and amusement, and was almost sure the way the skill worked had been carefully planned by Lord Prime, the reasons why, Jazz wasn't sure he could pin point, but settled for no other reason than to embarrass Prowl.

Prowl hesitated for a moment but decided to push his embarrassment aside and brought his face close to Jazz's. "Healing Pulse," he murmured the command and pressed his lips against Jazz's cheek, enveloping the other navi in a warm glow that dissipated once Jazz's energy was fully restored.

"Ya look funny when yer blushin'." Jazz teased and poked one of his friend's cheeks. Prowl merely grunted and looked away, releasing Jazz from his hold and letting the other navi to fall against the ground, hitting his own head a little. "Ow! It was a joke!"

"Hmmp!" Prowl turned around, waiting for Jazz to get up so they could continue their trip.

Meanwhile, Lord Prime had a hand covering his face to hide the smile spread across his lips.

crack, prowlxjazz, drables, fan fiction

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