Title: Powerpuff Fluff
Rating: PG
Warnings: Big eyes, big heads, and loads of fluff.
Pairings: Prowl x Jazz.
Characters: PP!Prowl, PP!Jazz. Mention of PP!Bluestreak and PP!Smokescreen.
Notes: You can blame
optical_nerve for this: "I like the idea of Prowl shyly rocking back on the balls of his heels, flowers behind his back and looking aside all >:[ while Jazz just tilts his head and stares at him. So so so cute, this pic." Quick bunny that ate my brain. If you excuse me, I must go comb down the afro I just got from witting this piece of crapck.
He rocked back and forth on his toes, looking around with an ever present scowl on his face, both arms held behind his back to hide the bouquet put together with all the loving attention to detail that only his brother Bluestreak could manage for something like this. He waited, looking around the streets for any sign of a certain someone.
Said certain someone made his presence known with the soft pounding of a bass line to some tune the mech was playing. Wherever he went there was always music, and Prowl flinched minutely, trying his best to calm his nerves as a familiar stubby horned helm appeared on the distance.
Jazz trotted his way happily swaying his head to the beat of the music he was playing, stopping for a moment as he caught sight of the black and white mech obviously waiting for him by a bench. With a resounding happy purr, Jazz turned down the volume of his speakers and went to greet his friend. "Hi!" he cooed.
Prowl jumped a little but nodded, "Hi," he mumbled uneasily, shifting from foot to foot as Jazz seated himself on the bench next to him. Well, if he was ever going to do this, this was the time. "For you," Prowl said as he held out the bouquet to Jazz, looking away with his scowl deepening just a little.
Jazz looked back and forth from the bouquet to Prowl before he accepted the flowers without a word, all the while that kitty-like little grin plastered on his face. Prowl dared to side glance back at Jazz, a bright red spot growing on his heating up cheek plating.
Jazz hugged the bouquet close with one arm, while his other hand dug for something in his subspace, producing a box wrapped in nice, puffy ribbons that he held out to Prowl. "For you!"
Prowl gaped at the present held out to him, taking a few moments to get out of his stupor, he accepted the box that contained energon candy. "T-Thank you," Prowl stuttered a little, holding the candy box to his lap. Jazz nodded and purred, jumping down from his seat he grabbed onto Prowl's hand, tugging on it to pull Prowl closer to plant a peck on his cheek, prompting the other black and white's blush to grow brighter.
A few lamp posts away a door winged pair, primarily blue and gray respectively, exchanged grins, high-fiveing in victory as their brother was dragged away somewhere by the object of his affections.