Drabbles, bla bla.

Nov 12, 2008 01:47

I haven't felt really motivated to attack my other fics at the moment, so I just messed with some drabbles. I don't know whether to continue either of them or not.

More than a Weapon.

"They called her Medusa."

Hound frowned visibly, watching Mirage read through a file on the small portable terminal they kept in their shared quarters.

"She's like me, in a way," Mirage whispered, idly brushing a fingertip along the edge of the blue mask he wore. "Those who looked at her face were turned into stone."

Hound's frown deepened. "You don't turn mechs into stone, Mirage."

"No," Mirage admitted softly, glancing at Hound over his shoulder, green optics burning bright. "I drive them insane until they deactivate themselves."

Hound sighed heavily and crossed the distance to his mate, wrapping his arms around Mirage, holding him close, nuzzling his mate gently. "Some day, Mirage. Some day we'll find a way to reverse it."

Hound heard his lover release a bitter bark of laughter. The blue mask covering his face was assumed by all, Autobots and Decepticons alike to be nothing but a mere cosmetic eccentricity of the former noble mech, little did they know the mask was there for their protection. The green gleam of his optics through the protective glass of the mask was the only thing that kept his 'curse' from acting upon any mech that dared to look into his optics.

As sparkling he had driven his femme creator, Illusion, to madness the moment she laid optics on his own, eventually causing her own deactivation. His sire, Axalon ordered the construction of the mask and forbade him to ever remove it.

Curiosity won over him in a couple of occasions, bringing two aids into insanity, nearly losing his own life in the process. Axalon refused to explain the origins of his unique ability, forcing Mirage to forgo any hope to ever be relieved of the mask.

Only Ratchet and Hound possessed any knowledge about the mask and its function, Mirage refused to let anyone else know about it, even though he suspected Jazz and by extension Prowl had figured out the secret behind that blue mask of his.

"We'll find a way, Mirage. I promise we will." Hound held his mate tighter, feeling the spy relax a little by his presence. "I refuse to go to the matrix without seeing at least once the optics of the mech I love."

Mirage shook his head, looking up at Hound with a look of love and gratitude that not even the protective glass of his mask could conceal. "You're the eternal hopeful, Hound."

The scout smiled and pressed his lip components to the crest of his lover's helm. "Hoping never hurt a mech."

"I guess not."

"So let's hope, Mirage. Let's hope."

"I guess... I guess we can always hope."

Shine On

She smiled down to the small bundle shifting restlessly on the small recharging tank, bright blue optics looking up at her with a silent plea to be helped. The blue femme stroked a finger gently along the pale plating of her sparkling's face, watching the infant kick and shift clumsily, a little white hand darting to take hold of her finger and hand, whimpering softly.

The restless sparkling whimpered again, his free hand reaching up to her, pleading for his mother to ease his discomfort, to help him settle for the recharge his little exhausted body craved. Chromia cooed softly at her sparkling, carefully freeing her finger from her child's grasp, prompting more soft whimpers from the little sparkling.

"It's all right," she cooed again, carefully lifting the infant in her arms, bringing her child to her chest, watching the sparkling curl up against her, seeking her warmth and comfort. Chromia nuzzled her little one, moving closer to the large window of the sparkling's nursery, staring at the glowing crystals of their home's gardens, rocking the infant gently and soothingly, hoping to lull the sparkling into a more peaceful recharge.

The sparkling whimpered again with evident distress, wanting nothing more than to just power down for the night, yet unable to rest. Chromia brought her sparkling a little higher against her chest plates, and pressing a loving kiss to the golden crest of her sparkling's helm she began to hum softly, loud enough only to be heard by her child.

Prowl chirruped softly, clicking curiously at this new sound he had not heard before. His exhaustation seemingly forgotten at the moment, intrigued by his mother's soft humming. Chromia smiled at her little one, humming just a little louder as Prowl cooed ever so softly in wonder. She swayed around the room gently, rocking her sparkling lightly as she continued humming her lullaby for the small bundle of parts nestled against her chest. Prowl fell silent once again, watching his mother intently as she hummed for him, occasionally cooing or chirping for no apparent reason other than to let her know he was still awake and listening.

Chromia smiled and pressed her forehead against Prowl's letting the gentle vibration of her humming lull her sparkling to recharge. Prowl's optics began to dim, flickering every now and then as Chromia's humming and the gentle vibration of her plating against his own began to relax his little frame, coaxing him slowly but surely into that much needed recharge.

The Defensor female reached to brush a finger against Prowl's cheek plating once more, watching the sparkling's little mouth hang open in a cute, unintentional pout while his optics flickered and dimmed even more until the blue glow was no more and the sparkling's systems began to slow down, growing quieter. Chromia felt a pair of arms wrap around her waist, and the familiar weight of her mate's head resting against her shoulder, peering down to look at their sleeping creation.

imperium cybertronium, smokescreen, drables, houndxmirage, sparklings, chromia

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