Yes, I am aware it took me forever to post a fic this week. This one's for Casha~

Sep 30, 2008 22:02

Title: Bring it On. (5/??)
Rating: PG-13 / Humor / Drama
Warnings: Crack. Lots and lots of crack in abundance.
Pairings: Prowl x Jazz, Ironhide x Ratchet, Inferno x Red Alert, Hound x Mirage, Blaster x Soundwave, Sunstreaker x Bluestreak, Optimus Prime x Starscream, Trailbreaker x Wheeljack, Cliffjumper x Bumblebee, Hot Rod x Arcee x Springer.
Summary: The war has come to an unexpected halt, and with it came some developments. The cyber stork is going to work overtime and skip vacation in the Ark.
Notes:More of Optimini's antics, more Pathfinder, and an expecting Security Director. As usual, Optimini belongs to nkfloofiepoof. Red Alert went exceptionally uncooperative on this one, so, my apologies for the suckage.

I've borrowed a few things from beckyh2112. This is crack and written mainly to indulge friends I wuv too much.

quite what else to do~'>

Prowl would have liked to say things were slowly going back to normal in the Ark, but in his opinion, the Ark stopped being normal about three births ago.

As if to prove his point, Prowl walked into the recreation room with the noble intention to get some energon for himself and his mate to start their shifts, and was welcomed by the rather unexpected sight of Starscream, sharing a table with Wheeljack and Perceptor, engaged in some scientific discussion. Little Pathfinder was cradled in Wheeljack's arms, fully online but quiet. Nestled in Starscream's arms, Optimini was also very much awake, and glaring daggers at the newest arrival with what Prowl assumed had to be a scowl behind his little mask.

Prowl greeted the mechs casually and made his way to the dispenser to grab a pair of cubes for himself and Jazz, doing a fine job at ignoring Optimini's sudden burst to life, clicking and chirping at him, definitely wanting to be picked and played with. In a way, Prowl couldn't say he didn't understand the sparkling's apparent dislike for Pathfinder, after all, the sparkling was garnering all the attention lately. Not even Prowl had it in him to ignore the sparkling whenever he passed close enough for Pathfinder to feel the currents of air change around him, and thus turn his head towards the source of the change. Still blind and deaf, Pathfinder was a very tactile mech, and thrived on the touch of other mechs.

No, not even Prowl could bring himself to deny the sparkling the gentle brush of a white finger tip over his cheek, or stroke the sparkling's palm to let him know he was there. Not like he had a reason to deny Pathfinder anything in the first place, he hardly cried and was offline most of the time, recharging in order to strengthen his systems and finish developing. Optimini, however, saw the sparkling as a rival for all the attention, and Prowl had come to the conclusion Optimini wanted attention every second he was online.

The Datsun really, really hoped more of Optimus Prime's personality would bloom into the sparkling or he feared for the temper tantrums the sparkling would throw once he was old enough to go anywhere on his own.

Once he had both cubes filled, and after brushing his finger over Pathfinder's little palm as greeting of his own, Prowl took the cubes and left the recreation room, fully aware of the angry clicking Optimini was throwing in his general direction.

Along the way to his office, Prowl dropped by Jazz's leaving the cube on his desk for his mate, and after messing around a little with the trinkets and personal effects Jazz had around his desk to appease the neat freak in him, the Datsun turned around and headed for his own office. He had barely sit down and turned the terminal on, just about to take a sip of his energon when the door chimed and a very exhausted looking Red Alert invited himself in, handing Prowl the latest security reports.

"Good Morning, Red Alert," Prowl greeted and quirked an optic ridge at the mumbled 'morning, Prowl' he got as reply before the mech was gone. The tactician heaved a long sigh and eyed the pads, bringing his cube to his lips again to sip its contents. Prowl was aware Red Alert was not working at his best, and while he understood Red Alert's concern about letting any random mech do his work, Prowl worried he was taxing his systems heavily by trying to pull these abnormal shifts in his current state.

Prowl wasn't the only one, of course, and Inferno had been seen lately sporting either a very angry scowl or moping around because Red Alert refused to cut down on his work load. Prowl had a little of a workaholic streak of his own, but Jazz made a fine job of persuading him to tone it down. Unfortunately for Inferno, it seemed either Red Alert was more resistant than Prowl, or Inferno just wasn't as persuasive as Jazz. The tactician was leaning heavily on the later.

Still, the concern for Red Alert's health was not exclusive of his mate, Ratchet too was short of pulling medical rank on him and force him out of active duty until the sparkling was delivered. Prowl knew though, that Red Alert wouldn't take it well to be forced out of active duty for the remainder of his condition and that would do no good to the sparkling in the long run, the tactician only hoped something could be done before Red Alert and the sparkling paid the price.


Jazz wiggled a little in his seat, trying to get comfortable after having downed the cube left for him by his mate -- Jazz loved it when Prowl had this kind of gestures towards him. Once he was comfortable, he turned on his own terminal to begin his own work, which wasn't little, considering he was currently assisting Prowl in running this army, thus taking on more duties than usual.

Lost in his work, the saboteur failed to notice the hours passing by until he heard his intercom come to life to show a very gloomy looking Inferno waiting outside his door. "Hey, Inferno. Come on in!" Jazz pressed the key to let the other mech in and waved a little at the fire engine, gesturing for the other mech to take a seat across his desk. "What can I do for ya?"

Inferno took the offered seat where he all but sprawled over, looking worn out and completely defeated. "Jazz, I need help."

The Porsche straightened in his own seat, his smile fading away. "What is it?"

"I don't know what to do about Red." the fire engine straightened himself, bringing his black hand to rub his face plates wearily. "He's workin' himself to the grave, Jazz. I'm worried about him an' the sparklin' and looks like I can't do a thing about it."

Jazz rested one elbow on the desk, bringing his fist to his lips while he tapped the black digits of his other hand to the desk, thinking. "Well, have ya tried t'talk ta him 'bout that?"

Inferno let out a short bark of a laughter. "Oh, Jazz, I have lost count of how many times I've tried to talk to him about that. But he's always so tired he either falls straight into recharge, or he just kicks me out of the surveillance room when I start getting on his nerves and he's workin'."

Jazz nodded. "Who takes over his shift when he finally goes ta get some recharge?"

"Me, usually. He doesn't trust many mechs to not tamper with his systems and sensors."

The Porsche hummed absently, tapping his fingers faster. "What about Prowl? Do ya think he'd let Prowl take over his shift?"

Inferno raised an optic ridge at that. "He probably would. Why?"

Jazz smiled a little. "Ya two need some time t'yourselves, an' I'm about ta buy ya some." the saboteur grinned widely, opening a private comm-link to talk with the tactician.


"What is the meaning of this?" Red Alert asked, glaring at Jazz and Inferno as he was hauled from his station and monitors by both mechs.

"You're being relieved of your duty for the remainder of your shift." Prowl's voice cut off as he walked into the room, seating himself in the spot left vacant by the security director.


"Ya need t'spend time with Inferno an' you both need ta talk about many things." Jazz waved his hand, pushing the Lamborghini into his mate's waiting arms. "I'm sure ya trust Prowl will handle your duty properly."

"Of course I do!" Red Alert huffed, ready to launch a bout of protests when he felt the lips of his mate press gently against one of his helm horns.

"Please, Red," He pleaded softly, wrapping his arms a little tighter around his mate. "Prowl is doing this for us. We really need to talk."

Red Alert heaved a soft sigh and nodded allowing his mate to lead him out of the room, nodding along as Inferno thanked the pair of black and whites for their help.

Once they were back into their own room, Inferno handed a cube to his mate and sat next to him on the berth. Red Alert accepted the energon and played with it nervously, he knew where this was going to lead to and wasn't looking forward to it.

"Red," Inferno curled his fingers under the Lamborghini's chin, forcing his mate to look at him. "What you're doin' ain't healthy, neither for you or the sparklin'."

"I know," Red Alert looked away again, running a finger over the edge of the energon cube. He was aware he was over taxing his own systems and pressing his luck with his sparkling, but he couldn't help himself -- he took the security within the Ark seriously and with several key mechs busy with their respective mates and sparklings or upcoming sparklings, it was imperative for him to maintain the security levels.

"If you know that, then why are ya still doin' it, Red? I worry about you and our own sparklin'." Inferno pressed the side of his helm against Red Alert's, bringing his hand to the security director's chest plates. "I know ya take yer work an' our safety very seriously, Red, but right now this, here," he tapped a finger gently over Red Alert's chest, "This sparklin' right here should be our priority. Let me help ya, Red. Please."

Red Alert shifted a little in his mate's arms but nodded. "I just don't know who I could trust with this, nobody is paying attention to caution lately."

"Red, we've gone through this. It's not as hard as ya see it," Inferno assured, stroking his mate's arm. "Just need to get back to normal levels. Once the first sparklin' was announced you've gone overboard. Just... take it easy, please? For our sparkling?"

Red Alert sighed and relaxed a little. He did take his job seriously, perhaps too seriously sometimes, but even he could admit he was trying to fight off windmill giants. It was good to be cautious, but he was taking it too far, acting like nobody else in the Ark could do the job all of sudden, and his and Inferno's sparkling was going to pay the price for it if he continued.

"I'm sorry," he apologized and downed the cube's contents in one gulp, setting it aside and cuddled closer to his bonded. "I went overboard this time, didn't I?" He asked sheepishly, smiling a little.

"Mmhmm." Inferno pressed a kiss on the crest of Red Alert's helm and chuckled softly. "Now you need as much rest as ya can get. We'll talk to Prowl and Jazz tomorrow to see about the shifts and appoint other mechs to take monitor duty in the surveillance room."

Red Alert nodded and allowed his mate to pull him down on the berth. He knew it was going to be hard for him to let go of some responsibilities and let other mechs do the job, but he knew he'd pull through it for his bonded and their sparkling.



"What are we going to name the sparkling?"

"Uh... I have no idea."

"...That makes two of us."

bring it on, prowl, red alert, inferno, jazz, prowlxjazz, primexstarscream, infernoxredalert, sparklings

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