Okay, so there was a bit of angst on this one, but the fluff should make up for it!

Sep 15, 2008 20:57

Title: Bring it On. (4/??)
Rating: PG-13 / Humor/Angst/Fluff
Warnings: Crack. Lots and lots of crack in abundance.
Pairings: Prowl x Jazz, Ironhide x Ratchet, Inferno x Red Alert, Hound x Mirage, Blaster x Soundwave, Sunstreaker x Bluestreak, Optimus Prime x Starscream, Trailbreaker x Wheeljack, Cliffjumper x Bumblebee, Hot Rod x Arcee x Springer.
Summary: The war has come to an unexpected halt, and with it came some developments. The cyberstork is going to work overtime and skip vacation in the Ark.
Notes: Optimini makes it clear who is the baby of the Autobot and Decepticon leaders, and Prowl reflects about Bluestreak. Meanwhile Wheeljack 'asplodes' in more ways than one. As usual, Optimini belongs to nkfloofiepoof.

I've borrowed a few things from beckyh2112. This is crack and written mainly to indulge friends I wuv too much.

Prowl could be a very patient mech, understanding of the needs of mechs around them even if he didn't always agree or approve of their course of action, and when he considered those actions to be detrimental for the common good, he made sure to voice his opinion and concern about them. Unfortunately that didn't translate too well into trying to knock some sense into his leaders. Sometimes Prowl didn't know who was worse, if Optimus Prime or Hot Rod.

Both could be very sensible mechs when they wanted to, but they both could also be incredibly irritating, too --Prowl knew this first hand on both accounts. Prowl couldn't say he understood the fatherly pride that overtook Optimus Prime now that his strange sparkling hatched, while the tactician and Jazz practically raised Bluestreak, and Prowl was proud of the mech he had become, it was still not the same, and he never took on doing things like letting the sparkling get his merry way without a fight.

Optimini did not like Prowl, and the Datsun couldn't find it in himself to blame him. How could he? He was aware Optimini did not like it when his wishes were not fulfilled, given that Starscream and Optimus Prime seemed incapable to say no to their little bundle of joy and bad behavior. No mech in the Ark could actually deny him when the sparkling chirped and clicked, raising his arms and wanting to be carried on piggy back rides. No mech but Prowl, that is.

And it was the strategist's negative to obey the whims of the sparkling what earned him Optimini's dislike, but Prowl concluded if his parents weren't going to discipline him, then he would. At least, he would whenever the sparkling was around him, so either Optimini was going to learn to behave around him, or he'd just avoid him. Either option was appealing enough for the Datsun.

Unfortunately for both Prowl and Optimini, the circumstances were hardly on their favor, and they had to be around each other pretty often. Optimus Prime was still in that very paternal and loving mate mood, so he hardly separated himself from his mate or his sparkling. Starscream was in a similar state, especially clingy towards his child, but not even his love for Optimini was enough to restrain him from a leisure flight every now and then. It were those times when Prime called Prowl to his private quarters to catch up on the state of things regarding the army and the return to Cybertron.

Prowl did not mind most of the time, even if it was still a little unnerving to watch Prime cradle Optimini in his arms while Prowl reported to him. With the sparkling recharging --and Optimini recharged a lot; it was easier to help his leader to catch up with the events.

It was when Optimini was online and alert when things could be really difficult. It was even worse if Starscream happened to be around or returned from his flights while Prowl and Prime were still going over the reports. Optimini often tried to coax his parents into forcing Prowl to give him a ride on his back or shoulders, and while Prime was more reluctant to try to force his tactician and currently acting commander, Starscream had no qualms trying to order, or convince Prime to order Prowl to indulge their sparkling.

Prowl, however, never relented, and always found a way to politely turn down both parents when Prime seemed to be about to cave in and ask Prowl to play with Optimini. Starscream hardly saw anything particularly wrong with that, and proceeded to spoil Optimini, but the sparkling was definitely not happy about being denied his whim.

Not all the time spent around Optimini was that unpleasant for Prowl, though, and in a couple of occasions he witnessed some really tender scenes involving the unlikely family. Starscream would be coaxed by Prime into allowing him to rest his head on the seeker's lap whilst Optimus Prime held his sparkling up, pretending the sparkling was flying, and Optimini chirped and cooed so happily, flapping his little wings and kicking his legs as he 'flew' up and down around his parents. Even Starscream seemed at peace and content during those times.

It were times like these when Prowl was reminded the war was over. They fought for so long that it was almost surreal to remember they were finally at peace. In a way, these reminders always felt bitter sweet for Prowl. Optimini and Bumper were lucky sparklings, created in a time of peace when their parents could afford to spoil them rotten if they wanted, showering them in love and affection, being there for them when the sparklings needed them. Bluestreak, however...

Bluestreak lost his family in the war, and when he was taken in by the Autobots, he was still a sparkling. Prowl and Jazz made it their job to look after him, but it wasn't quite the same as being a family. Rising through the ranks, both Prowl and Jazz weren't capable of giving Bluestreak all the time he could have needed, they tried to make up for it in as many ways as they could, but Prowl always felt it was not enough. There were no piggy back rides for Bluestreak, no little toys to reward him if he behaved. Bluestreak's toys were real guns he had to learn to wield at a young age.

Now, Bluestreak was an adult mech, still young, but well in his way to form a family of his own. Prowl wondered if Bluestreak would even want him and Jazz to be part of that family. He admitted it didn't sit well with him at first to know Bluestreak was involved with Sunstreaker, but the gunner was happy and the golden Lamborghini's behavior and attitude seemed to improve once Bluestreak became a part of his life. To know Blue was now expecting, too, left the tactician fighting back the urge to threaten Sunstreaker's life if he wasn't anything if not the most attentive mate in the world to Bluestreak and their upcoming sparkling. Thankfully, it never came to that and Sunstreaker, with Sideswipe's pinch of help, was taking good care of Bluestreak and their sparkling.


Ironhide's voice in his com-link snapped the tactician out of his musings, realizing for the first time he had been standing in the middle of Prime's and Starscream's room.

"What is it?" He replied softly, trying not to disturb the happy parents and their sparkling.

'We have a little situation here. Wheeljack kind of exploded.'

"What?" The strategist managed to keep his voice low despite the surprise and inherent alarm in his voice. "What happened? Are he and his sparkling all right?"

'Wheeljack an' the sparklin' are as okay as the situation allows, Prowl.' Ironhide's voice was grave. 'He finally nailed Trailbreaker, and Primus, he nailed him good.'

"I'm on my way." Prowl closed the com-link and turned to Optimus Prime and his family. "Prime, sir, I must leave. There's something that requires my immediate attention."

Optimus Prime rose to his feet immediately, holding Optimini to his chest. "Is everything all right, Prowl?"

Prowl did not wish to lie to his leader, but did not wish to worry him either. "Hopefully, but I'm needed in the medical bay."

Prime nodded. "Report to me as soon as you see to that situation."

"Yes, sir!" Prowl saluted quickly and headed out of the room, successfully masquerading his worry about the other family. He made his way as quickly as he could to the medical bay where he saw Perceptor and Swoop tending to a Wheeljack that definitely had seen better days. Prowl never thought he'd see the day where he would see Wheeljack reduced to a sobbing, weeping, nervous wreck. "What happened here?" Prowl asked and cast a worried look at the engineer who was curled into a ball, holding his head while sobbing incoherently through a static ridden vocalizer, pale pink streams of optic fluid stained what could be seen of his face.

"He attacked Trailbreaker again, but this time he actually managed to injure him severely," Perceptor supplied, trying unsuccessfully to soothe the other mech, concern for him and his sparkling written all over his face plates.

Prowl nodded and headed further into the medical bay, finding Ratchet fast at work with Ironhide and First Aid assisting him to repair Trailbreaker. "Of all times for him to actually land a hit, it had to be one so close to his spark chamber." Ratchet explained before Prowl could even ask, and to add to the Datsun's worry, the medic was not sporting that loving smile that had become a permanent feature since he, too, became with sparkling.

"We stabilized him, but he's still in bad shape." First Aid reached for a tool which quickly disappeared inside of the hole in Trailbreaker's chest.

"Wheeljack is hysteric," the tactician commented almost too casually for Ratchet's liking, and although he gave him a hard look it was far from the terrifying glare he would have aimed at him at another time. "We know, and it's worrisome. If he doesn't calm down, we'll have to force him into stasis lest we want the sparkling to suffer the consequences."

"Too late for that!" Perceptor pushed the doors open without warning. "The sparkling is coming!"

"Primus, why do you hate me?" Ratchet managed to ask and quickly instructed First Aid to continue the work on Trailbreaker, giving Ironhide and Prowl some guidelines to assist the other medic while he, Swoop and Perceptor took Wheeljack to a nearby table to begin the procedure to extract the sparkling.

The process was longer than Prowl remembered Bumblebee's to be, and certainly looked a lot more painful and difficult. At one point it seemed Wheeljack's and Trailbreaker's sparkling would be lost, but at that moment the black mech regained consciousness and despite First Aid's admonishment, he staggered his way to his mate. Prowl and Ironhide were quickly at his side to help support him, while Trailbreaker reached to slide his fingers through the crests on Wheeljack's helmet. "I'm here, 'Jack," Trailbreaker whispered with a raspy tone, showing how taxed were his systems.

Wheeljack let out a sharp cry but almost immediately relaxed under Trailbreaker's touch, his head turned to face his primarily black lover, and tried to say something, to apologize through the static that permeated his vocal module. "It's okay." Trailbreaker soothed, holding Wheeljack's hand and helped by Prowl and Ironhide he leaned closer, whispering things nobody could quite make out, but that soothed the engineer.

Not long after that, both parents seemed to focus whatever energy they had left in the delivery of their sparkling, and after an intense and exhausting procedure, Ratchet presented the pair with a tiny sparkling not fully developed to the size it should have been yet, and blind and deaf for the time being. The sparkling clung to the familiar warmth of Wheeljack's body, while his parents were laid in tables pressed against each other, although the sparkling was born it did not mean either he or his parents would make it through the night.


The news about the unexpected birthing and Trailbreaker's injuries traveled fast, and for almost two full earth days every 'bot not on duty kept a silent vigil outside the medical bay, waiting for any news about the three mechs.

Finally, Ratchet left the med bay, looking exhausted and supported halfway by his own mate, but with that smile that was rather welcomed at the moment. "The three of them are fine, they're resting right now but will make a full recovery." All mechs cheered quietly, not wishing to disturb the rest of either mech while Ironhide led his mate back to their quarters for some recharge.

First Aid allowed the group to come inside, but instructed to keep it quiet. Prowl watched Optimus Prime approach the defensive strategist and engineer, talking with them in a low voice. Meanwhile Hound approached the crib containing the sparkling, and a big smile spread over his lip components. "You guys created an adorable sparkling," The scout smiled a little more, watching the still blind and deaf sparkling who cooed very softly and weakly, each sound was met with the weak twinkling of his helm's fins, so much like Wheeljack's. "Have you picked a name for him, yet?"

The couple looked at Hound then at each other before Trailbreaker smiled and nodded. "Pathfinder."

crack, sunstreakerxbluestreak, bring it on, ironhidexratchet, prowl, prowlxjazz, primexstarscream, sparklings, trailbreakerxwheeljack, oc

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