Okay, this one is Really, Really image heavy.

Sep 07, 2008 17:40

__wilderness__, mmouse15 and a friend in the army sent me some lovelies these past few days and I finally got around taking and posting pictures of them. This one is very image intense, so be warned.

Casha was totally awesome and got this little guy for me. Cheered me up immensely after a horrible time at work.

He's a legends class. Which means he's tiny and has a simple transformation, but he's adorable! Here's a size comparison with Robot Heroes Starscream. No, little Red was not happy to see Screamer.

The back of his helm reminds me so much of Prime's and Ultra Magnus' for some reason. I'm loving the paint job on his glass.

My brother's cell phone camera sucks to begin with, and the twit let it get dirty, so you can't see his face that well, but his face is fragging cute!

He may not be a Lamborghini anymore, but he's still pretty slick. Cutest fire department car ever! ...am I the only one reminded of Hot Rod with those 'fins'?

Better view of his front and top. I really like the pearlscent paint of his glass portions.

Check out that aft!

Did I mention the lens of this camera needs cleaning like, urgently?

mmouse15 sent me a couple of new sketchpads to take with me to work to help me try to get me back into drawing more again. Reddy models the pads for all to see.

I had to properly christen one of the pads, and give proper thanks to M for them! Little Red found those two familiar.

I'm scaning this one and sending the original to M. Meanwhile, little Red shows up he has other uses for his roof.

Don't let his sweet smile fool you. He's plotting someone's doom about right now.

Yes, thank you, M!

Now, sharing 'the loot' a friend sent me as a birthday gift.

He sent me pretty much one of each 'main' series right now. Movieverse, G1, and TFA! Since M sent me Prowl and Jazz before I'm going to keep this Jazz sealed.

Barricade likes rubbery plastic humans for breakfast.

The law is here, and lookin' good, too! (since I had pre-ordered this one at Hasbro's site, one of them is more than likely going to be repainted eventually.)

He always sends me giant chocolate bars and I fragging love him for that. *shameless chocoholic*

Better look at Barricade with his spring loaded akshun. I'd make a joke about 'The Touch' but I really don't like that song at all... nor 'Dare' ...Don't hurt me!

Is that a Nissan? Sure looks like it!

Everyone has said it already, but those wings are hella fun to play with. Talk about fluttering door wings, here.

It's a bit of a shame his head cannot 'raise' any more than this. But damn sexy bot. *cough*

As said before, cell phone camera is made of major phail, but you can still get an idea of the nice work on his head mold. For some reason, though, he looks kind of... sad. But that might be just me.

Yeaaah, kind of brooding mood for this picture.

He's in my LJ, checkin' my comments! /fail.

Pensive mech is pensive?

Can't forget the missile launchers!

Frenzy wants a sammich of squishie, and while Mikaela tries to put up the brave front, Sam does the sensible thing and runs the heck away from the little slagger.

Unfortunately for them, Frenzy didn't come alone. 'Cade wants a bite of that squishie sammich, too.

Unfortunately for Sam and Mikaela, my lack of a Bumblebee makes things all the more difficult for them. (And I ain't getting one until that three pack is out so I can have classics 'Bee with black racing stripes!) So, with the prospect of facing off against this gentle mech here, the squishies must run and seek protekshun from the only other Autobot they know.

Jazz is more than willing to defend the squishies, but Barricade knows what happens to Jazz in the movie, and is not impressed.

Movie Jazz then calls for the back up, but Barricade is still not impressed with the trio of Jazz-bots. Sam and Mikaela already flew the scene.

Seeing how Barricade was not deterred by the initial back up, Alternators Jazz calls for the chivalry.

This is the part where Barricade realizes he might be a 'little' overpowered.

Yep, just a little.

If Barricade is not impressed now... He also caught sight of what Alternators Prowl is holding on his left hand.

'Cade definitely does not want to know what Prowl's laser nightstick does, nor how Prowl uses it. No sir.

After getting his aft handed back to him by a horde of Jazzes, Prowls and a serving of Sideswipe, Barricade goes to emo with my far from impressive 'Decepticon Army'.

Soundwave's considering to 'jump ship' if a Megatron is not brought into the room soon (Ain't happening, Sounders!)

The good cop chases the bad cop.

Little Red wanted his picture taken with the other 'security' bots.

My little Red feels a wee bit lonely because he's lacking parents until I get my hands on a non-legends class Red Alert and Inferno. My newest Prowl decided to look after him in the interim.

Little red wants some chocolate, but Prowl warns him he might not like the bitter taste of dark chocolate. Movie Jazz happened to be casually hanging around at the time.

Prowl reveals the last pack of Peeps I had stored away from Sideswipe's sight (Thanks a lot, Prowl!) but little Red finds the chickies a bit fightening. Jazz offers to find something more suitable for the sprocket.

Jazz raided the left over Ferrero Rocher chocolates and little Red is one happy sparkling. Prowl thanks Jazz for his help.

Prowl and Jazz sit down to chat while little Red is still trying to find out how to unwrap the chocolate goodness. These two are getting a little too comfy here.

Yeaaaah... as I was saying, they're getting comfy here. And check out tha ginormous red arrow in certain cop bot's crotch.

In the end, Movie Jazz jumped ship and rejoined the boys at my desk's shelf with Prowl and their adopted little Red Alert.

One happy family?

Unfortunately, this left G1 Prowl all alone in the other shelf. Poor baby.

Phew, and that's the end of it! *flops* @w@

toys, ratchet, prowl, red alert, barricade, 2007verse, tf:animated, jazz, ironhide

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