Okay, took longer than it should have, but it's a little longer to make up for the delays!

Aug 29, 2008 23:20

Title: The Queen of Hearts. A Diamond Knight.
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Fluffness probably.
Pairings: Smokescreen x Chromia, Ironhide x Ratchet, Sunstreaker x Bluestreak, Prowl x Jazz (You know the drill with these two.) Hound x Mirage implied.
Characters: Prowl, Bluestreak, Smokescreen, Chromia, Ratchet, Ironhide, Soundwave, Moonracer. Mention of Hound, Mirage, Frenzy, Rumble, Sideswipe, Sunstreaker, and Mixmaster.
Summary: AU - Partly using Dreamwave's comics as basis. A re imagination of Cybertron's society where the line dividing slaves from nobles is so thin.
Notes: Moonracer in akshun, and dancing mechs! More notes at the end of the chapter.

You may want to listen to these songs by Origa (My chosen singing voice for Moonracer.)
Diva & Yoru no melody (Nochnaya melodiya) In that order, as both play in this chapter.

Prowl was acutely aware of Bluestreak's never ending chatter as the pair reviewed the plans for the party they were throwing later through the orn. It was the anniversary of Smokescreen's and Chromia's union, but most importantly, it was Prowl's and Bluestreak's gift to their parents to thank them for their existance and their cares.

Bluestreak seemed to be working in two different channels. Holding two conversations at almost the same time, pausing his talking with Prowl for brief moments to catch up with what Sunstreaker was talking about on their com-link.

The arrangements were settled orns prior to the date, and all that was left was to organize and set up the party's area. Prowl was personally overseeing the set up of the tables and stage in the family's gardens, and personally moved a few of the clusters to make room for the stage.

Although they wanted the party to be as much of a surprise as possible, the Defensor brothers knew they couldn't quite hide all the preparations that had been taking place through the orns, and in the end, they also enrolled their father's help to take their mother away somewhere so at least the setting would be a surprise in itself.

As Bluestreak finished his conversation with Sunstreaker and turned his attention back to the preparations at hand, Prowl suggested the distribution of the slaves serving the fine high-grade energon Bluestreak ordered for the party.

Bluestreak also reviewed the list of guests invited to celebrate Smokescreen's and Chromia's anniversary, frowning a little at a few of the guests invited. "Are you sure it's necesary we invite them?"

Prowl frowned but nodded, "Unfortunately, Bluestreak, they are family friends, and business acquaintances of our father. It would be rude not to invite them." Prowl knew his brother wasn't too keen on inviting some older, elite nobles to the party, worried about their attitudes towards Hound and Mirage. Bluestreak was certain the only reason they didn't speak negatively about Chromia and Ironhide was because they were both very favored by Megatron, not to mention it was in their best interest to keep a good relationship with Smokescreen. At least, though, they treated them both as the nobles they now were, and certainly treated Prowl and Bluestreak as noble born, even if Prowl knew more than a few optic ridges quirked on disapproval when he began to wear the black sash instead of yellow.

"Well, I'll go make sure the performers are ready!" Bluestreak waved cheerfully to his brother, and Prowl knew what Bluestreak really wanted to do was spend some time with Sunstreaker before the party.

Prowl decided to finish his own last minute touches on himself, washing himself and making sure to polish his plating thoroughly. He wasn't a vain 'bot under any circumstances, but always made sure to be presentable, no nephew of Ironhide and child of Smokescreen could be seen with a faded or uncared for paint job. Once that task was done, Prowl picked a long piece of yellow material laying across his berth and carefully tied it around his waist. While Prowl preferred the black sash he usually wore, the ocassion called for the symbol of his noble cradle to be worn out of respect for Smokescreen.

Once he deemed himself ready, Prowl left his family's home towards the gardens, giving any last minute instructions, or ordering to change the position of something over the tables and so on.

A large station was set up at the middle of the area set up for the guests to enjoy the performance. The dancing grounds were set right before the stage where everyone could dance freely without bumping into the tables. The oldest brother approached the group of Performers Bluestreak was talking to, watching Bluestreak and Sunstreaker exchange some gentle touches here and there while they talked. Prowl's attention drifted right to Jazz, who was chatting cheerfully with his performer friends, and a couple of guests who had arrived earlier.

It was very difficult for Prowl to miss the way some of the guests, femmes and mechs alike were looking at the performers, especially Sideswipe and Jazz. The leering glances addressed to the group of performers was not uncommon by any means, but it was yet another reminder for Prowl about how popular Jazz was, and almost made him want to just forget about trying to let Jazz know about his feelings. Only the reminder of Ratchet's time spent teaching him to dance and the reassuring words of both his uncles kept Prowl from going back into hiding, afraid he had no chance with the slave performer.

Prowl greeted the group and gave a few instructions regarding the party, and their performance, then disappeared for a while, retrieving the other gift they acquired for their parents, according to Bluestreak.

Many more guests arrived as the orn went on, and Prowl and Bluestreak greeted each one personally, leading them to the tables so they could pick their places. Prowl made sure to keep Mirage and Hound opposite from where the older nobles, friends and business acquaintances of his father, were sitting, surrounding the pair with other nobles who were either supportive or simple didn't care about their relationship and Hound's new status.

Red Alert and his intended, Inferno, were seated on honor table, next to Ratchet and Ironhide, while the other seats were to be occupied by Smokescreen and Chromia, followed by Prowl and Bluestreak.

There was a table set for the performers and their families or mates, although the Lambor family was accomodated closer to Smokescreen's and Chromia's table, since Bluestreak and Sunstreaker were seeing each other.

Finally, everything was ready and in place, all that was missing were the couple the party was bring thrown for.


Chromia knew her family was up to something, and that Smokescreen was just trying to make time when he took her shopping. She didn't mind, of course, she loved every klick she spent out with her mate, especially when looking around places was involved. Still, Smokescreen was growing restless, and she took that as her cue to suggest going back home.

"So," Chromia drawled as she and her mate transformed and headed back to their estate, "What are the lot of you plotting exactly?"

Smokescreen was a good liar under normal circumstances, however, he always found himself unable to lie to his mate, so he didn't even bother trying to. "Prowl and Bluestreak are throwing a little something for our anniversary. They want to surprise you."

"A little hard to keep all the movement on the gardens a secret." She chuckled softly, though she knew the surprise was hardly ruined, as she suspected whatever would happen during the party was the real surprise. To know her sons worked diligently to celebrate hers and Smokescreen's anniversary meant so much to her, surprise or not.

"I just know they're throwing a party, but don't know the details, they just let me know to buy them some time." Smokescreen chuckled, imagining Prowl frantically organizing the slaves and suppliers and whoever else was required for the party, while Bluestreak oversaw other less technical and organizational tasks.

The pair drove back home chatting about what possibly their sons had planned for the event. Chromia expected something small and rather private, even if inside the gardens of their manor, thinking Prowl's low tolerance for big and boisterous parties would heavily influence the event.

Smokescreen, however, was certain the event would be a big party full of friends and family, with hopefully plenty of sweet vintage high-grade.

When the pair finally made it to their family's state, Smokescreen and Chromia transformed and headed hand in hand towards the gardens that were currently obscured, as all the artificial lights that often kept the gardens beautifully illuminated were turned off.

In a spark beat, most lights were turned on as the couple stepped into the gardens, and Ironhide, Ratchet, Prowl and Bluestreak welcomed them, congratulating them. Plenty of guests followed suit and voiced their own congratulations.

"I knew you two were up to something, but I never thought it would be something quite like this!" Chromia and Smokescreen moved closer to their family, and the femme was quick to sweep Bluestreak and Prowl in a hug. It felt so good to feel both of her sons hug back despite their awkward positions, any kind of show of affection coming from Prowl was always cheerished by Chromia, though that did not diminish her appreciation for Bluestreak's own displays of affection.

"Have a wonderful anniversary, you two," Ratchet spoke softly, smiling warmly to his mate's sister and her own mate, holding out to them a small gift picked by Ironhide and himself.

"Thank you." Smokescreen accepted the present, exchanging hand shakes with Ironhide and Ratchet before he turned to Prowl and Bluestreak. Bluestreak was quick to approach his father and pull him into a tight embrace, whispering through an emotion filled voice how thankful he was to be his child. Smokescreen held his son tight against him, whispering his own thanks to Bluestreak, and silently to Primus for blessing him with such wonderful son.

Things, however, turned a little awkward when Smokescreen looked up to Prowl. He wanted to pull his oldest into a hug, hoping to feel his son hug back tightly as he did when he was a sparkling, but he admitted to be afraid Prowl's embrace would be cold, devoid of the love and warmth he felt on Bluestreak's, an embrace granted to him just to keep appearances, to keep the world from knowing how little love, if any, his oldest son felt for him as a father.

Prowl seemed to sense what his father was thinking, and in a rather unexpected move, Prowl aproached his father, wrapping his arms around him in a far less tight hug than Bluestreak had. It was, surprisingly, not the cold hug Smokescreen expected from Prowl, it was no where as affectionate and bubbling with love as Bluestreak's, but it was still a genuine display of affection from Prowl to him. "Congratulations, father," Prowl murmured softly, pulling away from the older bot. Smokescreen smiled a little, somewhat sad and nostalgic smile, it had been a soft, subdued embrace like Prowl himself, but it still meant Prowl cared and still felt some affection towards him. Smokescreen wished he could bridge the gap he created between himself and his first born.

Still, Smokescreen did not wish to spoil his sons' efforts for a memorable celebration, and he pushed aside his nostalgia for now. He wanted to enjoy the party, and was eager to see what they had planned for the occassion.

"We have a big surprise for you!" Bluestreak took his parents' hands and began to drag them over to the honor table, seating them in the central positions with the rest of the family.

From the far end of the gardens, which were still darkened, emerged Jazz and Soundwave. Soundwave carried a painting on his hands, which was a piece commissioned to sunstreaker, depicting Chromia and Smokescreen. Jazz held a sculpture on his hands, also depicting the couple. The sculpture, however, was definitely made from a piece of of crystal taken from one of the clusters of the gardens, more especifically from Prowl's tree. The sculpture was, without a doubt, the work of Mixmaster.

"Prowl an' Bluestreak want to wish you a wonderful anniversary." Jazz smiled as he let Chromia pluck the sculpture from his hands, thanking the performer slaves and her sons. "This ain't the only gift they got for ya both, the real gift is about ta be revealed." Both Jazz and Soundwave bowed politely, retreating quickly back into the shadows.

A few moments later, the lights illuminated the remainder of the gardens, revealing the stage and the group of performers ready to begin their number. Moonracer stepped forward, smiling to her audience, Soundwave stood a little behind her, while Sideswipe and Sunstreaker stood at her sides, and Jazz, Rumble and Frenzy stood next to Soundwave.

Moonracer extended her arms and began to sing, after the first verse, Soundwave retracted his mask and began to sign, replicating Moonracer's voice, allowing the female performer to overlap her own verses with the chorus Soundwave was providing. Moonracer continued her song once Soundwave's chorus faded, dancing in synchrony with the Lambor twins.

Smokescreen and Chromia smiled widely as the song played with his love for gambling, and his claim Chromia was his winning card.

As the song ended, the family's slaves began to serve vintage high-grade energon, with toasts made by several guests in honor of the couple.

The performers played several new compositions, with Swoop, Jazz, Sunstreaker and Moonracer singing different pieces, with an eventual duet between Moonracer and Swoop, creating a relaxed atmosphere through the party. Finally, the performers began to play a few melodies to be danced to, prompting the guests to the dancing grounds.


'Dance with me?'

That was what Jazz wished to ask so badly as Moonracer began to sing a sweet soft melody that brought all present to dance across the beautiful crystal gardens.

Smokescreen had taken his mate to the middle of the gardens, dancing with her as if the rest of the world didn't exist, they had optics just for one another. Ratchet dragged Ironhide to dance with him as well and soon enough many more guests were dancing.

Sideswipe, Rumble and Frenzy were playing the music accompanying Moonracer's singing, leaving Sunstreaker, Swoop and Jazz free at the moment. Sunstreaker wasted no time and dragged rather unceremoniously a surprised Bluestreak to the dancing floor. Jazz smiled a little, and couldn't help but feel a little envious of the golden twin.


The performer slave turned around to see Prowl standing there, and Jazz couldn't help but marvel at the way the sparkling light reflected by the clusters of crystals framed the taller mech.

"Yes, sir?" Jazz managed to ask, thankful his visor covered his optics at the moment. Prowl cycled air heavily and somewhat nervously, admiring the way the light framed Jazz's face and body in such ethereal way.

"...Would you like to dance?"

Jazz didn't bother to hide the smile that crept to his lip components. "I'd love to," the slave performer replied, taking the hand Prowl offered, allowing the noble to lead him into the dancing grounds. The melody was soft and flowed nicely for some slow but elegant dancing, and for a few moments, as they began to fall into synchrony with the music, only their hands touched as they swayed, stepping forward, then falling back until the music changed a little and Prowl gently encircled Jazz's waist with his free hand, holding him a little closer as they danced together. Jazz found himself marveled at how easily they fell into rhythm.

Soundwave watched next to the stage, a little smile crawling its way to his lip components, and silently wished Jazz good luck, hoping his friend would find the courage to confess to Prowl. Ratchet sneaked a few glances over to his newphew, and he, too, hoped for Prowl to reveal his feelings to Jazz. For now, he contented himself watching how happy Prowl looked as he led Jazz around in their dance, hoping his nephew could be this happy always.

Notes part deux: In 'Diva' the verse "The Queen of Hearts. A Diamond Knight. A starless sky, no moonlight. The world just makes no sense." Is sung by Moonracer, therefor, in the parts this verse overlaps, this part is sung by Moonracer, and the other verse is sung by Soundwave. Everything else but that verse is sung by Moonracer.

I so need an Imperium Cybertronium fitting icon.

soundwave, smokescreen, sideswipe, sunstreaker, ratchet, prowl, jazz, imperium cybertronium, moonracer, ironhide, bluestreak, chromia

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