Some IC before bed time!

Aug 06, 2008 05:05

Title: Dream of Me.
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Sugary fluff.
Pairings: Blaster x Soundwave, One Sided Optimus x Starscream.
Characters: Sunstorm, Starscream, Blaster, Soundwave. Mention of Frenzy, Rumble, Optimus, and Shockwave.
Summary: AU - Partly using Dreamwave's comics as basis. A re imagination of Cybertron's society where the line dividing slaves from nobles is so thin.
Notes: We're straying a bit from the Prowl/Jazz issue to deal with other parts of the plot. It's rather sugary, but that's how this part demanded to be written!

Not beta'ed so feel free to correct me.

Starscream wanted nothing more than to dig a hole in the ground and bury his head there for a couple of vorns. There were times he wished he could just shut off Skywarp's vocalizer at his own will. It didn't take long for his father, Sunstorm, and the rest of their family --including his cousins-- to find out about the events that transpired between him and Optimus in Hot Rod's and Arcee's party.

He didn't care about the teasing Ramjet and Dirge aimed at him, he could easily deal with that. It was Sunstorm he really didn't want to deal with. Yet, there he was, sitting in his father's private quarters, and listening to the older mech talk to him about his own experiences, and even worse was to have his father try to pry into what he and Optimus did.

Starscream wasn't shy by any means, but he just didn't want to talk about his experience with Optimus with his father, especially because it was embarrassing to him he overloaded just by having his wings handled by Sentinel Prime's youngest. Starscream dodged the questions asked the best he could, and merely answered those that wouldn't reveal just how easily Optimus overloaded him.

Sunstorm had a very good idea of exactly what happened, sharing a very similar first experience with Sentinel many vorns ago. Still, he would be slagged if he didn't tease his first sparked at least a little. "So," Sunstorm drawled with a mischievous glint on his optics. "Did you tell him how you feel about him? Or you two just went with the heat of the moment?"

"We didn't really get to talk about that," Starscream muttered, trying to make as evident as possible how much he didn't want to have this conversation. Sunstorm shook his head lightly and squeezed his first child's shoulder gently. "Well, unfortunately that's going to make things a little awkward the next time you two see each other."

"You think?" Starscream's voice dripped with sarcasm, but Sunstorm's stern glare forced the future High Priest to lower his head a little in apology.

"On the other hand, you can use this to your advantage, knowing Optimus, he'll try to approach you to either apologize for, uh, getting you so worked up carelessly, or make sure you're all right." Sunstorm chuckled softly. "Or both."

Starscream nodded and rubbed his face plates, feeling rather tired. "I suppose so," he muttered softly, understanding his father wanted some kind of resolution to his situation for his child's peace of mind. "I don't know when we're going to see each other again, though."

"Whenever that is, just make sure you talk to him about this. You owe it to him and yourself." The High Priest squeezed very gently on Starscream's wing. "Go get yourself some rest for now. Oh, by the way, Rumble and Frenzy are staying with you for two orns."

Starscream quirked an optic ridge, it wasn't uncommon for the slave twins to stay with him during their recharge periods every now and then, but it was usually unplanned. "Why?"

"Soundwave requested permission to travel to Polyhex for a couple of orns." While Soundwave was bought for Starscream, Sunstorm still had the ultimate saying in the family's slaves' affairs. Starscream nodded, trusting Soundwave had good reasons to make such a request. With a small bow of his head, Starscream excused himself, heading to his quarters to get some much needed rest.


Blaster looked on with apprehension at the ruins of what used to be one of the small provinces within Polyhex. The city-state used to be divided in four provinces, but vorns ago one of them was completely abandoned, leaving it in ruins. It was from this province Soundwave came from, and he was the reason Blaster was there that orn.

"Apologies." Soundwave's monotone voice broke the eerie silence. Blaster turned around and smiled to his lover, quickly gathering him in his arms.

"No need to apologize," Blaster whispered softly, brushing a thumb over the hairline seam of his lover's mask where the two plates joined. Soundwave obliged the unspoken request and retracted the mask, Blaster's lip components were over his own in a soft kiss in no time. The kiss lasted for a few moments before the Blast noble pulled away reluctantly. "Why are we here?" he asked and looked over his shoulder at the dilapidated remnants of what used to be Soundwave's home province.

Soundwave did not answer, instead he took his lover's hand and tugged gently, leading him towards one of the buildings, what used to be the home he grew up on. Soundwave searched through the ruins of the barracks, looking for one in particular. His blue digits traced over the walls, apparently searching for something until he found what he was looking for. With a gentle tug, Soundwave pulled the taller orange mech into the remnants of his family's quarters.

The room was pretty small, barely able to fit the base essentials for one or two mechs at maximum, yet Soundwave's parents always managed to accommodate themselves and their sparkling comfortably. There was an old berth tucked on the far end of the room, surprisingly in decent enough shape to be used. Soundwave lead his lover to the berth, Blaster obliged and sat on the far from comfortable bunk. "So, going to tell me what are we doing here?" Blaster asked once more, and watched Soundwave look around the room, seemingly deep in thought.

After a breem of silence, the slave performer took Blaster's hand and squeezed it tightly but not enough to hurt, and pulled Blaster in for a brief kiss. Soundwave's free hand rose to his face, and dark blue fingers brushed along the edge of his visor for a few kliks.

Blaster gasped softly as he watched Soundwave carefully remove the visor. The young noble murmured his lover's name softly, reaching his free hand to brush his fingers along the edge of Soundwave's exposed optics, taking in the sight of his lover's face devoid of the visor. The implications of Soundwave's action began to sink in, and Blaster couldn't help but feel humbled by the whole experience. He knew what the removal of the visor meant for people like Soundwave and Jazz, and understood what Soundwave was bestowing upon him through the act, just how important he was for his lover.

"Love you," Blaster whispered softly and cupped Soundwave's face with both hands, pressing his lips to the space between the smaller mech's optics, then trailed down along his nose, and finally claiming Soundwave's lip components in a deep kiss, trying to pour all his love for the slave into the caress. Now more than ever he wanted to make Soundwave his mate before everyone's optics. He was willing to bond his spark to Soundwave's if the other wanted it, willing more than ever to defy Shockwave.

Soundwave uttered a small sound, a soft, electronic hum that Blaster recognized immediately. The Blast noble pushed his lover gently to lay on the battered berth, exchanging soft kisses and loving strokes over each other's frame. As their lips parted Soundwave's humming grew louder and Blaster rested his head against the smaller mech's neck, powering down his optics. The empty, ruined room was quickly filled by the slave's humming, the sound changed in pitch, creating a beautiful melody. Blaster cuddled against Soundwave, allowing his beloved slave to sing in that particular way. To sing his love to him without words, a declaration of love that Soundwave sung for him the same orn he welcomed him on his berth, and his spark.

It was a different kind of music, like a lullaby that resonated against his plating, against every component of his body, a song that passed through his being and touched his spark with a gentle caress and a loving promise. What Soundwave did not say through words, he'd say through his song. Blaster knew it all too well. 'I love you,' the song said without words.

"I love you, too," Blaster murmured softly, and allowed his love's song to lull him into light recharge.

soundwave, imperium cybertronium, blasterxsoundwave, blaster, starscream

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