Oct 19, 2005 20:37
I've been thinking a lot lately about emotion and instinct. I have
concluded thatemotions are nothing more than a primitive instict,
rather than a sign of higher thinking capabilities. Like fear. It's
purpose is self-preservation. And anger and hate are really the
instinct for superiority and dominance. And of course love, though
often thought to be a sign of complex thinking and feeling, it too
serves a purpose, protecting offspring and reprodution. Because of
course every species main priority and mission in life is to reproduce
and continue on the species. So emotion is nothing more than instinct
disguised to make it understandable to our o so complex little brains
with their need to feel important. When you think about life this way,
it makes you appreciate it more and enjoy it more because you aren't
worrying about being serious. Life truly serves no purpose and we
humans way overestimate our own importance. Life isn't nessecary. If
the world comes to an end tomorrow, intelligent life in the multiverse
will go on as always. They won't notice a thing. We really are
insignificant specks of dust floating around aimlessly. So there.