Later in October,
Geocities is
closing. I'm not quite ready to give up on aka "Whoooaa... Hi, baby!" (link works at the moment but is of course destined to be dead pretty soon). In fact I'd be quite sad to see it go. Interestingly, there seems to be
a decent chance it might get mirrored somewhere. Still, the mirroring-guy goes out and says back up your own site, motherfucker... so I guess this motherfucker will (especially as I want to still be able to update my own page, even though I may keep an archived "nostalgia" version somewhere). I've started today, but what I haven't done by now will have to wait until another day when I can spare some more time. What I really wanted, besides just getting started, was finding something that I can put up in an English language livejournal post more or less unmodified. These work (oh, and well, even though I like being cryptical, see
Wikipedia on Geek code):
CGv1.0 Sm*++ A21 E Un$Ed B>Lb-r2(9) Bl a? Mcfgpr? L+/++ Bw C+gs>+++gs O?chm>chkmt A+ F+>p Bm++>++++ Dc++>+++ I~ Ks>+++ M++ V~ c+>++++/--- I++wc>++++wcf E P+>++ TV+++>--- R+/+++(*)
Version: 3.12
GAT d-@ s: a-->? C+ UL P+ L>++ E- W++>+++ N>+ o? K-> w(+)>++ !O M V? PS++ PE-(--) Y+@ PGP- t+ 5>++ X++(+) R>+++(*) tv++(+++)>!tv(-) b++(+++) DI++++ D(--) G>++++ e>+++++ h---(-) r++ y+++>+++++