Ok... I'm writing a book with
Struttu. We haven't come that far yet, but we've had a little meeting about it where we decided we'll start exchanging letters that'll be the book when we eventually, after a year or so, have enough for a short book. We have only discussed in rather loose terms what will actually be in the letters. Actually, I think it can be a good idea to leave that open to a large extent in the beginning. Trying to get a good dialogue running, reactions on reactions on reactions... that in itself is a large part of the point, as I see it. I'm quite excited about this. And proud... oddly enough, as not a word is written yet and the thing will be self-published and quite likely lose me money. But I guess I'm proud that I've actually set out on this ambitious a writing project - the biggest creative writing project I've started in quite some time (except for this blog, in some ways) and, if we do finish it, the biggest one I will have finished so far - and that Struttu wanted to do it with me.
Now, I intend to stay faithful to this blog. From the beginning, one of my main ideas with it has been to keep posting something each week at least as long as I can press buttons on a keyboard, to build up a continuity and see what it turns into... Maybe something like
this? (By the way: That link is worth looking at if you have a moment to spare, a Wikipedia article about a compulsive diarist.) Still, I have other things to do and I must ration the time I can spare for writing things "just for fun". I will prioritize getting something posted on the blog each week, but not necessarily using a lot of time for creating that something. In fact, I intend to put rather strict limits on how much time I can use in that way - so that the book gets done, while I don't neglect my other duties (doing various linguistics-related stuff, doing dishes, kissing my girlfriend etc). So... this may be more or less as elaborate a post as I will make in the coming 365 days, except when I have something to post which I would have had to write anyway. But then! oh, the posts I will make...