My old personal homepage, with - among other things - "The Great Index of Villains". Go explore! Some work has gone into it, and I think if you have a few minutes to spare I'm pretty sure there are worse ways to spend them. Most of the page can be characterized as "silliness", but a few things are conceivably useful. Somewhere on the page, there's an essay on the education system in Switzerland, and you can also find some nice book recommendations.
The page with the question marks contains links that are not entirely safe for work (and you will not be warned on the page in question!). "Lars" was the name of a flute/violin combo I encountered on some sort of conference I attended latish in my viola-playing days. Half-jesting I remarked to them I'd make them a fan-page; thus their name in huge letters on the index page. I'd provide a fuller guide to the homepage, as the navigation system is somewhat non-existant, but I've decided against that mainly for two reasons. First, there is the fact that
I've said I'll only make mini-posts for a while and the fact that there was a good reason for saying that (which would be that I need the time for editing my paper on language-use in role-playing games). Second, I believe the "navigation system" is supposed to be a bit "artistic" and I feel I might as well give the then-me the respect of letting you experience that art "as it was supposed to" (sans guide).
Bye for now.