So, did any of you guys know that the BSG people found their cast at the set of Dark Angel? Yeah, that's right, I've now found five of the small parts in DA played by BSG actors. It's kinda neat. So far: Boomer/Sharon has played a transgenic x-5, Katie (Chief's wife) played an x-6 series transgenic, Dee played a blind girl named Annie, Leoban the cylon played the sheriff in a town and Chief played a hotel owner in the same town. Is there anyone I've missed? Will Kara Trace appear, for instance?
1 - List your top 10 celebrity crushes.
2 - Put all of them IN ORDER of your lust for them.(10 to 1, 1 being your number one fixation)
3 - Say which movie/show/thing it was that hooked you.
4 - Supply photos for said people
5 - Tag five people.
And before you see my results, I'll have you know that just picking ten was really hard! Really, really hard!
10. Angelina Jolie.
Saw her in Tomb Raider. Drop dead gorgeous. I can say no more.
9. Alyson Hannigan.
Saw buffy the vampire slayer and instantly fell in love with her, even though she didn’t have skirts as short as Buffy’s.
8. Neil Patrick Harris.
As Barney in How I met your mother he is my absolute hero in addition to being gorgeous.
7. Winona Ryder.
Saw Bram Stoker’s Dracula and fell instantly in love. If anyone says anything mean about this amazing woman, I’ll be forced to make you take a dive with cement shoes.
6. Jonathan Rhys Meyers
I discovered when I watched Velvet Goldmine. He is so utterly gorgeous. Then I saw him in Ghormengast and I was so impressed/heartbroken/amazed/insert superlative here.
5. Adam Baldwin.
Saw him first in Angel, but didn’t care for him then. Saw him again as Jayne Cobb, and fell in love. My crush is Jayne, not Adam, but still.
4. Ewan McGregor.
Saw him in Trainspotting, loved him ever since. Then I saw Velvet Goldmine and my obsession got even bigger. I think I’m more in love with Curt Wild than Ewan, but I don’t really care…
3. Jude Law.
I don’t remember the first time I saw him, but I remember the moment my crush started. It was when I watched Gattica. Just like Jensen gets type cast in those tough-guy roles, Jude gets type cast as snobbish upper class smoker. It’s difficult not to love. Also when you add the fact that the way his character in Gattica thinks is exactly the way I think. I love him!
2. Christina Ricci.
Saw her in Adams family and fell instantly in love with her (in a non-sexual way. I’m not oogie). Since then she’s been my number one female celebrity crush!
1. Jensen Ackles.
Got instantly hooked whilst watching Supernatural, which is a great show by the way. It’s all in his muscles, and the character’s personality…I love Dean!
I hereby tag anyone who wants to take this thingie.