Study sux...but I'm trying =) At least I'm improving a little....
Ah I'm such a sissy when it comes to wounds. The other day I had to chuck out some recycling so I decided to be all carefree and go shoes-less. Going down the path was fine, but then I hit this part of the path which is blocked off cos of an overgrowing plant with prickles so I couldn't push it aside. So I HAD to step on the grass. First foot was fine, then second step I felt the bindies so I jumped back onto the path. On the way back I had to do it all again except this time, something really sharp dug into me and I gracefully tried to jump back on the path. I failed miserably and ended up flat down on the driveway. Lucky no one saw me. Hehe I know, give me a bat/racquet and a ball and I look like I know what I'm doing, everywhere else I'm just so unco. So now the grazes on my knees and elbow are fine, but there's this one on my foot that stings so much. It's the tiniest of grazes but it hurts =( I know I'm a sissy...leave me alone =P
Stole this quiz thing from Amy Zhu's site =P
[x] skipped school
- seen someone die
[?] been in love I don't know if it was love or whatnot
[x] been dumped
- shoplifted
[x] been in a fist fight a girly fist fight =P I swear!
- snuck out of your parent's house
[x] had feelings for someone who didn¡¦t have them back don't we all...
- gone on a blind date
- been to Canada
- been to Mexico
[x] been on a plane
[x] eaten Sushi love it!
- been snowboarding never seen snow before. I'll take it back soon!
- been moshing at a concert
- taken painkillers would probably need to know how to swallow pills first =P
[x] love someone or miss someone right now
[x] laid on your back and watched cloud shapes go by
- made a snow angel i'd probably need snow for that =P
- had a tea party i was never into dolls
[x] flown a kite
[x] built a sand castle
[x] gone puddle jumping
- played dress up i've never been into the whole dress up thing
- jumped into a pile of leaves not a whole pile
[x] cheated while playing a game
[x] been lonely
[x] fallen asleep at school history was such a bore
[x] watched the sun set
- felt an earthquake
[x] touched a snake
[x] slept beneath the stars you do everything in scouts =D
[x] been tickled
- been robbed knock on wood
[x] been misunderstood
- petted a goat
[x] won a contest handball contest in primary. HEEEY it was up against all the guys as well!
[x] had a parent run a red light
[x] been in a car accident not serious ones thank god
[x] had braces
[x] felt like an outcast
- eaten a whole box of ice cream in one night that would make me feel really sick
[x] hated the way you look
- witnessed a crime man i'm so sheltered lol
- squished barefoot through the mud
[x] been lost ahaha taking the wrong train to woop woop
- been to the opposite side of the country whats to do in perth
- swam in the ocean i don't do water sports =P
[x] played cops and robbers see that's the sort of stuff i did as a kid!
[x] recently colored with crayons/colored pencils/markers
[x] sung karaoke my first time at 18th bday haha i'm so unasian
[x] paid for a meal with only coins
[x] made prank phone calls
- laughed until some kind of beverage came out of your nose
- caught a snowflake on your tongue once again requires SNOW
- danced in the rain
- written a letter to Santa Claus
- been kissed under a mistletoe
- watched the sun rise don't think i was ever up early enough and when i was, couldn't be bothered
[x] blown bubbles
- crashed a party
[x] gone rollerskating/ rollerblading
[x] had a wish come true
- worn real pearls
- ate dog/cat food eww had a friend who did that...that's nasty
[x] sang in the shower
- have a little black dress me? dress? you wish! HA
- had a dream that you married someone
[x] glued your hand to something
- got your tongue stuck to a freezer
- kissed a fish
- sat on a roof top
[x] screamed at the top of your lungs
- done a one-handed cartwheel i can't cartwheel =(
[x] talked on the phone for more than 6 hours all day 3 way conversation haha
[x] stayed up all night couldn't sleep and my flight was at 5am
- picked and ate an apple right off the tree
[x] climbed a tree i was a bit of a tomboy back then =P
- had a tree house
- are scared to watch scary movies alone
- believed in ghosts
- have more than 30 pairs of shoes i have like 5 - school shoes, formal shoes and 3 pairs of sneakers
- worn a really ugly outfit to school just to see what others say
- been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on don't you dare...
- broken a bone
[x] been easily amused
- caught a fish then ate it
- caught a butterfly
[x] laughed so hard you cried
- cried so hard you laughed
[x] cheated on a test
- have a Britney Spears CD
[x] forgotten someone's name i have a really bad memory, especially if i've just met someone
- French braided someone's hair braid *shudder*
[x] been to any other countries besides yours
- had serious surgery
- gone out in public in your pajamas
- kissed a stranger
[x] hugged a stranger a friend of a friend and it was a greeting? weird
[x] had alcohol
- pushed all the buttons on an elevator
[x] swore at your parents
- kicked a guy where it hurts dammit i missed =P
- gone naked just because
[x] been close to love where does it cross over between like and love?
[x] been to a casino and won $100 woot!
- skinny-dipped
- saw a therapist/counsellor
- done the splits i'm not very flexible
- played spin the bottle
[x] gotten stitches
- drank a whole gallon of milk in one hour
- bitten someone
- gotten the chicken pox
- crashed into a friend's car
[x] ridden in a taxi
- been fired
[x] lied to a friend
- had a crush on a teacher
- lost a child
[x] had a crush on someone you shouldn't don't we all haha
[x] own an mp3 player
- kissed a girl
[x] kissed a boy
[x] fainted let's just say blood test, empty stomach, stand up fast
- purposely set a part of yourself on fire
[x] questioned your heart
[x] cried yourself to sleep
[x] done something you told yourself you wouldn't must stop breaking promises to myself
- jumped off a bridge
- kissed a mirror
[x] been told you're hot by a complete stranger twas probably a dare
- danced around in public i don't dance haha
[x] failed a test
[x] wagged school
- eaten until you threw up
[x] made a cake
- sung at the top of your lungs to a complete stranger
[x] been to a concert
[x] moved house
- have a job
[x] been to a funeral
[x] been to a wedding