(no subject)

Nov 28, 2005 18:05

So I was bored. Longest survey I was ever ever do and never ever do again. Stole this off Larina's LJ. It had over 700 questions but I cut out some of the repeated ones or irrelevant ones and changed the word president to prime minister and USA to Australia etc. Oh well, no one is gonna read this anyways... just wanted to post something =P

P.S. Driving is going well =D I hit 70 on King Georges Rd the other day hehe

1) Name: Martina Ho
2) Age: 18
3) Location: Sydney, Australia 
4) Birthday: 23rd July 1987
5) Height: 157cm
6) Sex: Female

7) Sexual Orientation: Straight 
8) Single or Taken: Single
9) Eye Color: Dark brown
10) Hair Color: Dark brown
11) Heritage: Chinese
12) School/College Attending, if any: SGGHS if you had asked me a few months ago, now I’m hoping to get into uni =P
13) Job, if any: I wanna go for one, but if I got one now, I’d probably get fired for needing to take a one month holiday
14) Label Yourself: probably the sporty asian, that’s pretty rare to find
15) Nicknames: missmarty, marty, martini, tini

Family Matters
16) What are your parents' names? Stephanie and David
17) Do you still live with them? Yes
18) What do they do for work? Registered Nurse and Accountant
19) Siblings? 1
20) Siblings' names and ages: Serene 23
21) Who is your favorite relative: No favourite but a bunch that I like
22) Least favorite: One of my uncle’s family
23) How many cousins do you have? Too many. 8 on my mum’s side and probably more on my dad’s.
24) How many aunts and uncles? Once again, too many. 12 on my mum’s side and probably more on my dad’s.
25) How many grandparents still alive? None =(

You Gotta Have Friends...
26) Name your best friend: I don’t have one best friend, just a few close friends
27) Girl friends you're close to: Well if I have a problem, I’ll talk to Joey, Evelyn, Marija, mainly the MHS gang at this moment but that’s always changing depending on who I’m close to at the time.
28) Guy friends you're close to: I talk too much to Eric and Richie hehe
29) Ever had a crush on a friend? Well that’s pretty much how any relationship started
30) Did it ever turn into anything? Yes
31) Do you believe in best friends forever? Honestly, no
32) Who is your shoulder to cry on? Any of the girls and guys listed above
33) Who always listens to you when you rant and rave? The girls and guys above
34) Who was your best friend when you were little? Well first it was Verushka, then Eric, then Winnie, then Lauren and Mary
35) What is your outlook on friends with benefits? It’s good when you don’t want anything serious but it’s always gonna stuff up somewhere along the line
36) Can you still be friends with your ex? Well I still am with some of them
37) What friends have you lost touch with? Too fucken many! ß TOTALLY AGREE!
38) Do you ever think about calling them? All the time
39) Do you really love your friends? Yes

All You Need is Love...
40) Who was your first 'crush' when you were young? David or Jared
41) How about your first REAL crush? Haha Who’s to say it wasn’t real the first time? *wink*
42) When's the last time you spoke to either of those people? Many many years
43) Did you ever have a crush on someone way older than you? Nope
44) Like a teacher? Hahaha no, we always get old teachers
45) An older sibling's friend? Hmm yeah I did
46) How about someone alot younger? Nah, not even a year younger
47) Ever have a crush on the same person as your friend? Hm well on someone else’s boyfriend but they broke up and we got together so it all worked out…but he was a d!ck
48) Who got him/her? Both? haha
49) How did you feel about it? Good at the time obviously
50) Did it last? Haha NO
51) Who do you consider to be your first love? I don’t know if it was love
52) How long did you date that person? Probably not long considering my track record with relationships
53) Was it true love or just puppy love? No idea, probably puppy love
54) Do you believe in soulmates? I really don’t know
55) How many significant others have you had? 4 
56) What was your longest relationship? Almost 6 months? Or maybe it was over 6 months
57) How old are theynow? 19 or 20, somewhere in between lol 
58) Why did you break up? Too overbearing and too long distance
59) How about your shortest relationship? Probably one month
60) How old are they now? One is 18, the other 21
61) Why did you break up? One was a dickhead, the other was just too far away
62) Try to explain love: It’s that feeling when you feel completely safe and comfortable and happy and nothing could possibly be any better
63) What's your favorite love song? Oh man, you can’t just have one, there’s so so many!
64) Who do you want to be with right now? Haha well if I told you, then it probably wouldn’t come true
65) Your celebrity crush: Chad Michael Murray!
66) Ever been with someone your parents loved? No they’ve never known
67) Or someone they hated? Well they have to know before they can hate
68) Ever liked a relative: Ew that’s just so wrong
69) Who's your true love? If I knew, then I wouldn’t have to play this game

Let's Talk About Sex, Baby
70) Sexual Orientation: Straight
71) How many girls have you dated? None
72) How many guys have you dated? 4
73) Did you ever question your sexuality? Sometimes, considering all the dickheads I know
74) Do you know the bases? Haha I’ve heard of different versions
75) If so, what's your version: I don’t have my own, I just know people with different versions
76) Do you want to have sex? Well I want to have kids so obviously some time in the future I’ll have to want to =P
77) Do you have friends who are gay? Yes
78) Bisexual? Yes
79) Lesbians? Yes
80) Straight? Yes
81) What do you like about girls, physically? Um, I really don’t check out girls much but I dunno, I suppose the face?
82) What do you like about guys, physically? Face, arms and torso
83) Is sex better when you're in love? I would guess so
84) ... Or when there are no strings attached? I really don’t know
85) How many people have you kissed? Umm haha a girl never kisses and tells
86) How many people have you done stuff with? That depends on what “stuff” you’re referring to
87) Are you kinky? Have you ever been called kinky? Haha don’t think so 
88) Are you dominant, submissive, or a switch? Wouldn’t know
89) Have you ever had phone sex? No
90) How about cyber sex? No
91) Have you ever lied to get sex? No 
92) Ever had sex with a married man or woman? No
93) Ever had sex on top of the kitchen table? No
94) Lights on or off? Off
95) Making love, having sex, or fucking? In the end, they’re all about the same act
96) So do you like to have fun with the fruits n veggies? Ahaha no
97) How about whipped cream or chocolate syrup? Never tried

This or That
98) TV or radio: I like both but if I had to choose, TV
99) PC or Mac: PC
100) Coke or Pepsi: Coke
101) White or Black: Shades of grey haha
102) Yes or No: No
103) Plane or Train: Plane, stupid Shittyrail
104) Car or Truck: Car
105) Movie: Seven or Thirteen: Seven
106) 7 or 13: 7
107) Boston or New York City: NYC
108) Puppies or Kitties: Puppies
109) Mario Brothers or Legend of Zelda: Mario bros.
110) Nintendo, Sony, Segam XBox, etc: Um don’t really play video games
111) Cellar or Basement: Um wouldn’t go down either?
112) North or South: South
113) East or West: East
114) Spain or France: Spain…Spanish is hot
115) Made in China or Made in Japan: Made in Japan. Things made in China are probably dodgy, damn cheap labour!
116) California or Florida: California
117) Beer or Wine: Beer
118) Bud, Miller, or something else: Something else
119) 18 or 21: 18
120) Kids or no kids: Kids 
121) Boys or Girls: Boys
122) Love or Sex: Love
123) Friends or Family: Friends
124) You or Me: You
125) Poetry or Short Stories: Short stories 
126) English or Math: Maths
127) City or Country: City
128) Day or Night: Night
129) Pink or Purple: Purple
130) Rain or Shine: Rain
131) All or None: All
132) Poker or Rummy: Poker 
133) Yea or Nay: Nay
134) Football or Baseball: Football
135) Blue Ink or Black Ink: Blue
136) Hearts or Stars: Hearts
137) Movies or Music: Hm, can’t choose, love both
138) ADD or ADHD: Wouldn’t wish either on anyone
139) Diet or Regular: Regular
140) Hot Coffee or Iced Coffee: Hot
141) Donut, Muffin, or Bagel: Donut
142) Grape or Strawberry Jam: Neither, don’t like jam
143) Lemon or Lime: Don’t care
144) Apples or Oranges: Apples
145) Nose Ring or Belly Button Ring: Belly 
146) Piercings or Tattoos: Both
147) Glasses or Contacts: Contacts, if I wasn’t scared of putting something in my eye hehe
148) Hobbies or Sports: Sports
149) Reading or Writing: Reading
150) Green or Red: Red
151) January or July: JULY!
152) Work or Play: Play
153) Skirt or Dress: Neither, jeans any day
154) Corvette or Mustang: Corvette? It’s a car…
155) Cop or Policeman: They’re the same thing to me
156) Sex or Sleep: Sleep
157) Male Teachers or Female Teachers: Doesn’t matter as long as they’re not old old

158) Your musical genre of choice: Pop/Rock/Rnb
159) Favorite solo artists: Hm there’s too many I like but I did have a Delta phase
160) Favorite bands: There’s just too many, I really listen to too much music
161) Music Genre you never listen to and never will: Heavy metal
162) Favorite song at the moment: Hope - Twista ft. Faith Evans
163) Best song by your favorite band: Can’t choose
164) Do you like to dance? Haha I’d rather mind the drinks
165) What kind of songs do you like to dance to? Songs with a good beat for dancing?
166) Do you ever go clubbing? Not yet
167) Are you even old enough? Yes
168) Do you sing? I used to
169) Have you ever been in a chorus? You mean choir? Yes 
170) How about school band? No
171) Or a music club at school? No
172) Have you ever been in a band? No
173) Have you ever played any musical instruments? Yes
174) What musical artists do you detest? Nikki Webster but I don’t know you can call her a musical artist
175) Do you live for music? Probably
176) Do you own any records or 8 tracks? No 
177) How about cassette tapes? Yes
178) Number of CDs you own: Lots of mixed cds
179) How many are burned CDs? Majority
180) Do you burn your own CDs? Yes
181) Do you have any tapes/DVDs of concerts? Yes
182) Who was your favorite band/artist when you were a kid? Human Nature and BSB
183) How many concerts have you been to? Two
184) Do you support local bands? I’d love to when I find one I like
185) What do you think of American Idol? I don’t think about it
186) What do you think of Kelly Clarkson and Clay Aiken? Kelly Clarkson
187) Country: love it or hate it? Don’t mind it

Movies, Movies, Movies
188) What is your favorite movie? Hm A Walk to Remember, Coach Carter, Honey etc
189) How many movies do you own? A few
190) Do you like to rent movies? Yeps
191) How much does it cost for a ticket at the local movie theater? I don’t have a local one but probably about $12
192) Have you ever been to a drive-in movie? Nope but I want to!
193) What was the last movie you saw in the theater? Into the Blue
194) What was the last movie you saw at home? Four Brothers
195) What is your favorite movie genre? Romantic Comedy
196) Do you like movies in general? Yes
197) How do you feel about sequels? They’re usually not as good as the first one
198) What movies did you see and hate? Hm I can’t remember, I like most crappy movies haha
199) Who is your favorite actor? Chad Michael Murray
200) Favorite Actress: Jessica Alba, Sophia Bush
201) Favorite writer or producer: Don’t pay attention to them
202) Do you like the James Bond movies? I don’t mind them
203) How about Back to the Future? They need to stop repeating them on TV
204) Star Wars? Never watched em
205) Indiana Jones? From what I can remember they’re alright
206) Lord of the Rings? I’ve seen em and they’re alright
207) Is the book better or the movie? Haven’t read the book
208) What was your favorite movie when you were little? Beauty and the Beast
209) What movies are you looking forward to? None that I can think of

TV Shows
210) What is your current favorite TV show(s)? One Tree Hill, Gilmore Girls, Alias, Charmed, Smallville, The OC
211) Do you watch it/them religiously? Pretty much
212) How many average hours per day do you spend watching TV? I don’t watch them on TV (oz tv is too slow)
213) What channel do you get your news from? ABC
214) Are you a couch potato? I used to be, now I’m a laptop potato
215) What old TV shows do you miss? Um…SKIPPY! And GUMBO
216) Do you buy boxed sets of Seasons of TV shows you like? Rarely
217) Do you remember the shows you liked from when you were a kid? Some
218) Do you like reality shows? Very few
219) How about game shows? Don’t really watch them
220) Have you ever watched the Spanish Channel? Nope
221) Have you ever seen a movie/tv show in a language that you didn't understand? Yep I love watching Inspector Rex which is in German
222) Do you have cable/satellite? No
223) Did you buy a plasma TV yet? No
224) Kids, is there a TV in your room? No
225) What TV show do you avoid watching at all costs? Big Brother

226) Do you play videogames? No
227) What systems have you played on? Playstation, Nintendo
228) What systems do you own? PS
229) What are your all time favorite games? Time Crisis, DD

230) What series do you like? Don’t know
231) Who are your favorite videogame characters? Spyro?
232) Do you like RPGs or fighting games? Don’t mind
233) Would you rather play alone or with others? Both
234) Do you play with people online? No
235) Are you a true gamer? No
236) How many games do you own? Not many
237) Do you like first-person shooters? No idea what they are
238) Do you prefer old games or new games? They’re all probably new to me

Your ComputerBox Needs Words
239) Do you own a computer? Yes
240) What kind of computer do you use? Laptop
241) What operating system (OS) are you running on the computer? XP
242) You use the internet, huh? Duh!
243) How much do you know about your computer? A little bit
244) What virus protection(s) do you use? Avast! Antivirus
245) Do you play computer games? No
246) What kind of computer do you remember using as a kid? A big old one
247) Do you ever win at solitare? Yes
248) Do you play card games online? No
249) Do you have an online journal? Yes
250) How about a myspace account? No
251) Do you post pictures of yourself and friends online? Yup
252) Do you have a website? It’s my journal
253) Do you chat online? Yes
254) What messaging system(s) do you use? MSN
255) How much time do you spend on the computer per day? Too many hours
256) Do you download music for free? Yes
257) Do you have a CD burner? Yes
258) Or a DVD burner? Yes
259) Ever downloaded movies? Yes
260) Do you do research online? Yes
261) Do you shop online? No
262) Do you have an email address? Yes
263) Has your computer ever made you very angry? Yes

264) Do you have a desktop or a laptop computer? Both but I use my laptop
265) Do you do surveys or quizzes online? Yeah when I’m bored or my friends make me
266) Do you download any porn? No

Pahk your cah in Havad Yahd
267) So, what's your dream car? Don’t really have one…
268) Do you have a car? Yes
269) How long have you been driving? Well I’ve got my Ls and I’ve done 3 hrs
270) What's your favorite color on a car? Blue
271) Do you like trucks? No
272) Do you know alot about cars? No
273) Do you have relatives in the auto business? No
274) How much is your car insurance? Don't know
275) What do your parents drive? One Mazda, One Toyota
276) Have you ever been in a car accident? Yes
277) Ever driven on ice? No
278) Or when it's pouring out? Yes
279) How bad do you speed? I don’t speed =D
280) Ever been pulled over? No
281) Ever been given a speeding ticket? No
282) Have you ever totalled a car? No
283) Do you/ Would you ever own a motorcycle? I don’t think I’m that adventurous
284) What letter license(s) do you have, if any? Learners

About Your Crush or Significant Other
285) Their name: Not telling =P
286) Age: 18
287) Current Location: I wouldn’t know, he’s not home I guess but he’s in Australia =D
288) Birthday: Too lazy to look it up
289) Height: I don’t know how tall he is, probably about 17
290) Weight: Don't know
291) Sex: Male
292) Sexual Orientation: Straight
293) Eye Color: Dark brown
294) Hair Color: Dark brown
295) Heritage: Asian
296) Parents' Names: Don't know
297) School/College Attending: Uni
298) What do you like best about him/her? The way he knows how to just say the things you need to hear straight up without the bullshit or saying “everything will be okay” and being there when I needed him to be

299) What was/is your favorite subject in school? PDHPE
300) Favorite teacher(s): Mrs Castle, Mr Moncrieff, Ms Cloran, Ms Blundell
301) Do you miss high school? I really really do miss it!
302) What year of school was your favorite? 12
303) Public or Private School: Public
304) What were/are your high school colors? Blue, white and red
305) Your Mascot: Dragon
306) Best Sport: Squash, softball, soccer, basketball, tennis, cricket
307) Sports You Didn't/Don't Have: Um, probably lots lol
308) Have you been/Are you going to college: If I can get in..
309) What is/was your worst subject: English was most hated
310) What was the last grade you completed? 12
311) You were/are the class of... 2005
312) Do you like/miss high school? Yes =(
313) Who did you hang with? My MHS gang
314) Were/are people cliquey at your high school? Not really, we didn’t have those typical groups you find at American schools
315) Did/Do you participate in sports? Yes
316) How about clubs? No
317) Student Council? No
318) Did/Do you take school seriously? Yeah to a certain degree
319) Did your parents have to make you study and do homework? Not the homework part but always studying
320) Did/Do you have good study habits? No, I was always procrastinating

Do You Know...
321) Your blood type? Yes, O Positive
322) What your name means? No
323) How to read musical notes? Yes

324) More than one language? Yes
325) Your significant other/crush's blood type? No
326) About your crush/significant other's ex-boyfriends or ex-girlfriends? Not really
327) Anyone's phone number by heart? Yes
328) Who the President of the United States is today? George Dubya Bush

Word Association!
329) Blue: favourite colour
330) Light: sun
331) Star: bright
332) Tissue: sneeze
333) Five: hi-5
334) Bathroom: shower
335) Paper: cut
336) Cap: hat

337) Link: chain
338) Forty: two
339) None: nothing
340) Coffee: I like
341) High: Tina hehe
342) Money: kaching
343) Hair: long
344) Puzzle: 1000 pieces
345) More: can I have more please?
346) Leg: arm
347) Eye: glasses

348) Napkin: tissue
349) Fire: hot
350) Pink: raw meat
351) Clock: tick tock
352) June: winter
353) Round: ball
354) Nail: polish

355) Flower: petal
356) Boy: young
357) Banana: in pajamas
358) Book: read
359) Salt: and pepper
360) Purple: pink
361) Tile: cold
362) Roll: rollup
363) Chocolate: divya
364) Green: zheng
365) Medicine: swallow
367) Breath: taking
368) Fountain: yr 12 quad
369) Ice: frozen water
370) Boston: NYC
371) Eagle: bald
372) USA: I’m going there!
373) Key: door
374) Tire: flat
375) Water: drink
376) Fight: fist
377) Invisible: jessica alba
378) Time: 7:17pm

379) Math: no more anymore
380) Moon: shine

Bold the Facts - What's True About You?
381) My eyes are green.
382) I call myself short.
383) I like who I am becoming.
384) My name starts with J.
385) My dad is over 40.
386) I am wearing black pants.
387) I am going to college.
388) Rock is my favorite musical genre.
389) I like black ink better than blue ink.
390) My favorite color is silver.
391) I believe in God.
392) I like the cold.
393) Reading is my favorite pasttime.
394) I like baseball.
395) I used to play soccer when I was little.
396) My favorite car is older than me.
397) I watch anime cartoons and like them.
398) I have more than two siblings.
399) My mother's name begins with E.
400) I am Irish.
401) I believe in fate.
402) I love talking on the phone.
403) Vacations are fun.
404) I can cook better than most people.
405) I love myself more than I love anyone else. I always come first.

Reading & Writing
406) Do you like to read? Books and magazines
407) What kinds of books do you like? Crime/detective
408) What kinds of things do you normally read? Book and magazines
409) Do you have to read certain books for school? Not anymore!
410) Do you read for your own enjoyment? Yes
411) Do you have any magazine subscriptions? Yes
412) How often do you read a newspaper? Everyday
413) Ever considered Journalism as a possible career for yourself? No
414) Do you like to write? No
415) What kinds of things do you write? I don’t if I don’t have to
416) Do you keep a diary or journal? Yes
417) Have you written any poetry? Yes
418) Or short stories? Yes
419) Or Fan Fiction? Yes
420) Do you want to publish anything you have written so far? No
421) Have you made a serious attempt to publish any of your work? No
422) Are reading and writing your hobbies? Reading yes, writing no
423) Which do you enjoy more and why? Reading, less effort
424) When do you like to read? Whenever I can
425) When do you like to write? Never
426) Do you write better when you are depressed? Probably
427) Have you ever experienced writer's block? Yes
428) Or gotten a headache from thinking too much? Yes
429) What is your favorite work or literature? No idea
430) Do you believe that writing is an art? Yes

431) What political label do you give yourself? None
432) Are you 18, can you vote? Yes
433) Are you registered and as what? Yes, a voter?
434) Do you care about town and other local elections? No
435) How about county-related issues? No
436) Do you vote for senators and house members? No
438) Are you very opinionated? No
439) Do you vote along party lines? No
440) Are you a polititian or are you looking to become one? No
441) Have you ever run for office? No
443) What is your stance on abortion: Each to their own
444) Gay rights: Each to their own
445) Gay marriage: Don’t care
446) Taxes: As long as they’re not too high
447) Public Education: Should get more funding
448) Welfare Programs: Needs more careful attention cos I know lots of people ripping off the welfare system
449) Medicare: Hm, once again too many people ripping off the Medicare system
450) Tobacco Companies: Don’t really have an opinion, tax ‘em more?
451) The Legalization of Marijuana: No opinion either
452) Creationism vs Evolution: Don’t know
453) The "Under God" in the Pledge of Alligance: Yes
454) Athiesm or Religion in School and Politics: Religion to a certain extent, none of that extreme religious fanatics stuff
455) Our Prime Minister: Retire already…and shave those eyebrows
456) Foreign Policy: Too relaxed
457) Any other issues: Should shut up over the Van Nguyen. There’s a debate over whether there should be one minute silence on Friday for this dude. Are they freaking crazy? He doesn’t deserve to be hung but one minute silence for essentially a criminal? That’s madness. How about one minute silence for all the victims of domestic abuse or sexual assaults or murder or any other crime.
458) Do you believe that Australia should be involved in foreign wars? Well if we ever got attacked, we need allies and to gain allies, we need to go into foreign wars.
459) Would you vote for a black or woman candidate for Prime Minister? Yes
460) Would you ever want to be a polititian? No

Your Very Own Personal Hygene!
461) Are you a very private person? Yes
462) Ever showered with someone else? No
463) Do you shower everyday? Yes
464) How often do you brush your teeth? Morning and night
465) Do you floss daily? No, sometimes I forget
466) Do you bite your nails? No
467) Or crack any of your joints? Yes
468) Do you get enough calcium? Nope
469) Do you wax/shave your eyebrows? Nope
470) How often do you shave? When they get annoying or before I know they’re gonna be seen
471) Do you clean up 'down there'? I try to? lol
472) Do you flaunt your good features? Not really, I don’t think I have any
473) Do you wear makeup of any kind? Nah, rarely and if so, it’s like eye liner
474) How often do you sunburn or go tanning? Hardly, usually get my tanning done during sports
475) Do you live healthy? I try to…sometimes
476) Are you overweight? No
477) Are you underweight? Definitely not hehe
478) Do you drink? Yes
479) What do you eat normally? Breakfast, lunch and dinner (or I try to)
480) Do you smoke? No
481) Do you have any other destructive habits? Like spending too much time on the computer?
482) Are you violent? Don’t think so, but I can be if provoked or needed
483) Do you engage in hardcore sex? No

Taste the Rainbow - Color Association
484) Orange: Fanta
485) Baby Blue: powder
486) Red: stop
487) Yellow: sun
488) Green: go
489) Black: dark
490) White: paper
491) Tan: tanning in the sun?
492) Violet: purple
493) Pink: tina
494) Clear: contact
495) Bronze: bag in sportsgirl
496) Silver: jewellry
497) Gold: earrings
498) Lavander: scented stuff
499) Maroon: Maroon 5
500) Navy: shorts
501) Eggshell: eggs
502) Purple-: gay
503) Teal: I like this colour =D
504) Brown: bec
505) Gray: dull

Name Something That Starts With...
506) A: AFL
507) B: Ball
508) C: Creek
509) D: Dog
510) E: Eggplant
511) F: Flowers
512) G: Girlfriend
513) H: Harry
514) I: Igloo
515) J: Jack-o-lantern
516) K: Kookaburra
517) L: Lightning
518) M: Mansion
519) N: Neptune
520) O: Opera
521) P: Penguin
522) Q: Qantas
523) R: Ranger
524) S: Stranger
525) T: Tango
526) U: Umbilical Brothers
527) V: Vera Wang dress
528) W: Watermelon
529) X: Xylophone
530) Y: Yam
531) Z: Zinger burger

Name Somebody You Know Who...
532) Has a myspace account with pictures: No idea
533) Owns porn videos: No one that I can think of
534) Likes geeky boys or girls: Each boy is different
535) Has a new boy/girlfriend every week: Um, probably some of the skanks in Year 8/9
536) Is really successful in your eyes: My dad
537) Is comfortable in their own skin: Pretty much everyone
538) Loves change: Um, everyone?
539) Owes you money: Almost everyone in my group haha PAY UP!
540) Drives a truck: Carol’s dad?
541) Has a motorcycle license: Sam
542) Wakes up before 7 AM on a daily basis: Rachael!
543) Has a white collar job: Plenty of people - my dad, Pauline, Wendy, lots of people at church etc
544) Completed high school with honors: How bout our Dux Betty?
545) Graduated college cum laude: Um…no idea
546) Is the devil's incarnate... maybe?: Haha probably Eunice or something, I dunno
547) Worked in a restaurant: I know Kathleen was a waitress!
548) Went to the same school/college as you but doesn't anymore: Hahaha like everyone now cos I don’t go there anymore?
549) Ran away from home as a kid: Me
550) Lives alone: Florence
551) Wants to become a doctor: Charmy! Divya? Carol!
552) Can sing well: Evelyn, Cathy
553) Knows alot about the Civil War: Um, Modern History people?
554) Can recite pi to at least the 15th digit: The calculater…and maybe Mr Milner
555) Understands 1337 5p34k: LEE_ SPEAK some new calculator language?
556) Can fix your computer: Mike
557) Is smarter than you: Everyone
558) Has more common sense than you: Hahaha I’m average
559) Knows how to party hard: Bec and so many others haha
560) Drinks alot: Kate, Mai, and quite a few others
561) Smokes: Kate + others
562) Has braces: Hm lots of people I know used to have braces, don’t know who still has theirs on
563) Works over 40 hours a week: Not me! Haha my parents, my older working friends
564) Owns their own home: Apart from my rents, no one yet
565) Likes rap music: Eric

Who Makes You Feel...
566) Happy? All my friends
567) Depressed? Boys
568) Confused? Boys
569) Angry? Dickhead boys
570) Safe? My close friends
571) Hopeless? Boys and sometimes my parents
572) Loved? MY FRIENDS <33
573) Well cared for? My friends for sure, and most of the time, my family
574) Stupid? Teachers, parents
575) Intelligent? Friends
576) Sensitive? People looking for a fight
577) Like a geek? Those asking for answers thinking I would know them
578) Silly? Me most of the time, and my friends hehe
579) Old? All the people younger than me =P
580) Young? My older friends, especially Wendy =P
581) Heartless? Sometimes in reflection, me
582) Sympathetic? People
583) Beautiful? Friends
584) Childish? Friends
585) Funny? Friends
586) Mature? Little kids
587) Ugly? Myself probably
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