Election Day Less One

Nov 06, 2006 23:34

Today was a full day of campaigning with my sister.  We did "stand outs" at three intersections at which we held up campaign signs and waved at people passing by in their cars. trucks, whatever, for an hour at each stop.  One stop was cool and breezy, and one I basked in the sun soaking up the heat like a reptile, which was not so bad!  ;)   Quite a few people waved back and some honked their horns, some did not respond, a few gave a thumbs down, and three "flipped the bird" or said "fuck you".  Not bad I think!  My sister seems to be well known and positively received by quite a few of the people in her district.

Tonight there was a rally at the local Democratic headquarters with the local US Congressman, who seemed like a decent guy, and later Ted Kennedy sponsored a rally for all the local Cape Cod candidates at the Sheraton Hotel in Hyannis.  I was fortunate enough to be at the front right in front of the podium when Senator Kennedy spoke, I was perhaps 10-12 feet away.  And it was neat to see a political legend so close up and personal.  And he gave a very inspiring speech!  :)

This whole day has been very memorable and certainly very different than my normal routine.  It is so nice to meet the grass roots people who do the legwork to get a candidate's message out to the people, who believe in my sister and her message.  It really is inspiring.  :)

Tomorrow of course is Election Day, and I feel that my sister has a strong base of support, and that Democrats in general will do very well.

So tomorrow is another day, and we will see what happens!  :)

cape cod, sarah campaign

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