The Lawn that Wants to be a Meadow

Jun 22, 2008 21:42

With the past few weekends either much too hot or too rainy, the back lawn has had a respite from my lawn mowing!  ;)

So I went out and mowed and decided to leave some of the "meadow" that was starting to appear.  I left several of those tall "weeds" whose flowers look like miniature daisies, and I found a low-lying "patch" of tiny wild strawberries, which Ian (our 6-year old next door neighbor) and I sampled a few of!  (Very seedy and crunchy, not much flavor, but very fun nonetheless!  ;)  So I left those, too.

No way I could turn the whole yard into a meadow because we use it, but a bit of meadow here and there peeking out from the typical suburban lawn certainly is a very fun and interesting thing, imho!  :)

meadows, lawn

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