Kat is Back!

May 17, 2008 12:08

Lo and behold, Kat has finished her freshman year!  Time sure flies!

I drove down to Baltimore and back yesterday in pouring rain for most of the way.  But the locust trees were blooming and it seemed so fresh and spring-like driving along the Interstates!  (Although Maryland is much more interesting and beautiful than New Jersey, because of its hilly topography and forested landscapes!  :)

Kat put some of her stuff in storage, so the car was full but not overwhelmingly so.  She treated me to lunch on her last meal ticket for the year!

For next fall she has signed up for some interesting classes:  Beginning German, Overview of Islam, North African Film (a French Department class), and an Art History Class.

McGill University will receive her final transcript on May 23rd, so it is still possible she may be accepted there for the fall.  If she is, she will have some decision-making to do!  But if not, she seems OK with Goucher in the fall, so that is good.  :)

kat, goucher

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