Eight-Legged Assistant

Aug 05, 2007 22:38

We recently had a grain moth infestation that was getting out of hand.  They came in with the cockatiel food (we have subsequently purchased a brand that supposedly treats the seeds with nitrogen first to kill all the larvae, we will see!), but despite the new bird seed, scented moth traps, the cats chasing and eating the moths, and all of us clapping in mid-air and getting fairly good at it (! :), it got worse and worse.

So yesterday Sally and I went into the pantry and threw out all the cereals and grains that might possibly contain grain moths!  As we were finishing up, I glanced in the back and saw a small spider in a web that was feeding on a grain moth with another fluttering and caught in the web!  Below the web must have been at least 10 grain moth "remains".  So our friend the spider was doing his best to help out, too!  (And probably thought he had found the best spot for a web ever!!  ;) Today, btw, I saw that he had moved on--nothing this good could last forever!  ;)

grain moths, spiders

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