Avengers: Die Easy (1/1)

Mar 03, 2009 23:02

Title: Die Easy
Author: schmevil
Fandom: Avengers
Summary: Steve gives it up. Also, there's a blindfold. Shameless PWP.
Character(s): Steve/Tony
Word count: 1034
Warnings: Explicit sex
Prompt: Led Zeppelin - In My Time of Dying
Notes: Sequel to When the Levee Breaks. Holy shit, I'm writing a porn series? *facepalm*

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g: pwp, p: steve/tony, st: complete, f: avengers, c: steve rogers, c: tony stark, rating: adult

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Which hate turn love meme is this? *shakes fist* jazzypom March 4 2009, 09:08:08 UTC
It's nice to see you writing this pairing again.

Nice. *two thumbs up*


Re: Which hate turn love meme is this? *shakes fist* schmevil March 4 2009, 09:21:24 UTC
Here. I only heard about it because pandanoai posted about it. It's hilarious reading, actually.

And thanks! :)


Erm, thank you for the link jazzypom March 4 2009, 09:48:34 UTC
Vicious, some comments are vicious. No fandom is perfect, but as long as the good outweighs the bad, it's all good.

But yeah, nice to see you writing again. I've always liked your work, and in an odd way, you inspired me in terms of getting into the fandom (although it took a LONG time to have the bravery to start writing). So, cheers.


Re: Erm, thank you for the link schmevil March 4 2009, 19:34:12 UTC
Hate memes are usually a bad idea, particularly in really small fandoms, where it's easier to figure out who's saying what. Mind you, I can see a place for them in really BNF-dominated fandoms, where people are afraid to speak out. I really wouldn't character Steve/Tony fandom that way. It's true that there's an accepted way to write the characters, but that's more from insularity than any top-down attempts to assert control over the fanon. And, I mean, I don't necessarily write the typical Steve/Tony, but I've always felt welcome and appreciated. :)

But yeah, nice to see you writing again. I've always liked your work, and in an odd way, you inspired me in terms of getting into the fandom

That's really sweet. Thank you.


Heh. jazzypom March 4 2009, 19:44:24 UTC
I actually thought some of the comments were actually relevant once you took the heat away from them. Like the 'emo! broken!' Tony stuff. To the point where it will make me think just that bit harder of what I'd write before I post (are the characters IC? Are the situations plausible? Does the story and intent come out without it spelling out 'self insert' in the fanfic?

The danger (I guess) is that people's perceptions of the source material tends to change the more they get acquainted with it.

Because I primarily write Ultimates fic, the Steve/Tony stuff will be different, especially since the source canon is different. Sooo...

I'm just sorry that it was all anon though. If it had been done a different way, I think the discussion would have been constructive.


Re: Heh. schmevil March 4 2009, 20:39:55 UTC
Oh god, yeah. Emo, perennially tortured, bottoms are common throughout all of slash fandom. I'm... really uncomfortable with some of the ways masculinity is dismantled in slash. Like writers just sub in the most limited, essentialist femininity. All of a sudden Tony's helpless, dependent, utterly controlled by his emotions. It's this sickening combination of self-hating feminization and infantilization. At least imho.

To the point where it will make me think just that bit harder of what I'd write before I post

Yeah, the only thing is that sometimes these things just don't get said, in a friendly context. Cult of nice, and all that. Not that I think there's anything wrong with niceness. Just, sometimes 'nice' and 'for the good of the community' don't go together. So maybe the hate-turned-love meme will open up some space for frank discussion, and will have done some good.


Motto jazzypom March 4 2009, 20:54:37 UTC
All of a sudden Tony's helpless, dependent, utterly controlled by his emotions. It's this sickening combination of self-hating feminization and infantilization. At least imho

ZOMG, this. Whenever I read fics like that I'm like, "You know Tony's lost and rebuilt his life as much as we've had hot dinners, right?" Yeah, it seems to be thing in fandom . I was in HP fandom and some of the charactersations of the male slash pairings made me go spare. I think that's why I tend to read 'dark' fic. Not necessarily because I like dark fic (I'm more of a snarky bugger myself) because at least the guys tend to be more 'manly'.

So maybe the hate-turned-love meme will open up some space for frank discussion, and will have done some good.Well, here's hoping. But the thing is, if you tend to come down on the side of the people that you're defending, you can't really take a step back and go, "Hang on a tick, this person has a point about X person ( ... )


forgive the odd typos jazzypom March 4 2009, 20:59:40 UTC
need sleep.


Re: Motto schmevil March 9 2009, 00:16:42 UTC
I'm a huge Snapefan and was heavily involved in HP fandom during its golden age. As a Snape obsessive, I managed to miss out on a lot of the Harry/Draco and Sirius/Remus drama, but I remember all the battles over slash characterization. I wrote a goodly number of rants on the subject, including a semi-famous anti-H/D screed that argued the pairing was devolving into sub-Harlequin trash. Good times. :p

Not necessarily because I like dark fic (I'm more of a snarky bugger myself) because at least the guys tend to be more 'manly'. See, I find that the guys tend to be less 'manly' in a lot of what's labeled darkfic. That's where all the no-no-yes-yes stuff tends to congregate. The slavefic, hookerfic, and out and out torturefic. (If I never have to read emo Snape again, it will be too soon). For me, genfic tends to be the ultimate solution. Sure there's as high a percentage of good to bad fic there as in slash, but the characterizations tend to be less... skewed for reasons of kink ( ... )


Dark fic jazzypom March 9 2009, 08:27:48 UTC
Oy, I should have been more specific. I rather liked fic where the mood was cynical, and the characters rather bitter. I lucked out in finding one good writer, who then befriended other good writers, who wrote frequently, so I had my feast of decent characterisation, etc. for the limited time I was in the fandom.

I wrote a goodly number of rants on the subject, including a semi-famous anti-H/D screed that argued the pairing was devolving into sub-Harlequin trash. Good times. :pLOL. I railed against Snupin fic for that same reason. It didn't help that the doyennes of that fandom loved their Snape all noble, handsome and Remus all woobie. I'll hold my hand up being in the S/R fandom, but I was against woobieness, because a) they are men, and b)once you're in your thirties, you just get a bit more cautious, a bit harder, and have some notion of life's PSTD in varying forms ( ... )


Re: Dark fic schmevil March 9 2009, 18:47:01 UTC
My primary interest in HP was, and still is, gen. I was involved in a number of pairing fandoms, but not too deeply. Draco/Pansy! Ron/Hermione! Snape/Universe! I'm not really in the fandom anymore, though I'll write the odd bit of meta, or sign up for a fest, and maybe produce a story ( ... )


I hear you re Snape jazzypom March 9 2009, 19:17:27 UTC
Like, if I read Snape in the books, I'm like "Okay." He isn't my favourite character (Sirius is, although I will admit that both of them are different sides of the same coin), but if he's written to character, I'm all over it. Alas, in fanfic Snape is rarely written to character. I maintain the fact Alan Rickman killed the character for well... everyone.

Ehh.. for torture, yeah. When I think of 'dark' fic, I'm more along the lines of really introspective , really looking into the abyss/looking back into you fic.

I do have gen writings on my PC re: Marvelverse, actually, but it's more Tony Stark and other people in the universe in this epic fic I'm still trying to talk myself into writing. I cannot write 616 Steve, not without a LOT of effort, and a LOT of handholding, so I'm going to try and avoid him as much as I can.


Re: I hear you re Snape schmevil March 9 2009, 19:34:37 UTC
I definitely like fic that stares into the abyss. An epic fic you say? *perks up*

I'm working on a Tony-centric, psychological drama, a post-Disassembled Tony&Carol friendship/brothers in arms story, and a Secret Invasion AU that will have multiple pov characters.


Well, I'm still trying to talk myself into it jazzypom March 9 2009, 19:41:52 UTC
The first thing is, anything over 7K words and I'm like, needing a beta (i've had BAD luck with betas) just to keep me on the straight and narrow. The other thing is, I suck at science, so I've been spending all this time reading. Then, the third thing, I was looking from The Crossing to pre Civil War, and just get really intimated. So, I've just been working on bits and bobs (Stark and Doom, Stark and Strange, Stark and the Illuminati, Stark and Rogers, Stark and Rhodes all gen fic).

But I'm really still poking at it, because I know I'd be looking at three months of hard graft, and I don't think I have the writing skills to match the fic in my head.


typos *intimated* - intimidated jazzypom March 9 2009, 19:42:35 UTC
Oy. I suck.


Re: Well, I'm still trying to talk myself into it schmevil March 9 2009, 20:34:49 UTC
I have bad luck with betas too, but that's mostly my fault. I let connections die, when I should be keeping them up. What I do to substitute for a good, steady beta, is ask friends for opinions on things that are bothering me, and then find someone to beta when I'm done. It's a little harrowing, but it works.

The canon is pretty intimidating. In scope, if not quality. *g*

I don't think I have the writing skills to match the fic in my head

I feel like that all the time.


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