Title: Die Easy
schmevilFandom: Avengers
Summary: Steve gives it up. Also, there's a blindfold. Shameless PWP.
Character(s): Steve/Tony
Word count: 1034
Warnings: Explicit sex
Prompt: Led Zeppelin - In My Time of Dying
Notes: Sequel to
When the Levee Breaks. Holy shit, I'm writing a porn series? *facepalm*
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Nice. *two thumbs up*
And thanks! :)
But yeah, nice to see you writing again. I've always liked your work, and in an odd way, you inspired me in terms of getting into the fandom (although it took a LONG time to have the bravery to start writing). So, cheers.
But yeah, nice to see you writing again. I've always liked your work, and in an odd way, you inspired me in terms of getting into the fandom
That's really sweet. Thank you.
The danger (I guess) is that people's perceptions of the source material tends to change the more they get acquainted with it.
Because I primarily write Ultimates fic, the Steve/Tony stuff will be different, especially since the source canon is different. Sooo...
I'm just sorry that it was all anon though. If it had been done a different way, I think the discussion would have been constructive.
To the point where it will make me think just that bit harder of what I'd write before I post
Yeah, the only thing is that sometimes these things just don't get said, in a friendly context. Cult of nice, and all that. Not that I think there's anything wrong with niceness. Just, sometimes 'nice' and 'for the good of the community' don't go together. So maybe the hate-turned-love meme will open up some space for frank discussion, and will have done some good.
ZOMG, this. Whenever I read fics like that I'm like, "You know Tony's lost and rebuilt his life as much as we've had hot dinners, right?" Yeah, it seems to be thing in fandom . I was in HP fandom and some of the charactersations of the male slash pairings made me go spare. I think that's why I tend to read 'dark' fic. Not necessarily because I like dark fic (I'm more of a snarky bugger myself) because at least the guys tend to be more 'manly'.
So maybe the hate-turned-love meme will open up some space for frank discussion, and will have done some good.Well, here's hoping. But the thing is, if you tend to come down on the side of the people that you're defending, you can't really take a step back and go, "Hang on a tick, this person has a point about X person ( ... )
Not necessarily because I like dark fic (I'm more of a snarky bugger myself) because at least the guys tend to be more 'manly'. See, I find that the guys tend to be less 'manly' in a lot of what's labeled darkfic. That's where all the no-no-yes-yes stuff tends to congregate. The slavefic, hookerfic, and out and out torturefic. (If I never have to read emo Snape again, it will be too soon). For me, genfic tends to be the ultimate solution. Sure there's as high a percentage of good to bad fic there as in slash, but the characterizations tend to be less... skewed for reasons of kink ( ... )
I wrote a goodly number of rants on the subject, including a semi-famous anti-H/D screed that argued the pairing was devolving into sub-Harlequin trash. Good times. :pLOL. I railed against Snupin fic for that same reason. It didn't help that the doyennes of that fandom loved their Snape all noble, handsome and Remus all woobie. I'll hold my hand up being in the S/R fandom, but I was against woobieness, because a) they are men, and b)once you're in your thirties, you just get a bit more cautious, a bit harder, and have some notion of life's PSTD in varying forms ( ... )
Ehh.. for torture, yeah. When I think of 'dark' fic, I'm more along the lines of really introspective , really looking into the abyss/looking back into you fic.
I do have gen writings on my PC re: Marvelverse, actually, but it's more Tony Stark and other people in the universe in this epic fic I'm still trying to talk myself into writing. I cannot write 616 Steve, not without a LOT of effort, and a LOT of handholding, so I'm going to try and avoid him as much as I can.
I'm working on a Tony-centric, psychological drama, a post-Disassembled Tony&Carol friendship/brothers in arms story, and a Secret Invasion AU that will have multiple pov characters.
But I'm really still poking at it, because I know I'd be looking at three months of hard graft, and I don't think I have the writing skills to match the fic in my head.
The canon is pretty intimidating. In scope, if not quality. *g*
I don't think I have the writing skills to match the fic in my head
I feel like that all the time.
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